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Like a kid in a candy store...

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I was browsing through the forum and read someone else's intro, and realized I should probably introduce myself too...


I've loved Legos ever since I was a kid, but we didn't have a lot of money so I never got into collecting -- That is until the Holiday Season of 2012.  My wife and I were shopping at Walmart, I saw the LOTR sets, and that did it for me!  You know how as a kid we all want to be adults so we can get what we want when we want it?  I mean that in a reasonable way, of course, like having dessert before (or dare I say it, instead of) dinner, or buying that awesome toy you've been eyeing without having to save your allowance for months and months.  Well, I just had to have Helm's Deep... and little by little I had to have all of the LOTR sets!  


Soon Thanksgiving came around, and people started putting up their Christmas decorations.  I remembered that my wife had mentioned over the years that she always wanted a train going around our Christmas Tree.  So I did what any decent husband would do:  While she was in Texas visiting her family, I went to TRU and bought a 3677 Red Cargo Train (with coupons and whatnot it came out to about $115).  However, I had no intentions of building a cargo train to go around our tree.  With 3677's tracks, power functions, wheels and bases for the train cars, plus some spare pieces from my still very humble collection at the time, I built her a MOC Hogwarts Express (sort of a blend between the 4708 and the 4841).  When she arrived home from Texas, I had her new MOC going around our tree, and that got her hooked on the Harry Potter line!  


Over the next few months, our collection slowly grew, and I began to see the potential for making some money out of this newfound hobby.  I started buying sets on clearance and selling on craigslist before I ever found this amazing site on the Summer of 2013.  Since then, I have been reading up on the articles here, researching different sets and themes, and growing my collection to what's now over 215 sets (not counting the ones I haven't logged yet), plus some bulk purchases and PAB's.


I just started reading and posting on this forum about a week ago, and I wish I'd come here sooner!  Thanks to all of you who contribute here by posting articles, answering questions on the forum, and providing us noobs with valuable insight into the world of Lego collecting and investing!

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hello next xmas be sure to take some pics of the train we would love to see it

Here's one from last Christmas, complete with my MOC of the Weasley's Ford Anglia.  Most pieces are not from a Hogwarts Express set, but I did get some printed/sticker pieces off of a bulk haul last year. =)


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