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My latest Amazon order was shipped with OnTrac (a west coast service, don't know if they've expanded further yet). Amazon has been using them for all of my orders recently, and presumably a lot of other people's 2 day Prime orders.


It's been working fine, until this time. Package didn't show up on time today, I called tonight, and the CS lady basically told me it'll get here when it gets here, she has no idea when that might be because the local hub is "busy" and "some people were out last week".


You know, if a package is a day or two late I don't freak out, but I do expect just a LITTLE more attempt at a delivery estimate than that. I'll be leaving appropriate delivery feedback on Amazon, and I'd expect if OnTrac doesn't straighten up they won't be doing the Amazon deliveries to my area for long.


I'm thinking this regional company may have bit off a lot more than they end up being able to chew when they made their bid to deliver Amazon. It ain't Christmas time, guys. 


Just a random post, but if any of my fellow left coasters start to get late deliveries from their Prime accounts, don't forget to leave appropriate feedback on your order page - we're paying for two day delivery.

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