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What Lego set did you sell today and for how much?

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  • 8 years later...

used 99% complete hogwarts express 4708 for $85 shipped (all 100% profit now on the CL lot I bought)


on a side note, buyers super annoying, 3 different people asked if the flying car was included (set 4841)


hahahhaa....I was just about to ask you that myself.  I have 4841 sitting there, missing just one or two pieces, but otherwise ready to put up for sale.


10217 Diagon Alley $340 incl shipping



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Gah! Mispriced my Robie House at $300, so it got sold. Officially hate Amazon seller inventory page... Why doesn't it take into account the condition (new vs not new) when showing lowest price??? Jeez...

I haven't paid much attention to the current price of Robie, didn't plan on selling this year, what did you intend on pricing it at?

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2x SC at 180

2x SRC at 170

2x TH at 325

1st wave of SW Advents at $60, next week will raise to $70 if they keep this pace.  (sold 52 in 24 hours at $60, so barring a new wave don't see why not, Also if Galorco sells out at $72)


I think TRU pulled some stock for BF as they had a lot out and they disappeared.  

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Just sold a trio of LOTR sets plus the Goblin King through Craigslist for $300 CDN. About $120 in profit thanks to half price sales in the past year. Dropped it off tghe next building over from work.


Gandalf Arrives - $30

Mines of Moria - $100

Goblin King - $100

Attack on Weathertop - $70.

The guy who bought these has all LOTR and Hobbit sets except the Barrel Escape which he hasn't seen anywhere. I mentioned I knew where a few were and since I'd be by there anyway I'd be happy to pick it up. He offered to pay me $30 over as a finder's fee, which was nice, but I just charged him a rounded up amount from $62 to 65.


I just now sold a 2012 SW Advent Calendar for $45 CDN (almost twice what I paid for it on boxing day clearance) to a guy off Craigslist who's a short walk from my office  and just got emailed now from a guy in my building looking for one too. Busy times. 

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unloading some summer walmart and target clearance city lots for acceptable profits and getting out of the value trap:


- Fire Helicopter, Fire Boat, Fire Truck, Fire Motorcycle for $74.99 BIN + $12 extra shipping.  paid $52 for the lot clearance shop at home and walmart.

- Grand Prix Truck, Monster Truck, Race Car for $50 + $12 extra shipping.  paid 32 for the lot clearance walmart.

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