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My order status

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Email said they were out of stock, so they just cancelled my order. I used live chat with a cs rep and requested they be sent when they are back in stock at the advertised price I ordered them at. No dice. The guy was a tool. They just didn't want to honor the price.

I'd keep calling back. I've had to call 8x before about a return they received AND rebilled me for. Don't quit. Edited by dcdfan
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Did anyone actually receive their sand crawlers or Parisian restaurants from that sale? I ordered two crawlers. They sat in pending purgatory for four days, and then they sent me the cancellation email. Was just wondering if anyone actually got them.


I got an order in for one PR at $127.99 on 17th, on 22nd received a delay notification email. Still not cancelled but I saw them come back in stock at one point, so not sure what they are up to. 

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Oh, the mockery!

Ordered 10 RIs the other day from TRU. shipped in two packages: 5 and 5 (presumably). One did have 5 RIs

The other had this.

Serioulsy TRU? some wise-butt was doing the packing? And now selling the other 5 RIs at TRU parking lot?


They have shipped me empty boxes before but this is funny .
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SSDs and Sopwith Camel shipped from Amazon.  I might have some YoYo packages when I get home tonight.  My LEGO Shop at Home orders will be trickling in this week too.

Same here, got bombarded with YoYou and Shop at Home ship notices.  A few Wal-Mart and TRU too for more Downtown Bakery.   

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My yoyo.com order from yesterday was supposedly delivered today, but no sign of it anywhere. The UPS tracking says "other - released" for the delivery confirmation. Anyone seen this before? I get many packages left at my front door and have never had problems before. I've never seen that as the delivery status either. Thanks.

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My yoyo.com order from yesterday was supposedly delivered today, but no sign of it anywhere. The UPS tracking says "other - released" for the delivery confirmation. Anyone seen this before? I get many packages left at my front door and have never had problems before. I've never seen that as the delivery status either. Thanks.

First, check around the house just in case he creatively hid it. Then call UPS and try to get a hold of local hub, and check with them - they could talk to the driver. Also, check at your USPS office - sometimes the weirdest sh*t hapens

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