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Craigslist lot..better investment than GE?

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I've parted out 5 At-Te's in the last month in the $80-$90 range before fees. I would buy the lot, for a little less if you can, then sell it off and buy yourself a GE or two. Incidently, I've also had a At-Te for $65 shipped that hasn't moved in the same month.

Parted out on bricklink or minifigs/at-te?

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Mini figs and then the At-Te on eBay. $7-9 for the pair of droids, $12-$15 for the Clone Commander, $10-$13 for Mace, $13-$15 for Colman Trebor, and around $45 for the tank itself. I don't do much parting out of new sets, but they just weren't moving as sealed sets. I got them all for $28 each as part of Targets clearance along with a few Rancors for $17 that I'm holding to see how they do later.

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What's funny about this deal is he might still clear 125 profit (which is like 145 profit on ebay) on this lot if he found them at clearance.


3x AT-TE ~ 58 after tax at Target if found at 17.78
4x Rancor Pit ~ 78 after tax at Target if found at 17.78
1x Galactic Titan ~ 32 after tax atTarget if found at 30.00
1x Bug Obliterator - can't remember what i saw this one at.lets say 30 at walmart ?


possibly as cheap as 200 bucks.

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