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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2013 in all areas

  1. I have reviews in the works, but none that I'll get finished tonight. That's okay. I'll still do them later. I'm happy I was able to contribute a couple of articles. There are some very hard-working people on here who deserve to win something. Good luck, everyone!
    2 points
  2. It must be a "Neighborhood" Walmart which means that they just carry groceries and other so-called necessities, like toothbrushes. The only Walmart near me is like that, which is why I only go to Targets for LEGO's. IMO, LEGO bricks are necessity! Please tell me you guys agree!
    2 points
  3. Here is my personal best cartoon of the 90s: Batman: The Animated Series One of the best depictions of Batman in any media. Gotham was as dark as it should be. Batman was smart, decisive, grim, and tough but yet fair. The voice actings were superb and the musical scores helped build up the athmosphere. The storyline was engaging and "grown up" oriented without being too complicated. This was the show that introduced Harley Quinn to the world. The character was so popular, the character was added to the mainstream Batman comics based on the show (usually it is the other way around) This Batman was the base of the other DC animated shows that came after it (Justice League, Batman Beyond, etc) I would rather watch this version of Batman than any other versions, real life or otherwise The opening theme is so badass, it does not need to show the series title. Yet you know it is time for Batman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A71i0a5x-qA By the way, for the SW fans, Mark Hamill played the Joker in this series
    2 points
  4. I hope everybody loves the Halo Mega Bloks sets!
    1 point
  5. Merged. I'll get a couple more over the weekend. Can't get enough of them.
    1 point
  6. I mean this with no disrespect to you at all: Of all LEGO sets that we have discussions about, this is probably the one with the most threads. There's got to be one this info would've fit into. That said, I'm pretty sure this is done. Most people are sure it's done. Some have reported Orc Forge labels reappearing on their Target shelves, so we might see one more round of stock in some areas, but I think it's drying up quickly. This is one of the few sets I bought at full retail to avoid a potential "The Zombies" level of boat missing.
    1 point
  7. The only thing I can say about both these sets is get as many as you can, and I mean as many as you can afford. The Batman Arkham will be out for a another year at least, but nobody know's about the Haunted House, but both will be big bucks. $300-500 at least.
    1 point
  8. FYI....Amazon has Friends 3184 Adventure Camper at $19.00......just grabbed two myself...Happy Hunting!
    1 point
  9. Haha I need help on storage space, and no, opening sets doesn't count
    1 point
  10. Probably depends on the market/region you are in. In some areas, you can wait for a depper clearance to take effect, while in others, you either buy what has been clearanced or don't buy it and someone else does long before it would've gotten marked down further.
    1 point
  11. Maybe to keep people honest? But you didn't hear that from me Probably the real answer is spoken in binary, so I made something up instead.
    1 point
  12. My Brickpoints is over 9,000!!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOlt40zdv34 I can't help it. I love the crap out of that clip! :rofl:
    1 point
  13. Really? I nominated him because of his lucious locks of hair and purple hairband. The mustache goes so well with the hair.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. What's really awkward is when she gets mixed up, too, and says she remebers that. Then later you realize you were mistaken, so now you're thinking, well who was SHE making out with? it's fun, try it :)
    1 point
  16. Still shows up as $108 for me.
    1 point
  17. I would love it if Rowling did some "prequel" books to show the lives of the younger Potters, Snape, Tom Riddle, Sirius Black, etc. Would be cool to show the rising of Voldemort and the death of the Potters as some sort of Trilogy or something.
    1 point
  18. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/investing.asp Short-term trading, if the intent is to generate a profit, is a form of investing. The bigger discussion that I think is more relevant here is whether or not one approach to investing is better than another? My belief is that it is purely situational, and that strong investors have to be able to adjust and adapt to market conditions, and need to exploit multiple approaches to generate their desired returns.
    1 point
  19. I think emes is right on this. If you purchase anything with the intent of selling it at a higher price later, that's an investment. Your chocolate bar can be an investment if your intent is to resell it for more money. People on eBay sell their food "investments" all the time. I think emes' larger point is that the term "investment" has changed over the years so that it now has a more sophisticated connotation that doesn't match its actual meaning. The Investopedia definition is a perfect illustration of the finance world's venacular: "traders" swap stocks daily whereas "investors" buy and hold commodities in a portfolio. Yet, when you boil it down there's no difference between the guy at JP Morgan that purchases SPDRs to add to his book of investments and anyone on this board that is trying to turnover Lego sets for profit. The vehicle is different, the concept is the same.
    1 point
  20. I knew better than to respond to Alcarin..forgive me.
    1 point
  21. Another way that you might look at what is done here, and I challenge you all to consider things this way, is that what we're really doing is agreeing to put up cash for a product now, that we will then sell to someone for a profit at a future point in time. In this sense what you're really doing is providing future buyers with a high-interest loan. You have the cash now that you're willing to invest, and you "agree" to sell something to someone at a future date for a premium over the purchase price.
    1 point
  22. No, this is very poorly described. Investing is the act of putting money into something for a potential profitable return. There are many ways to invest. Long-term holding and short-term flipping are both forms of investing. Whether or not something qualifies as investing has nothing to do with the time-frame. The presence or absence of dividends does not make something an investment. What is actually done by members here is called arbitrage. Arbitrage is buying something in one market, or at one time, and selling in another market or at another time for a profit. Arbitrage is a form of investing, and it's irrelevant whether it's a long-term hold or a short-term flip, other than doing the short-term flip for a profit means you get your investment and your profit more quickly. Whether long or short-term is more of a mentality or approach that each individual decides, hopefully based on the situation. As a community we need to get away from saying that one approach is absolutely better than any other. There are as many approaches to investing as there are people. Some approaches are better in some situations than others. It's always situational. Posts like the one I've quoted smack of there being an overall quality difference between flipping and holding things long-term. There's not...it's a preference and both can work in different conditions and different situations. Personally my approach is best described as neither of these, rather my approach is all about hitting a target return, regardless of how long that takes. Practically though given that my target return is 30% profit, I trend towards the flipping end of the discussion. Also, I think comparing what is done by members here to stock trading is a really bad comparison. It's really nowhere near the same thing for many reasons. Part of the reason we're able to do what we can do with LEGO and generate profits is due to limited limited production, limited distribution, and limited knowledge in the market. A better comparison is a commodities market, but one where you have to take actual physical delivery of the commodity. As far as the original topic of the thread, I have no idea what you're talking about. That might mean nothing, but it's probably significant given that I've spent most of my career working in IT for financial services firms (~25 years), and I currently own a consulting and training company that specifically consults on technology and training issues for large financial services companies, so generally topics in that space are something I'm fairly familiar with.
    1 point
  23. I know you didn't ask me, but I feel inclined to say that I felt like Prometheus was a masterpiece. My thoughts might be clouded because I'm a huge Aliens fan, but I felt that Prometheus touched on some really cool concepts, especially regarding the concepts of creation in general, how the engineers valued our species was interesting, and even though I'm not a religious man I liked the way Ridley Scott subtley tied that in there without being too overbearing for those of us who don't share the same feelings. I'm anxiously awaiting the sequel.
    1 point
  24. The Silver Mine has one of the most oddly shaped/sized box I've seen. I'm used to varying sizes but that one is unlike your typical set. As for the theme, I still think having the two main characters in every single set is a detriment. Now the sets themselves are good overall, but they could have done better if the heroes were in just a couple or better yet featured different versions. It reminds me of how the two main characters in the Time Cruisers line were in every single set save for the smallest one. It gets really wierd having six or more Lone Rangers walking around. That many isn't very 'Lone' now, is it?
    1 point
  25. I just bought 20x of Ninjago 2507 Fire Temple NISB for $125 each including shipping charges. Free Money.
    1 point
  26. no you have got it all wrong, the ridiculous part is that you returned the box after you found out there were no Mr golds.......sad really.
    1 point
  27. Thanks a lot. Just after a I posted that reply, I found the brickpoints tab. It really helped a lot. Hopefully, the new brickpoints log, with all my reviews after June 1 will be ready soon.
    1 point
  28. I like this ideas from other members: Specialist- for members who only collect a certain theme, or minifigures, or vintage, etc. Powerseller- for members who run quality resell shops on ebay, bricklink, amazon, etc. Lego Picker - for a person who always has flea market and yard sale finds Clearance Freak - for someone who is always finding clearance deals And I guess there must be an award for reviewers and people who write nice articles.
    1 point
  29. Picked up a few of the small Monster Fighter sets. Love these things!
    -1 points
  30. There is one good thing about the higher prices.As soon as a set goes EOL and you can't find it in Target or walmart, you can always check TRU they will most likely have it.
    -1 points
  31. Yeh but by that logic everything is investment.... either wholesale or whatever else... So if i buy chocholate bar today and prices go up 2 cents tommorow I did investment... my entire fridge is an investment... its a dumb definition ... if you'll go out on the street and ask 10000000000 people not even 1% would call either an investment.
    -1 points
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