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10224 - Town Hall

Ed Mack

What year will 10224 Town Hall be officially retired?  

312 members have voted

  1. 1. What year will 10224 Town Hall be officially retired?

    • In 2014, tagged or labeled "retired"
    • In 2015 or later, tagged or labeled "retired"

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If I recall correctly, I was reading all the threads trying to get caught up on all the information provided on here when if decided to take this LEGO gig seriously.

Ed correct me if I'm wrong and delete this post but I remember reading somewhere in the sea of posts, I believe Ed posted it, that Ed does have a scoop on the upside, downside, inside or the flip side or wherever but he never asks him for info. His source only contacts him when he feels comfortable in doing so. This is why I heeded Eds tip. Again, if I'm misremembering or grossly mistaken, my apologies!

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Rec'd 1 minty fresh TH from Target today. Sold at $320 within minutes after listing, maybe I priced too low, but I'm happy just to defray the cost of the keepers. Will sell another when I get shipping confirmation on the next 2. Like I said before, if you think it will retire, buy and hold. If you don't think it will retire, buy and flip, and when it comes back around repeat. Either way, it's easy money. I plan to keep 1 for every 2 sold.


Also, these will pair nicely with (securely packaged) Bricktober #4.

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Rec'd 1 minty fresh TH from Target today. Sold at $320 within minutes after listing, maybe I priced too low, but I'm happy just to defray the cost of the keepers. Will sell another when I get shipping confirmation on the next 2. Like I said before, if you think it will retire, buy and hold. If you don't think it will retire, buy and flip, and when it comes back around repeat. Either way, it's easy money. I plan to keep 1 for every 2 sold.


Also, these will pair nicely with (securely packaged) Bricktober #4.

Where are you selling at $320?  Amazon sellers (usually higher than eBay) only wanted $270 + shipping last time I checked.  Maybe the buyer thought he was getting a huge bargain on a full-size Town Hall...

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Received my Town Hall from LEGO Shop at Home today.  I just opened it up and I'm concerned the minifigs are Chinese fakes. What should I do?  I guess if I submit a missing parts claim, they'll replace the minifigs.

This is a known issue with Town Halls.  If they are being retired early, it's probably because Chinese counterfeiters have infiltrated the production line.  My first Town Hall came in a box stamped "Make Happy Luck Toy" and included Batman and Robin mounted on Speedorz.  Also, the bricks appeared to be made from some sort of hard cheese.  I wasn't brave enough to taste one.  Fortunately, LEGO Shop at Home was very understanding when I called to start the return process.

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This is a known issue with Town Halls.  If they are being retired early, it's probably because Chinese counterfeiters have infiltrated the production line.  My first Town Hall came in a box stamped "Make Happy Luck Toy" and included Batman and Robin mounted on Speedorz.  Also, the bricks appeared to be made from some sort of hard cheese.  I wasn't brave enough to taste one.  Fortunately, S@H was very understanding when I called to start the return process.


So awesome!

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This is a known issue with Town Halls.  If they are being retired early, it's probably because Chinese counterfeiters have infiltrated the production line.  My first Town Hall came in a box stamped "Make Happy Luck Toy" and included Batman and Robin mounted on Speedorz.  Also, the bricks appeared to be made from some sort of hard cheese.  I wasn't brave enough to taste one.  Fortunately, LEGO Shop at Home was very understanding when I called to start the return process.


Seriously?  Wow.  Known by whom?


What production run was that?

Edited by JDLego324
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The last time Ed warned us that a set was on its way out was the SSD.

I, like many others, took Ed's advice and loaded up as soon as we could.

That advice, and the decision to trust him, helped me and others build a cornerstone for our portfolio in the years to come.

Town Hall is following a similar trend. Any set that retires early like this can yield huge returns. Ed doesn't need to say anything else. He has spoken.

Now go buy some more you vulchers!


It's always fun and enjoyable reading experienced BPers sharing their insights.

Since I've seen Ed being quoted so often lately (well, I think it's actually a constant phenomena), well, the other Ed too, all the sudden I'm curious if Ed keeps a record book himself. I know last time he said '60% of time he's 100% right'.


Ed, do you keep your own prediction records? Per set, per year, per whatever factors you are looking, and how accurate (within certain window sets retired)... Just very curious, coz I love numbers. :D

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It's always fun and enjoyable reading experienced BPers sharing their insights.

Since I've seen Ed being quoted so often lately (well, I think it's actually a constant phenomena), well, the other Ed too, all the sudden I'm curious if Ed keeps a record book himself. I know last time he said '60% of time he's 100% right'.


Ed, do you keep your own prediction records? Per set, per year, per whatever factors you are looking, and how accurate (within certain window sets retired)... Just very curious, coz I love numbers. :D

This would be handy information to have on every brickpicker.  Surely the NSA has already run the numbers and knows which of us to trust for EOL predictions.  The trick is persuading someone like Edward Snowden to release the stats.


@ NSA: I'll take back everything bad I've ever said about warrantless wiretapping if you'll send me a PM and let me know the official EOL date for TH, and DS as well if that's not too much to ask.  Thanks!

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I've been exhausted over the buying frenzy this year, it's hard for me to stomach more at this point. My 22 sets of HH and +20 sets of SSD has practically finished me off. Not to mention +10 of SC, GE and PS. I checked in the TH today on amazon, then backed out. I'm going to sit this one out and wait for any cyber Monday deals.

It's been a lot of fun in this forum lately. Looking at threads from the past, it seems like the amount of BPers piling into sets has grown and many of you will have some incredible returns before Xmas.

I was checking out the Canadian TRU website and see the TH available. The price point of the TH makes it hard for Canadians to buy even with the stronger US dollar. It also makes it harder to yield good returns on eBay or bricklink. I think the avg price for this now is about $260.

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38th week of 2014. That may worry those who piled into this.

So... Halfway through September, more or less?  The seal codes are interesting.  For my next phone call placed to LEGO Shop at Home from a disposable cell phone bought with cash while wearing my trusty Batman mask and fluffy clown wig, I plan on asking them about how long, on average, it takes a batch of modular building sets to make it from the factory floor to amazon.com...

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I don't understand. Is Ed Mack retiring soon? Should I stock up on brickpicker posts now before the whole site goes EOL?

Anyway, here's the thing. If I owned this site, and if I had inside information that TH was retiring this month, I would leak that in the forums before it was already sold out everywhere. Then I could 1) build my rep with a bold, early call on EOL for TH, and 2) generate some affiliate income by sending brickpickers out to the 'net to pick up TH sets before they disappeared. But his comments came after the set went out of stock everywhere. Hence my skepticism. For that matter, Ed didn't actually claim to have inside information. What I've seen is a combination of Ed's opinion (TH is EOL or close to it), and your interpretation of it (Ed's right, and he has inside info to prove it).

As I stated before, do what you will. Either way, I think you should buy this set as soon as possible. If you are a believer in short term retirement or retirement in a year, my advice is similar. Same goes for the Pet Shop and a handful of other exclusives that have been around awhile. Buy them now and let it ride.

Regardless, you know many of these older exclusives are history within the next year, so why play the EOL game and procrastinate? As for inside information(if I had any hypothetically), there are rules that I try to would try to adhere by and I out of respect to possible other parties and their investing interests, I would not just blurt out everything I know.

Nothing is set in stone. LEGO can change plans at will. What I do know is some people on this forum speak to the right LEGO employees and are dead on in their assessments, while others get false info. You just have to figure out which are correct. Good luck.

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How many did you manage to grab in those short 14 months? ;)

The SSD retired(for all intents and purposes) in a few months from my original cryptic post when I told people they "were stupid" for flipping the set for $100. Remember all the hub bub about my political incorrectness? The SSD became harder to acquire in the months following my statements, eventually retiring officially.

As you know many sets are retired for months before they are actually declared a retired product, so some people chose to procrastinate and ignore warnings and never bought one. I feel this could be a similar situation.

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Can Someone explain to me why threre are so much exclusieve sets are sold out in the US? While these sets are still widely availeble here in Europe.

Even HH I can still buy at my local Lego shop for retail Price.

Double VIP points day are the only time when you can get exclusives with discounts and meaningful promos in US, without resorting to questionable tactics. Now, why TLC is not learning from the past - that's a different question

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38th week of 2014. That may worry those who piled into this.

If you are a believer in the codes, then yes. It also could mean that the set will be available in the short term.

This added interest in this set could make LEGO change plans. We can be our own worst enemy in terms of set EOL. The GE could be an example of this.

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