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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2013 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. To continue an earlier thread, here are the sets listed on S@H as "Retiring Soon": Friends - Stephanie's Cool Convertible, Olivia's Speedboat, Mia's Bedroom, Series 1 foil packs Duplo - Train Starter Set, Doctor's Clinic, Emergency Helicopter Creator - Apple Tree House Lego Games - Ninjago, Pirate Plank Chima Speedorz - CHI Battles, Ring of Fire, Target Practice, CHI Waterfall Technic - Mini Container Truck LOTR - Gandalf Arrives, Orc Forge CMF - Series 9 Architecture - Sugnyemun Marvel Super Heroes - Captain America's Avenging Cycle Star Wars - Endor Rebel Trooper and Imperial Trooper Battle Pack, Planet Bespin & Twin Cloud Car, Planet Endor & AT-ST Nothing earth-shattering. Orc Forge surprises me the most.
    1 point
  3. Hi guys, I never officially introduced myself, I just started posting random stuff and questions all of a sudden, so upon recommendation from some other members here, I decided to finally do it. I suppose I have never been in a "Dark Ages" since I am only 13 years old, it is hard not to have Legos somewhere in your life for less more than a couple months. My first sets were simple minibuilds with 2-3 minifigs and some of those Mars Mission and Jack Stone sets. Can't get enough of them! I found Brick Picker only about 2 months ago, right when I read the USA Today article that came to my hotel room door over winter break. When I read it, I was telling everyone that we visited how valuable Lego sets eventually were. Unfortunately, all they were interested in was how much money I had made, which was obviously $0 since I had just started the buying stage a couple months before this. Starting in September of 2012, I was spending hours on end, just searching all over eBay for any deal I could find. I literally spent at least 7 hours a day on a week end doing that. Sometimes I would run out of stuff to look at because I had seen everything! Now, I can't get enough of Brick Picker and Legos. My parents have started making me go to bed at around 10 pm at night because I spend too much time here, ogling at my boxed sets, or working on my Lego creations on my desk. As the title says, I am in Chicago, Illinois and would love to talk with anyone located in the Chicago area or anyone else who wants to talk about Lego-ing in general!!! Please either post below or PM me if you aren't comfortable with everyone seeing! Happy Bricking, comicblast
    1 point
  4. Hi, Curious of the value and if any one is interested? 20" high, 28 1/4"Wide, 14 1/4" deep
    1 point
  5. I just noticed the "Retiring Soon" tag for the Orc Forge today, not sure when it was added. http://shop.lego.com/en-US/The-Orc-Forge-9476 Most sets seem to go EOL within a couple months of getting that tag. My guess is most of these sets will be EOL by the end of the summer, christmas at the latest.
    1 point
  6. I think reputation points are valuable. Sure, most of us know who contributes on the site, but for someone who is new and does not know who is who then reputation gives them an idea. Also, someone who does not contribute a lot can make a couple of really valuable posts and in my opinion should be recognized for it. I don't think you should worry too much, I think what happened with you that particular day was an exception, not a constant. You apologized and I appreciate that, anyone can have a bad day, but you have to live with the consequences ( in this case, a hit to your site reputation points that it really is not something to get too worried about). Before AND after that you have made some great posts that people have recognized by giving you positive rep. Just keep expressing your opinions, even those that are different to most, and as long as you do it respectfully you will never have to worry about your reputation again.
    1 point
  7. I have had a few people E-mail me and tell me they don't believe that I really have alot of Ninjago 2507 and 9450 sets, and think the Epic Battle set is not a good investment. So i figure I would just show what I have. Anybody thinks that the 9450 Epic battle Dragon will not be worth getting as many as you can for a good price My advice get as many as you can afford from now to Christmas, There have only been 2 big sets with Ninjago, and hopefully with the new 2014 sets there will be one more. Look at the 2507 Fire Temple Set, $91.00 Black Friday Sale last year, and the price is close to $175-200 on ebay will be more aroundChristmas, now anybody buying the 9450 Epic Battle would suggest holding on to them, don't panic around Christmas and sell them, you will be sorry wait til 2014 & 2015. So I have 44 Epic Dragon Battle, and 31 Fire Temple sets. Ed
    1 point
  8. It is a situation with the Brickpoints that the system can be abused if not monitored correctly and by keeping the ratings private, there won't be personal issues. Mods and Admins have access to the data. If you have a questions, let us know.
    1 point
  9. I think I will eventually get the ps4. I prefer to actually own my games instead of rent them from Microsoft.
    1 point
  10. Yeah, I'm with these guys. This is a feature that I liked, mostly for people to be accountable if anything. Anonymous likes and dislikes is something I expect from Facebook. We're all adults here, if not in age then in maturity (most of the time), so I think it's safe to let everyone know what you've agreed/disagreed with.
    1 point
  11. No need to rush perfection. If I did an article on 'sleeper' sets, it would probably just end up being a dumb ol' rant. Yours will be more interesting and useful, I'm sure of it. Good luck with your GMAT, that must be brutal.
    1 point
  12. I can still click on the reputation points given for a post and see who liked and disliked it. Maybe it's a browser problem?
    1 point
  13. I think that's what we're all hoping for.. The more people that are willing to jump ship and settle for a small gain, the faster we brickpickers will see large gains by sitting on them.
    1 point
  14. A new award is coming soon...The Whiner.
    1 point
  15. Man you guys are whiny tonight. QuitcherBitchin :)
    1 point
  16. I am not 100% certain, but I think you lose 1 BP for each arrow down. Scratch that. See post above.
    1 point
  17. Honestly if LEGO did a mythology theme, I would go broke. That night. Not even kidding. I absolutely adore Greek and Roman mythology. There's just a plethora of heroes, monsters, gods, goddesses, etc that could be fleshed, er, fig'd out. Not only that, but the architecture of that time period was just fascinating. Arenas, altars, temples, AHHH. Everything was so awesome. Atlantis realllllly tickled my mythology bone with its sunken ruins that were very reminiscent of Greek architecture. Even more when LEGO released its Roman soldiers, Captains, Emperors, and traditional fantasy monsters like the Minotaur, Cyclops and Medusa. To be honest, I can't really understand why LEGO -hasn't- done something like this yet. Children are taught enough about this kind of mythology in school (at least I was), and LEGO could even be somewhat educational with a theme like this. I imagine everyone had at least one favorite god or goddess from some pantheon, or at the least enjoyed some of the fabled stories or epics. I really hope the naysayers are wrong in this regard. I would thoroughly enjoy a Mthyology theme. It would immediately become my most favorite LEGO theme of all time. Unless of course, LEGO took another shot at Avatar: The Last Airbender sets. The initial offerings (only TWO sets!) were made before the show took off (back when they thought the series would do only one season), and was competing against Spongebob (insanely dominant at the time) for a spot for a full line. I want my Toph and Azula minifigs!
    1 point
  18. I got a Mr. Gold about two weeks ago, #3006, at a KMART here in Los Angeles (3rd and Fairfax). I feel incredibly fortunate. My son and I have been collecting them all since series one, so ours will be in good company. That said, I do sincerely hate Lego for creating this stress and frustration for so many loyal customers.
    1 point
  19. Watched the video earlier today, this set is absolutely amazing. If you don't like this set, just give up on Lego. They did an excellent job in re-creating the while sail things which had to be very difficult. This will definitely spell doom for Tower Bridge. Even though the piece count is lower than I expected, you can easily tell that the set is massive when Jamie picks it up. I'm amazed as well at how sturdy it is, many sets cannot say the same. Ingenious how they made it modular like that. As for price compared to Tower Bridge, it sounds like price has more to do with weight than piece count. Much bigger pieces here than in TB, which had tons of little pieces in high counts.
    1 point
  20. Reading comprehension is a must. The answer you seek is in my post.
    1 point
  21. Batcaves are hard to find on the shelves in my area, i have 2 but plan on buying 3 more before it retires
    1 point
  22. I need the 3 min and 36 secs of my life back that I just wasted on this video.
    1 point
  23. Don't worry, you can hide in Olivia's House :)
    1 point
  24. I was sooooo gonna word it like that but I didn't want to offend anyone.......thanks TOK!
    1 point
  25. Premature speculation But my wife says it happens to a lot of guys...
    1 point
  26. So what you are essentially saying is 1 BP per post.
    -1 points
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