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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2013 in all areas

  1. I wonder if someone is going to lose their job on Monday for a typo... I ended up getting 8 from 3 different Targets. Each time they priced matched they had to get 3 different people to verify b/c the discount was so steep. They were all shocked. The shady business man in me wonders why companies don't do shady stuff to each other all the time....like....putting something on their website that they do not carry but their competitor does and marking it like 90% off...knowing today's empowered/educated buyer will go to the competitor to price match.
    2 points
  2. Can I get an amen? ???? Amen!!!
    1 point
  3. I have said this recently but I will say it again, this is a good year to be not only an investor, but a collector and builder as well. I call BS on anyone who is not happy with this years offerings from TLG.
    1 point
  4. If you don't have any Tower Bridges yet, I would not wait til the last minute, They should be around for the Holidays, but if that retiring sign show's up on Lego, the Panic buying starts.
    1 point
  5. I wonder if the interior has any detail? Oh and cover your ears naysayers......................wait for it, wait for it.........this set is gonna be a GOLDMINE!!!!!!! Scratch my idea about bundling the architecture series SOH with this one, no one is gonna want that POS now!!
    1 point
  6. I hate it when store label things "clearance" and it's the same or worse than a general sale they usually have. To me "clearance" means they want to get rid of them pronto and should be selling close to cost or even below just to move them out.
    1 point
  7. This topic has been talked about before and I feel that there will come a time(in the very near future) where MISB only will matter in case of smaller completely sealed boxes like Battle Packs. With the rise in popularity of LEGO sets and their known high values, there will be criminals and con men/women looking to skim parts and minifigures out of the easily opened larger sets. Until LEGO changes box styles and security, a simple hair dryer can remove a seal. I am coining these phrases now... VIB...Verified In Box VIBN...Verified In Box(NEW) VIBU....Verified In Box(USED) Unfortunately, this is where the world is heading. Everything has to be verified. Soon, the most important information will be how many sealed bags a set has so it can be checked before and after a sale.
    1 point
  8. From the album: LFoW's MFZ MOC's

    Following in the suit of the overhaul of the M9E "Gernsback" to the XM9 "Gernsback", Highlord Tyrestian, first of the Mistarille Dawn, has revamped his M9E-based Helios. The result is the XH9 "Helios Invictus". The XH9's torso has been reinforced with ablative, sloping plates. The head is now based on the new XM9, as are the leg actuators. Armaments-wise, the "Pinnacle of the Sun" sensor array from the original Helios has been reworked into a bulwark, making it less vulnerable to damage. The "Torch of First Light" spear remains as it always has: the first blade drawn against the Solar Union, and the burning symbol of the Dawn's light upon the wicked. FLICKR LINK.

    © LFoW

    1 point
  9. I feel like chess sets are solid, for not only are they a game, but they provide a ton of figures. The Kingdom's Chess Set has 32 figures (or 28 without the rooks) which ends up being about $1.5/figure (or $1.75 however you look at it). If nothing else, it's a great army builder. Also, over the holiday season this set was on backorder on LEGO Shop at Home and its value shot up over that period. It was consistently being sold for $80-$90 with a retail price of $50; perhaps that's a good indicator as to how it will do down the road.
    1 point
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