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  • 4 months later...

4209 Box design variation

I thought this was interesting and wanted to know what you all thought.  One of these boxes (bottom box) is the typical design I believe is more common, the present style that opens on each end.  The other (top box), seems out of place from what I've seen this set in, it's more like a pizza box and it actually feels like thinner cardboard, more flimsy, not as high quality and the pieces inside move around more despite the exact external dimensions of the two.  Any guesses as to why the change?  One newer than the other? The piece count is the same for both.  (click for larger image)


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These are generally done for a few reasons.


Cost cutting, improving the box for security reasons, or more efficiently packaging the set.


As long as the item number and UPC number are the same, as in this case, the actual box contents are unchanged. The UPC and item number only change if a sets contents have been altered in a new version, as was the case with some Monster Fighters sets that recently dropped certain glow-in-the-dark pieces.


There shouldn't be any difference selling one or the other here.


Perfect analogy calling the one a pizza box cause that is exactly how it looks like. Honestly, I don't think it is a good setup. It looks and feels cheaper, and would seem much easier getting in to steal the bags I think. I passed on two Fire Planes because they had that kind of box and their condition was questionable. I really hope Lego isn't planning on going that route with newer sets.


Thanks for the clarification on the UPC coding coinciding with design/piece changes Wit! I knew there was some identifier to that phenomena, I just didn't know what.

I'm with you on this OrcKing. It just felt cheaper than the more traditional design so back to the store it went. Even the color quality is less vivid and almost cheap knock-off feeling when placed next to the other.


My biggest concern would be storage (right after possible instore theft). To me a box shouldn't feel so weak it could crush just from holding it. If it doesn't seem strong enough to bear its own weight (let alone the contents within), then how good will it endure in storage for even a year? I would have been a bit more at ease if there were seals on the bottom and the sides especially for a box this long, but nothing on the sides holding them down with only two small strips of tape on the bottom is asking for an accident.


Heck, as I handled the pizza style box sets tilting them from one side to another sifting the contents inside, when the bags hit it felt and looked like they were about to practically pop out. Honestly, I'm surprised a store employee had not accidently opened one of these already just from handling. I can only imagine how things may go when shipping one of these around the world (or even the nearby state).

  • 8 months later...

I'm surprised to find a stash of 4209 fire plane at local Kmart, on clearance for about 50% off. Generally it's no brainer as its hard to find retired set at deep discount, but I'm wondering whether this set has any potential to go over $100? It got the plane and a cool truck, and trees on fire. My concern is lego may release another fire plane in near future. Thoughts?


As a general rule of thumb, buy anything Lego at 50% off. This set is listed as retired on Lego.com/ca, and at this point combined with that discount, you really shouldn`t lose. Nevermind that, there is likely decent money to be made already given the 50% off. It`s very likely they will redo a Fire Plane, but they don`t have another right now, and if I were to guess, I`d say it will be no earlier than 2015 that we see one. That`s a minimum of a year to gain, and this is a decent set. I`d buy them all no questions. 


I would buy this set at 50% off. I can understand your worry about Lego making another version of this set, but that may take 2-3 years and by then the set should have increased enough to make a good profit. I can see this set going for over $100 in 1.5-2 years in the future.


thanks for the input, guys. with some reward points coupon this is right below 50% MSRP so I cleared their stock. I do hope this is one of the better city sets and could have above average CAGR in the theme.


thanks for the input, guys. with some reward points coupon this is right below 50% MSRP so I cleared their stock. I do hope this is one of the better city sets and could have above average CAGR in the theme.

Well I too hope/am curious to see if the set does well, at 50% you`ve already made money, which puts you ahead of the game  :thumbsup:


I too found a couple at my local Kmart. Was curious about the price, but researched that the set is retired and it was 40% off here in SoCal.

Planes seem to sell well and it does have enough to warrant a shot at investing.

  • 2 months later...

Yep - grabbed 3 of these at kmart last week for $28 each - wasn't a big decision, plus the one I built was a pretty fun build - it launches like 30 clear pieces out the bottom. Fun!

Guest TabbyBoy

Further to my message of 23FEB, may last 30 are struggling to sell and I've even made a loss on some (RRP


Tabby gives City a bad name, when in reality I think he's just invested in the wrong sets.  For every set he gives that is a waste of time, I could show you another set that has done very well.  I avoid Fire and Police for the exact reasons he states, but I do invest in other City sets.  By all means, though, leave them all on the shelves for the rest of us.

  • Like 2

you guys make it sound like it is entirely the theme's fault. Check out the previous cargo and coast guard sets (e.***. 7734 and 7739) and tell me you don't want any of those in your stock?


Tabby gives City a bad name, when in reality I think he's just invested in the wrong sets.  For every set he gives that is a waste of time, I could show you another set that has done very well.  I avoid Fire and Police for the exact reasons he states, but I do invest in other City sets.  By all means, though, leave them all on the shelves for the rest of us.


Yes, but only a few other themes, have as much ''bad performers'' as City theme has.....


Its about what chance is there that once buying a certain themed sets, you'll fail and miss.....


The Fire Plane was/is a bad investment, even if you got it at that ''crazy'' discount that was available for a while sometimes back....

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