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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2013 in all areas

  1. ^Don't know how anybody can leave (in their prime) Elizabeth Hurley...it's like trading in Arkham Asylum for a Kreo set haha. Guess we all make mistakes or get annoyed by sig-others/family/friends one time or another.
    2 points
  2. I just found out about this because of a comment by Diabolos80 in another thread. I certainly didn't know about this until today, so here's the rundown: Concerning some sets in the Monster Fighters line, TLG was apparantly not satisfied with the quality of their Glow-in-the-dark ink, had some worldwide legal issues with the ink, or some other factor with the glow-in-the-dark stickers and print elements. End result, the following sets have had previously Glow-in-the-dark stickers or print changed and replaced with non-glowing versions: 9462 - The Mummy - The Mummy minifigure no longer has glow-in-the-dark print. 9464 - Vampyre Hearse - The roof sticker no longer glows in the dark. 9468 - Vampyre Castle - The entire wall and vine sticker sheet no longer glows in the dark. The box art for these sets reflects the change of the glow-in-the-dark parts to non-glowing versions; you will be able to tell just by looking on the box. This creates two versions of each of these three sets of Monster Fighters. Each has a unique Item number and UPC code: The Mummy Glowing Mummy - Item Number: 4654211 | UPC Number: 6 73419 16763 5 The Mummy Non-glowing Mummy - Item Number: 6032808 | UPC Number: 6 73419 19566 9 Vampyre Hearse Glowing Roof Sticker- Item Number: 4654219 | UPC Number: 6 73419 16765 9 Vampyre Hearse Non-glowing Roof Sticker- Item Number: 6032805 | UPC Number: 6 73419 19565 2 Vampyre Castle Glowing Wall Sticker - Item Number: 4654245 | UPC Number: 6 73419 16770 3 Vampyre Castle Non-glowing Wall Sticker - Item Number: 6032810 | UPC Number: 6 73419 19567 6 I don't own the Vampyre Hearse, so if someone has both versions item numbers and UPC numbers I'll update them here.
    1 point
  3. I'd take a Quinjet or Hulk's Helicarrier Breakout set over Mines of Moria anyday unless the latter gets an amazing 50% or more off. Hulk - 1 Cave Troll - 0
    1 point
  4. They did it you guys, Chima CHI Battles is now "call for product availability"!! http://shop.lego.com/en-US/CHI-Battles-70113 Only took giving away a few million of them, but looks like retirement gold is coming soon!!!!!!!
    1 point
  5. Where's the buns? If ya aint got buns hon, I don't want none...
    1 point
  6. A lot of the time, I'll get compliments or envious remarks from cashiers. Everybody appreciates a cool toy when they see one, even jaded walmart employees. The most sets I've bought at once is three, and I had my oldest boy with me. The cashier told him he must be a lucky kid, and he replied, "Just this one is mine, those are my daddy's." lol Once they're built and displayed in my house, I show them to every guest we have. R2-D2 is by far everyone's favorite.
    1 point
  7. If you have some wait, if not - grab them. At that price even if its a secondary market dud, you will probably make most of your money back.
    1 point
  8. I was actually curious if this was solely caused by the negligence of Kaplan or if Amazon also had any part in this. Someone mentioned Kaplan had 65 at one point. If number of sets ordered after that point was greater than 65, then Amazon was also partly to blame for allowing too many orders. Alas we probably never know the answer.
    1 point
  9. Yeah, just ask guys like Hugh Grant, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, and Tiger Woods.
    1 point
  10. Just remember that for every hot girl out there, there's a dude at home who is absolutely sick of her.
    1 point
  11. Great job everyone! Conratulations and thanx for all the wisdom and insight you all have shared with us. Fcbarcelona101, u are insane! You pop out thesis-quality reviews and blogs faster than I can even read them! Outstanding job!
    1 point
  12. If I find these in my area, I may bite on a couple, if it's cheaper than Amazon. But I'm thinking most won't live to see the days of 50% off. A VC for 50 would be really nice though.
    1 point
  13. After careful deliberation, Jeff and I would like to announce the winners of the 2013 BrickPicker Review Contest: 1st Place(winner of Haunted House or $200 LEGO Gift Card): Fcbarcleona101 2nd Place(winner of Palace Cinema or $150 LEGO Gift Card): Blackjack & Mikeur86 3rd Place(winner of Jabba's Palace or $100 LEGO Gift Card): Grolim Honorable mentions(winners of $50 LEGO Gift Cards): MartinP, srm_520, BrianI3 I would like to thank all the BrickPicker members that participated. I just want to give a brief explanation of the results. As I stated at the onset of the contest, the quantity of reviews and character counts was important, but quality also played a key deciding factor. First place winner, Fcbarcelona101, accomplished both. Quantity and quality. At over 700,000 characters, he was 100,000 characters ahead of the nearest competition. In other words, he wrote a lot of words. His reviews had quality information and analysis. He also did an excellent job with graphs and charts. Second place winners, Blackjack and Mikeur86, produced almost identical content...so much so, I thought the only fair way was to give two awards. With approximately 100 approved reviews apiece and 550,000 characters written, these two produced a plethora of pages. Third place winner, Grolim, might not have had the most reviews or content, but his content was superb! If you want to read some of the best reviews on the BrickPicker site, check out Grolim's reviews. Fantastic. Last but not least, the Honorable Mentions...Martin P, srm_520, and BrianI3. All three produced quality content above and beyond their next nearest competitors and peers. All in all, we received some excellent reviews and content. We actually reached 1000 reviews in total, so that was very cool. I will continue to reward members with similar Brcikpoints for reviews. At some point in the near future, we will go over possible ways to cash these in. That being said, I want to concentrate on the Blog Contest that ends on August 1, 2013. Similar prizes will be awarded. Good luck... Will all winners please contact me with prize choices and addresses. Thank you...
    1 point
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