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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2013 in all areas

  1. Yo Stephen, check out the date on his post. It was made a week before the new forum update went into effect. He couldn't have used a feature not yet available.
    3 points
  2. From the album: Space Battleship Yamato

    One of the coolest ships ever created. It's from the cartoon Star Blazers that was run in the mid 1970s. Awesome show. Everyone should watch it.
    1 point
  3. Hi, my name is Michelle, 41 female from Ohio, and this is my first post on any forum ever. I've loved Lego as long as I can remember. I have been on here since Sept. reading everything and really enjoying it, I'm on here everyday. Jeff, Ed thank you for doing this for all of us this site is so great and helpful. My love of Lego started with my brothers who were over a decade older than me, the old red and white Lego they had from the 60s became mine in the 70s. My Mom started buying me Lego sets in 1980, one of the first one's being 6390 Main Street one of my all time favorites. I played with Lego till I was probably fifteen, I never wanted to give up Lego it just happens, I think you trade for a drivers license, lol. In my early 20s I came out of my dark ages for the first time. A lot of my favorite sets are from that period in the first half of the 90s. I love Paradisa I thought it was great, my other favorites at the time were the marina and seaport sets, they had those great dock road/plates, miss those, oh and that was when they had the western theme, just some really great sets. So, I had lots of new l Lego and all my old Lego (Mom made me keep them all separated in there original boxes, everything was pretty much complete). Then life happened the relationship I was in ended, I left and left all my Lego behind. I hurts my entire being every time I think about it. Wow, just when I needed a pick me up the door bell just rang, FedEx with Lego from Amazon . Ok back to the story, I have looked over the years into recollecting all the old sets I lost, finally about three and a half years ago I started collecting again. Now I am investing and I'm getting ready to start parting out some sets. I love the modulars, I have a Green Grocer, wish I knew then what I know now, would have bought extra, and would have bought a CC is was only $400 then and I thought that was crazy then lol. Ok that's enough I could go on forever, looking forward to talking to you all.
    1 point
  4. That Dogpound minifig is so beefy!
    1 point
  5. The mobile version of the forum makes me cry tears of joy!!!
    1 point
  6. yeah, thanks orc. i was gonna reply to stephen with the date info and a " -1" hahaha
    1 point
  7. get with the program man we don't do +1s anymore we do the arrow up or down in the lower right hand corner ;)
    1 point
  8. I don't know if comparing Ghost Train to the POTC boats is very useful. They were totally different price points. The Ghost Train also doesn't contain a single exclusive minifig, isn't part of an established franchise, and isn't a boat. All these factors were driving sales on TBP and QAR. I got myself a couple Ghost Trains just to ensure if they take off I got a couple, but I literally passed on 7 Ghost Trains at $30.00 a box because I am not confident that the return will be worth the amount of time I'd have to tie up the funds that I'd rather use on the impending LOTR first wave clearance.
    1 point
  9. I have been just attaching those to my posts but may decide to put them into my gallery so everyone can have access to them. First I'll need to clear it with Jeff to see if its alright. I remember him and Ed saying the user galleries were for MOCs and the like so I'm not sure. Also I probably should spruce up the ones I have to fit better with this site. The ones I have been using are from another site I visit from time to time.
    1 point
  10. Remember Alcarin, we havn't seen what the Ghost Train does after EOL yet... Both POTC ships did crappily while available in stores. Don't judge the set until we've seen its returns!
    1 point
  11. Holy lurker batman!!! Lol welcome to the forums!
    1 point
  12. I don't know anyone outside of the forums or this site for the matter. There may be a couple of people in my state I'm sure but I have no idea really. I wouldn't mind meeting up with people from here once in a while though. Oh, and this marks my 3,000th post!
    1 point
  13. I think instead of Brickpoints you should award candy. Pixie Stix would be great. Pure sugar rush.
    1 point
  14. They are running in the background while they finish to tweak the forums. From what Jeff said, there may also be some changes in the way the are calculated/awarded.
    1 point
  15. Go to Entertainment Earth Now and get 2 Vampire Castle's for $75 each, and if I didn't have any VC I would just worry about getting all you can now, worry about the haunted House in the Fall."And if the haunted House was $150 you would buy lots of them,Here is whats going to happen when they are retired and say selling for $300 and up people will be saying man I would buy lots of them for $225 if I could find them at that price.
    1 point
  16. Being able to quick flip a LEGO set for a substantial profit is a rarity, yet there is a faction of members who think a LEGO set is a bad investment if it doesn't double in value while it is still being produced by LEGO. Very unrealistic expectations. For every Minecraft, there are 400 regular LEGO sets that lose value before they are retired and have negative CAGR values for months, if not years.
    1 point
  17. I'll be at Disneyworld next month with family, but I'm not sure I understand what all the excitement is about...my understanding was everything at these stores was sold at MSRP. I'm not planning on getting anything unless its somehow being clearanced or they happen to have something laying around that's EOL. Then again, I'm not too familiar with how paying MSRP in the U.S. differs from the UK pricing structure.
    1 point
  18. 0 I've never met any of you fools. Probably a good thing, I start seeing big collections and I'll go broke.
    1 point
  19. Hi there, the Series 1 foil packs (squirrel, cat, turtle) were what got me back into Lego a few months ago (as an adult, I mean -- prior to that I was playing with Legos as a child in the 80s). Each one took me about 5 minutes to build, and I was immediately hooked on Lego Friends and started buying the larger boxed sets. As mentioned by another poster, Lego provides instructions on their website on how to construct alternate versions of each animal's habitat, as well as a combined super-habitat that incorporates *all three* Series 1 sets -- you know, so that the squirrel, cat, and turtle can live together in harmony (I'm downloading these instructions in case they disappear from the site in the future!). Series 2 (poodle, hedgehog, bunny) just came out recently, and from the Lego Store website it looks like Series 1 will be retiring soon. From the Brickset website, it looks like a Series 3 (fawn, parrot, puppy) will come out this year as well. I'm definitely collecting all of them, but that's me--a rabid fan of anything Lego Friends. To answer the questions above as to why these animal foil packs do not include minifigures, here's my insight: a big part of the Lego Friends collection is animals, specifically the caring for animals. I'm hoping they'll move on to other interest areas in the future (Hobbies! What about other hobbies?? Other stores to add to village??). Horses are big (Riding Camp, Emma's trailer, Olivia's Newborn Foal, Heartlake Stables). As well as dogs (Heartlake Dog Show, Pet Grooming Salon, Mia's Puppy House, Heartlake Vet). And undomesticated critters as well (The hedgehog shows up in more than one set and seems to have its own fan base, and I think I have at least 3 different rabbits by now). Oh and cats. There are sooo many cats. These foil packs seem to enhance the existing boxed sets -- they add to the environment, the story line, the play value. The Series 1 kitty tower and scratching post would go great in Olivia's House. The poodle could visit the Pet Grooming Salon or compete in the Dog Show. And of course the bunnies could have their own enclave by now. Because they enhance larger sets, it would seem redundant to have a minifigure go with each one. As it is, I feel like there are too many variations of each of the 5 characters already. Does there need to be a version of Olivia for her house as well as her treehouse? Anyway, hope this helps!
    1 point
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8zEfYbsrr0
    1 point
  21. IrishGuy likes what he sees.... I have to ask though.... is this the end of BlackJack?
    -1 points
  22. Unless you hate the sets like me...
    -1 points
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