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10218 - Pet Shop


When will 10218 Pet Shop become permanently unavailable at retail?  

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  1. 1. When will 10218 Pet Shop become permanently unavailable at retail?

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Guest TabbyBoy

This is still very widely available near me but, could disappear as quickly as the Town Hall for all we know. What now concerns me with modulars is that growth seems to have stagnated with little or no recent movement with the Fire Brigade or the Grand Emporium. It's seems like these are now for the long haul especially as availability is now a lot more widespread. I don't think that The Hoard holds many of these which I hope will add to its post EOL rarity.

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14 minutes ago, TabbyBoy said:

This is still very widely available near me but, could disappear as quickly as the Town Hall for all we know. What now concerns me with modulars is that growth seems to have stagnated with little or no recent movement with the Fire Brigade or the Grand Emporium. It's seems like these are now for the long haul especially as availability is now a lot more widespread. I don't think that The Hoard holds many of these which I hope will add to its post EOL rarity.

If I understand your last post correctly, your position is that the Pet Shop is NOT very hoarded ?

I don't have any real proof here, but I would speculate that it is the MOST hoarded modular.

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51 minutes ago, TabbyBoy said:

This is still very widely available near me but, could disappear as quickly as the Town Hall for all we know. What now concerns me with modulars is that growth seems to have stagnated with little or no recent movement with the Fire Brigade or the Grand Emporium. It's seems like these are now for the long haul especially as availability is now a lot more widespread. I don't think that The Hoard holds many of these which I hope will add to its post EOL rarity.

You think WHAT??? You don't think "the Hoard" (Horde) holds many Pet Shops ? Wha ha ha ha ha ha ha, that's a good one! Too bad it's not April 1st yet. :D:D:D 

But seriously, you're absolutely right that the later released modulars do not show the same extraordinary growth that the first few sets in this series showed. A growth from 150 to 1000+ (US$ or Euro, who cares) will not happen any longer with PS, PC, PR, DO and BB. And probaby even for 2xRRP you need to be quite patient already. 

Edited by Haay
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Guest TabbyBoy
1 minute ago, Deadfraggle said:

If I understand your last post correctly, your position is that the Pet Shop is NOT very hoarded ?

I don't have any real proof here, but I would speculate that it is the MOST hoarded modular.

Nor do I as I'm also speculating however Ed/Jeff will have a better idea. From what I read, it doesn't seem to be quite as well "loved" as the other sets in the theme. But, I adore it and have more of these than any other >£100 set. Time will tell I suppose.

Time for a poll on how may we hold?

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15 hours ago, michael sater said:

Oh, thanks. I feel bad now. I was trying to help and get advice, and I got hammered in the responses. Live and learn I guess.

That sellers bonanza profile blocked now and the three offending listings are poof. You might want to watch /contact PayPal on this one. I'm not sure I understand the end game if it was just a money grab, because PayPal probably hasn't released the funds yet for a new seller?'

(sorry for the slight thread derail)

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5 minutes ago, Deadfraggle said:

That sellers bonanza profile blocked now and the three offending listings are poof. You might want to watch /contact PayPal on this one. I'm not sure I understand the end game if it was just a money grab, because PayPal probably hasn't released the funds yet for a new seller?'

(sorry for the slight thread derail)

I think people setting up these scams know they won't get the funds from all the sales.. But if the scams stay active long enough, some of the funds might get released prior to being shut down.

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Guest TabbyBoy
28 minutes ago, gregpj said:

Just to clarify...

Hoard: the process of gathering and holding

Horde: a group of people

The Horde likes to hoard modulars.

This is one difference of the wonderful English language between one side of the pond and the other. In my case, Hoard is also a noun meaning an accumulation and I was refering to it as the collective "store" owned by all of us. If  was Canadian, I'd stand corrected - just like the boy in the orthopaedic shoes.

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42 minutes ago, TabbyBoy said:

This is one difference of the wonderful English language between one side of the pond and the other. In my case, Hoard is also a noun meaning an accumulation and I was refering to it as the collective "store" owned by all of us. If  was Canadian, I'd stand corrected - just like the boy in the orthopaedic shoes.

Ok, last off-topic post (for today). My post wasn't really directed at you since I agree with your statement of The Hoard. We are a large group of people being collected by one website!



But if you want a really good laugh, compare the first definition of the word hoard in English (UK) vs English (US). Since Canada is a British commonwealth country, I'll go with the UK definition for myself!

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4 hours ago, dcdfan said:

Available at Target now...

Are you asking do I sometimes post links (in the appropriate thread) to the only available site to purchase an item online that some believe may finally be done? If so, the answer is yes. If we know something is done, I would most likely post in the Daily Deals...


No I was referring to Toys R Us selling out of an exclusive for both store and delivery. I haven't been following stock for the Pet Shop this year, I had kind of conceded to thinking this set had at least another year of production ahead of it.

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1 minute ago, legone3 said:

I think even if PS is suddenly sold out from all stores right this moment it still is one of the most hoarded (or whatever-ed) sets of all time.

I will not be surprised if it's THE most hoarded set at this point (after Exo-Suit of course).

Fixed that for you

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back in stock at shop at home.  bum-bum-ba-bum....  bwaaaaah.,


3 hours ago, legone3 said:

I think even if PS is suddenly sold out from all stores right this moment it still is one of the most hoarded (or whatever-ed) sets of all time.

I will not be surprised if it's THE most hoarded set at this point.

GE was most hoarded last time the Mack's opened up the books.  since that time there has been so much badmouthing of PS i would have imagined most prudent investors would have avoided  it.

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5 hours ago, Haay said:

When will Pet Shop's Watch have ended... That's the question...

What will happen first (if any) ?

1) PS retires. 

2) G. R. R. Martin finishes the books


5 hours ago, uaford said:

My 2 cents:  I think the Whored has been all over this one.

You are taking it to a whole new level here... can't imagine what sort of stuff goes in your stock room. :jester:

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