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Walmart's "Clearance" LEGO Section Updated! - Canada


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Nothing amazing at my wm.

Rancor pit $50

Battle at black gate $65

Lone ranger Calvary builder $15

Mine has those, but also Temple of Light for $50. Normally I would buy those, being almost 50% off, but will probably end up passing just because it`s not a very good set. Could probably double my money on them, but I`ll be stuck holding them for a while more than likely. Would rather put the money toward a GE or R2-D2. 

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Looks like Walmart has lowered a bunch of their clearance items in store.


LOTR Pirate Ship Ambush $80 (down from $115)

Mirkwood Spiders $25 (down from $30)

Sail Barge $90 (down from $120)

AT-TE $90 (down from $110)


Great prices on some of these! Stock still seems to be pretty ample too. I would be all over the Pirate Ship Ambush at that price had i not got a bunch from Amazon at that price the other day.


Good luck!

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Was just at a walmart and they had unexpected gathering at 70... I think that's pretty good?

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It's not bad, but i think this is a good one to wait to go lower. Or wait for a Target clearance on it.


The stock levels of this at my local Walmarts has not moved in months, so they certainly aren't flying off the shelves at this price yet. As soon as they go a bit lower i'm biting :)

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was tempted to buy my first Rancor today at $50 but decided I rather put it towards GE and Tower Bridge soon. if Rancor was down to $40 or below I would have bought the 5-6 left. some of the new sw/superheroes sets look really good...purchase time for those much later.

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Guest ph4tb0i

Grabbed a Pirate Ship Ambush @ my Walmart today. Last one. This was 115 on Friday morning so lucky I was there again today. 


Also noticed the Sail Barge for $90. What are everyone's thoughts on this set? Seems to be disliked when it was first released. Maybe this goes lower. 

Pirate ship ambush is now $80. Picked one up at Walmart Square One.

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No one wants the rancor in my local CL listings. I'm not sure there is too much going on with this set besides the rancor fig.

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I'm finding no one wants SW period locally haha.  This is a pretty cool set or figure.  I'm just trying to wait and get it a lower price or more importantly when my 'shopping list' is done than I'll make budget room for this haha. 



Pirate ship ambush is now $80. Picked one up at Walmart Square One.


Very good price.  I might have to step out of work again at Square One to pick that up (agrrrr)...damn you ph4tb0i, I've saved so much money not spending on local deals while you were NOT on the forums lol.  jk.  I would like to get 2 of these...good bang for the buck, comes with so many minifigs.       

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Very good price.  I might have to step out of work again at Square One to pick that up (agrrrr)...damn you ph4tb0i, I've saved so much money not spending on local deals while you were NOT on the forums lol.  jk.  I would like to get 2 of these...good bang for the buck, comes with so many minifigs.       

I work just down to the road from Square One too, race you there! :P j/k


Picked up a few at this price last week, so tempted to get more, but the wallet is burning right now haha ><


Stock seems to be going pretty fast in comparison to some of the other clearances at Walmart, i might need to rethink holding off. Currently waiting to see if Target clearances them, but it would need to be better than %30 off to compare.

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By the way guys, Wal-Mart price matches! I was there yesterday and they had the logging truck and the superman lex power suit sets and since they were 20% off at Chapters, they just lowered their prices right on the spot for me. It's very handy to have smartphone and just show them

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I work just down to the road from Square One too, race you there! :P j/k


Picked up a few at this price last week, so tempted to get more, but the wallet is burning right now haha ><


Stock seems to be going pretty fast in comparison to some of the other clearances at Walmart, i might need to rethink holding off. Currently waiting to see if Target clearances them, but it would need to be better than %30 off to compare.

haha.  I'm sure the Ship will be all gone this week at that price.  Have to be careful with budget...beside GE/TB, I have to make room for a mad dash of Helms Deeps possibily when the time comes.  I'll give you a heads up once I my order is confirmed and if there's any left :P  jk.   


Too bad the walmarts/targets closest to my house don't have the selection and discounts like the ones around Square One...maybe it's better that way, 'sneak in' purchases during work time and later into the house before wife notices lol.     

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Guest ph4tb0i

haha.  I'm sure the Ship will be all gone this week at that price.  Have to be careful with budget...beside GE/TB, I have to make room for a mad dash of Helms Deeps possibily when the time comes.  I'll give you a heads up once I my order is confirmed and if there's any left :P  jk.   


Too bad the walmarts/targets closest to my house don't have the selection and discounts like the ones around Square One...maybe it's better that way, 'sneak in' purchases during work time and later into the house before wife notices lol.     


lol I have like 15 helms deep when TRU was clearancing them out at 89.97 last year.. oh man you should've seen the boxes I got.. hope the purolator guy had health insurance!

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lol I have like 15 helms deep when TRU was clearancing them out at 89.97 last year.. oh man you should've seen the boxes I got.. hope the purolator guy had health insurance!

Nice.  That is a healthy amount of inventory.  Wished I had the foresight in my 'rookie' year to stock up more on that deal.  Lowest I got was $100 each from Amazon.ca... 


Never really saw HD at my walmarts or maybe I wasn't paying attention at the time. 

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was tempted to buy my first Rancor today at $50 but decided I rather put it towards GE and Tower Bridge soon. if Rancor was down to $40 or below I would have bought the 5-6 left. some of the new sw/superheroes sets look really good...purchase time for those much later.

If you need a Rancor pit for yourself and aren't fussy about the box condition, the target in Ajax still has two on the shelf for 50% off ~$38. I got one for the kids to build when they're a little older.

Sent from my iPad using Brickpicker

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If you need a Rancor pit for yourself and aren't fussy about the box condition, the target in Ajax still has two on the shelf for 50% off ~$38. I got one for the kids to build when they're a little older.

Sent from my iPad using Brickpicker

wow, that's a great price.  yeah I wouldn't care about box condition as long as the seals are intact...thanks for the heads up, I'm out in Scar this coming weekend so hopefully will have the chance to drive out to Ajax and buy one (if still available). 

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Saw these at my local walmart:


Homing-Spider-Droid-75016  $19

Attack-of-the-Wargs-79002   $40

Gungan-Sub-9499  $50

Escape-from-Mirkwood-Spiders-79001  $25

Republic-Striker-class-Starfighter-9497  $40


What do you guys think, should i pick them up at those prices?

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