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TD-01 "Dummy" - Unmanned Test Frame

The TD-01 is an unmanned frame piloted by an AI device. It can be remotely operated and is generally used for testing new technologies and for combat training. It can be fitted for underwater, deep space or other hazardous environments for use in specific training exercises.

Not built for combat, the TD-01 is lightly constructed and barely armored. Because of this it possesses speed and agility that make it great for use targeting practice drills. When not in use, the TD-01 is capable of manipulating itself into a smaller box-like shape for ease of storage or transport.

LFOW's Note: This frame has been a long time coming. I used to do some mods for an indie game by the name of Cortex Command, mostly centered around the game's 'Dummy' faction. This frame pays homage to the dummies in that game, as they captured my interest. This was due in no small part to the wonderfully charming artwork of Niklas Jansson aka 'Arne' aka 'Prom', who did most of the sprite-work and visual assets for the game, and was the main reason I gave the game a serious look. Dummies in Cortex Command were very thinly and cheaply constructed, so I tried to channel some of that here. I also designed the limbs so that they offered a huge amount of articulation.

Additional Shots:


Articulation Test

Transport Mode



© LFoW

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I don't care if this is supposed to be a dummy, this is one of your coolest looking models by far!!!



Very elegant in its simplicity and appears to be quite flexible as well. On a side note, I have heard about Cortex Command and watched some gameplay videos, and I still don't know what it is exactly.

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