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Alright... I'm really hoping to get a few likes for this one...


I was disappointed with the TRU.ca sale, so I decided to roam the net, and I happened upon this site... 




They have the rover available (limit 12 per customer), at 34.99 each.

On top of that, they still have Uruk-Hai Armies, Helm's Deeps, Two-Face Chase and a bunch of older SW and POTC sets plus much more! Must check out! Most things are MSRP, but worth it for sets that have long disappeared!


Free shipping in Canada with $75 purchase.


They ship to US too!



  • Like 7
Guest TabbyBoy

If you are able to go to their shop, buy 12

Return and buy 12 more wearing a hat

Return and buy 12 more wearing a moustache

Return and buy 12 more wearing glasses

Return and buy 12 more wearing a long blonde wig

Return and buy 12 more dressed as a woman


I wouldn't bother with anything else as these are going to be hot.

Guest TabbyBoy

Thanks but, don't hang about as a colleague in Toronto has just ordered 12 for me that he'll bring to bring to a London meeting in June as "gifts" for a school raffle (I'll donate 2 of them).  Also I have to call someone in Calgary and Vancouver this afternoon UK time.  I knew my ex-Air Canada buddies would come in useful. ;-)


They have the unimog for 250 CAD. Prob too much with shipping to the states unless you missed out on it. 


Ordered 12 rovers, just hoping it goes through. This has made me spend $500 before 8am and late for work. Thanks OP  :rofl:


Limit lowered to 1 today, wonder if they saw in influx in orders and decided to lower it again. (started at 1, went to 3, and then once they got a another shipment of 99+ raised it to 12).


so put 1 order in with 1 Rover and a couple other sets to get free shipping Canada. Noticed others were getting larger orders to go through so put one in for 3 more rovers. It was just refunded. 


First order with 1 rover is waiting fullfillment


Shipping is too much for it to be worth it for me, but a couple of worthwhile smaller sets I found are 8517 and 8519. They're going for $45+ on amazon so if you need to get over 75 for free shipping they'd make good filler.


My order of 10 was immediately refunded.  They still have Atlantis and Alien Conquest listed; did they stop updating their website in 2011?


I think this is where unpopular sets/themes go to die.  They have plenty of old retired sets, but anything that takes off in value gets scooped up pretty quickly.  They had some HP Castles at $169.99 long after EOL last year that I was still able to make money on.  Once Helm's Deep is north of $200 on the 'bay, I'll bet their remaining stock gets depleted super fast.


They added this in massive text to the listing haha:




Guess they thought the previous fine print wasn't big enough! Find it odd they would sell out of their stock that quick with 1 per order, maybe they got frustrated by the influx of orders over 1 and pulled it from the store for now. They had 100+ just yesterday.

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