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10218 - Pet Shop


When will 10218 Pet Shop become permanently unavailable at retail?  

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  1. 1. When will 10218 Pet Shop become permanently unavailable at retail?

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12 hours ago, MarxMarvelous said:

I bet PS, TB and T1 are all three available in 2017 at retail.

One might laugh at that statement but thinking about it, it could be very conceivable. If recent events have taught us anything it's that you can't take anything for granted. The Town Hall retirement implied that Lego aren't afraid to rip up the history books and bin off poorly selling products ahead of 'predicted' end of life dates. Also with there being no modular retirement at the end of 2015 they showed that life cycles don't have to refresh annually, (although this could be merely to counter balance the additional retirement the year before) If we assume that normal service is to be resumed this year, trying to predict which modular will cease production is not an easy affair. After all Lego have proven that they no longer stick by the rule of retiring the oldest first. If you consider the two most likely candidates Pet Shop and Palace Cinema, both have their arguments for and against being kept on. Pet Shop is approaching it's 5th year and is now the longest standing modular, making it the most obvious choice to retire this year. However I would hazard a guess that the Pet Shop outsells the Palace Cinema by quite a margin, and with the recent release of the Brick Bank it's not inconceivable to see a corner modular making way. 

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This morning, I considered buying A Lego Pet Shop today (not five, not ten, just one), then remembered I’d bought one for my daughter a few years ago. I bought it because she had said, “Dad, out of all these sets, this is the one I really really want.” 

Was it the entrepreneurial streak in my 10 year old at the time that saw the future potential of this set? No, it was simply the idea of a shop selling animals and detailed depiction of the buildings that appealed to her imagination. Simply, it looked fun to build and play with.

And I too began to Imagine, a future, long long way away, where the value of complete lego sets are greater for those that have been built and touched and enjoyed, than those that have been boxed, 

Where the very fact that the box is opened, the contents spilled out and the factor of tactility, being constructed by hands wanting to create, only adds to the provenance…. tatty instruction booklets included.


Consider for a few brief seconds if you will, then return to your Lego Pet Shop Set domination of the World and please do not forget to check if any streaks of sunlight have penetrated the dark chasms where you store your unopened sets.

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58 minutes ago, The Lurker said:

So TOOS in US shop at home, now out of stock for delivery at the UK Toysrus and John Lewis (who have not had many for delivery in recent months). Could this be what current PS investors have been waiting for, or is there a nice shiny new box on the way.

From an investment perspective a new box design would be... an interesting development to say the least.

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Why would they redesign the box now. If they were planning to do it surely it would have been done when all of the other Creator sets (T1, PC, PR etc) got the new logo.

This does make me think of the Fairground Mixer as well, because I'm not sure if I have seen a new box for that one either. Then again I might not have seen them because the old stock moves so slowly down here. 

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So TOOS in US shop at home, now out of stock for delivery at the UK Toysrus and John Lewis (who have not had many for delivery in recent months). Could this be what current PS investors have been waiting for, or is there a nice shiny new box on the way.

Why would it be so hard to believe this could be done? A new box would just be ridiculous...

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I for one don't think a new box design will help resale value of any kit including Pet Shop. Do you build with a box? Have you ever seen anyone display the kit box either sealed or opened? Well of course I mean, outside of the people here who are resellers and boastfully display sealed kit boxes for future resale. I've never seen any builder display an opened kit box.

I think the reason The Lego Group redesigns large scale Creator kit boxes is because the new redesigns are smaller in dimension. It saves shelf space and transposition costs.

Edited by Average Guy
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I agree that a new box design will not affect resale value but would mean the PS will be around for a bit longer. There is always a new influx of end user afol's, end user afol investors and people who just invest in Lego, how many of them buy petshop's because it's the oldest modular as logic says PS should retire first. I see on another website on a regular basis people coming out of there dark age asking which modular they should get and someone will always reply with PS or PC as they are the oldest. So what if all these new Lego enthusiasts/investors (who buy modulars) come in and buy PS first because they think as it's the oldest it will retire first. Could this mean PS is more popular than some of the other modulars and if so maybe Lego would rather keep it around for a bit longer. Who know's, a nice new box or maybe a few little exterior/interior mods similar to the xmas toyshop (yes that would throw a spanner in the works). I personally think it will retire soon but i do enjoy speculating. 

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1 hour ago, Average Guy said:

I for one don't think a new box design will help resale value of any kit including Pet Shop. Do you build with a box? Have you ever seen anyone display the kit box either sealed or opened? Well of course I mean, outside of the people here who are resellers and boastfully display sealed kit boxes for future resale. I've never seen any builder display an opened kit box.

I have some empty boxes on display when I really like the look of a box. :girlsad:


1 hour ago, Average Guy said:

I think the reason The Lego Group redesigns large scale Creator kit boxes is because the new redesigns are smaller in dimension. It saves shelf space and transposition costs.

The box size of 10232 Palace Cinema stayed the same between old and new box design. So there must be other reasons as well.

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23 minutes ago, MarxMarvelous said:

Of course a new box wouldn't help the resale value. Not one single person ever claimed it would

whoops, i miss read the first part of average guys post "DOH". I personally don't think a new box would affect resale value but it's obviously not going to help.

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A new box would either do nothing or it would hurt the value. It would only hurt the value indirectly as it wouldn't be the box itself at issue but the extended life that a new box signifies

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At this point you would think they would crank out a huge production before putting a retirement soon logo on a modular. That is like free money for the lego group.   Everyone would swarm and buy how ever many thales had in stock even if it was 5 times they amount they normally produce on a production run.   I can't omagine they will ever retire a modular quietly again knowing they can do this to get sales whenever they want. 

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A date on the TOOS would at least make me think that they had a production run planned and so could offer a tentative ship date.  It'd be nice if without a date meant that they didn't have one planned, but will make a decision about whether to schedule production.  But I'm using logic and trying to rationalize TLG, and we all know that has no place in these forums.

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2 hours ago, legomark3 said:

I hope there is one more release of the Pet Shop so I can still pick up a few more. Coming in late to the lego game so still want to stock up a few of these :)

Seriously?  The longest released, most over-hoarded modular in Lego History?  I take your post as jest.  Your request is counter to any objective investment goal from any serious player in this game.

Edited by diablo2112
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7 minutes ago, diablo2112 said:

Seriously?  The longest released, most over-hoarded modular in Lego History?  I take your post as jest.  Your request is counter to any objective investment goal from any serious player in this game.

He says he's new to the game.  If you were new to the game last year and bought grand emporium a few months before it retired, you'd have done fairly well.  


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Seriously?  The longest released, most over-hoarded modular in Lego History?  I take your post as jest.  Your request is counter to any objective investment goal from any serious player in this game.

Agree 100%. There are plenty of titles to invest in...

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