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10224 - Town Hall

Ed Mack

What year will 10224 Town Hall be officially retired?  

312 members have voted

  1. 1. What year will 10224 Town Hall be officially retired?

    • In 2014, tagged or labeled "retired"
    • In 2015 or later, tagged or labeled "retired"

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I have 3 THs and I'm really tempted to build one of them. What should I do???!!

at some point even an open TH will be worth more than MSRP. maybe that time is now. if you wanna build it build it and you can always sell it built. Look at all the corner markets and green grocers that have been built and sold. Not that you can compare Town hall with them but just saying. 

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Am I the only one that finds it funny when grown men ask each other if they should build a Lego set or not.

I do not know what ur enjoyment level is with building a set. Me personally... It's work. You would have to pay me to build a lego set.

It's work x amount. Is that amount worth it to u to build and have one of ur own.... No one here can advise.

Would u rather have 300 bucks or a town hall. Simple as that dude.

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Am I the only one that finds it funny when grown men ask each other if they should build a Lego set or not.

I do not know what ur enjoyment level is with building a set. Me personally... It's work. You would have to pay me to build a lego set.

It's work x amount. Is that amount worth it to u to build and have one of ur own.... No one here can advise.

Would u rather have 300 bucks or a town hall. Simple as that dude.

 The loss is not that big. He only loses Sealed-used difference which is not that critical down the road.

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The loss is not that big. He only loses Sealed-used difference which is not that critical down the road.

Very true. My point was I csnt put a price on his enjoyment factor. No one here can. Wasn't directed at him so much but I see similar questions asked a lot lately.

So I should say would u rather have about a 100 profit and likely more down the line or a town hall.

Edited by hxckid88
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Am I the only one that finds it funny when grown men ask each other if they should build a Lego set or not.

I do not know what ur enjoyment level is with building a set. Me personally... It's work. You would have to pay me to build a lego set.

It's work x amount. Is that amount worth it to u to build and have one of ur own.... No one here can advise.

Would u rather have 300 bucks or a town hall. Simple as that dude.


I could be regretting it if TH appreciates as some have suggested here near the $1k mark. Will I be kicking myself 5 years from now?

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I have 3 THs and I'm really tempted to build one of them. What should I do???!!

do you have any other modulars built?


if no, then i wouldn't start with the TH - it doesn't look as good as a standalone imo.  

buy a petshop and a palace cinema build those first and then if you think you like it and have the space the TH will make a great addition.


if you are not interested in building  one of the other modulars, i wouldn't bother building the TH.


if you have other modulars then by all means build one.  


you will be able to sell it for a profit as a used set with a box and instructions in 5 years and still get the enjoyment for free.  not as much as a new one but more than msrp.


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I could be regretting it if TH appreciates as some have suggested here near the $1k mark. Will I be kicking myself 5 years from now?

Who knows where you'll be in 5 years.  My suggestion would be to build it.  To me, building a big set is fun.  And like many have said, you won't have a hard time selling it used, should you choose to do so.

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With all due respect, if you consider building a LEGO set work, then you will never truly understand LEGO and the finer points of LEGO investing. I am not trying to put you down in anyway. You can be a successful LEGO investor without really "getting it, " just like people invest in stocks or other commodities. Many intelligent people can invest in products they really don't care about and do very well.

But I think if you really enjoy the LEGO brick and building LEGO sets, you can take that information and utilize it to your advantage when investing in sets. There is no doubt that some LEGO sets are tedious builds, but I cannot explain the feeling of accomplishment and enjoyment one receives from building with LEGO bricks. It's sort of like investing in wine or fine art. Either you get it or you don't and those who get it have a distinct advantage over those who don't.


I somewhat agree. I am in the middle. I can only deal with it for so long before it becomes tedious - but only because I actually get the enjoyment not out of building but out of the finished product that I created (I don't get the same joy if someone else built it).


I like to look at it everyday knowing how badass it is and that I built it. lol.

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But I think if you really enjoy the LEGO brick and building LEGO sets, you can take that information and utilize it to your advantage when investing in sets. There is no doubt that some LEGO sets are tedious builds, but I cannot explain the feeling of accomplishment and enjoyment one receives from building with LEGO bricks. It's sort of like investing in wine or fine art. Either you get it or you don't and those who get it have a distinct advantage over those who don't.


Can I like this 10x?

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