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With the 20% off + $10 GC deal and current prices at TRU, what do you think of these:

  - Logging Truck 9397 (retired): $150 * 0.8 * 1.08 - $10 = $119.60

  - 4x4 Crawler 9398 (probably retiring in 6 months): $190 * 0.8 * 1.08 - $10 = $154.16

  - Mobile Crane Mk II 42009 (not retiring soon): $200 * 0.8 * 1.08 - $10 = $162.80

  - Service Truck 42008 (not retiring soon): $130 * 0.8 * 1.08 - $10 = $102.32


(I added 8% tax so I can compare them with no-tax prices online)


These sets all have Power Function but only 9398 has remote control.

The F1 Racer 42000 is nice but not included because TRU price is outrageous ($160)


For now I just grabbed 42009, 9398 and 9397 each just in case, figured I have 90 days to think. The Logging Truck was the last one in my local store.


What do you all think? Anything worth keeping? Or are they no deals at all?



Yes, Yes, Yes, No in that order IMO.


Logging Truck is a no brainer as it is already doing well.  Crawler is a pretty good bet to be gone.


MK2 is gonna be around AWHILE. I really think a long time. If you look, this years sets include a pretty large set (the bulldozer) but that will replace 9398. I think because the MK 2 is the biggest Technic Set ever and all these retailers have it now, it will be around a long time - maybe 2 more full years.


However it is definitely the biggest winner. But do you want to tie up the money in them?


Service truck will be around for a while and I think you will see better deals on it in the future. I saw one in the AWH couple days back for $90


Good to hear.

I have 3 Logging Trucks so far, all bought for around $120 after tax & shipping, nothing spectacular. Was late to the game so I may have missed some good deals around Black Friday and Christmas.


Has there been any similar set that we can base off to make a wild guess for future result?


Sorry I don't have the link but there is an excellent article on here about the investment value of technic sets with tables and graphs that has nice data. Perhaps someone else knows or you can look around but the predictions for the MK2 are amazing. I think it may have been written prior to technic no longer being a TRU exclusive


Here are the links to the articles you mentioned:







I'm trying to find something similar to the current Logging Truck based on the Excel sheet.


There's 8285 Tow Truck (MSRP $120) but that one looks cooler than 9397 and has 500 more pieces.

Same with 8258 Crane Truck (MSRP $150).


I'm guessing the Logging Truck will not have those sets' performance, not to mention those were on the market for shorter time.

But what do I know? I hope I'm wrong :-)

What do you all think?

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