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  • 7 years later...

Sold today and yesterday:


- 75004 Star Wars Z-95 Headhunter 40 euro cash (got my money back).

- 75018 Star Wars Jek-14's Stealth Starfighter 55 euro cash (got my money back).

- 3367 City Space Shuttle 45 euro cash.

- 4430 City Fire Transporter 80 euro excl. shipping.

- 2507 Ninjago Fire Temple 140 euro excl. shipping. 


They actually just did in the US.

Went to 'call to check for availability' in the UK, so I called and they were sold out. Told by yet another customer service rep that's it's done not coming back. AA, HE and SC all Sold Out in Europe first and followed shortly Stateside. R2 is done, and unless you need the money I'd be buying right now not selling.


6869 Marvel Super Heroes Quinjet for $73 + shipping. The box was dinged up in the top right corner.

I was hoping to sell this set for $100 free shipping this Xmas... But no bites yet. I only have a couple so I'm ok holding out but with the new version coming out in spring, I'd rather not.


Well my delayed Minecraft order came in, just in time for TRU ebay to have everything in stock.  I thought what the heck may as well give it a try, and listed a combo Cave and Farm for $100.  Sold it a few hours later to one of those "guest" check out accounts, and they were super close so shipping was cheap.  Crossing fingers on no returns.

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Just sold another kingdoms chess set, this one at 136.00 shipped.


29 sales so far since Nov 29th. Before the last chess set sold I wasted 20% ($1000.00) of my gross sales revenue on fees and shipping costs.

Even with that outlandish amount I was still able to double my original capital input cost.

However...the numbers are slightly juiced because no mileage or time has been factored in. The only shipping supplies that were not recycled: printing supplies, labels themselves and tape.

Two of my larger loose lots took a boatload of time to prep (clean, sort, inventory, build, photo, deconstruct). While most of that is fun to me it still plays a role in the selling equation.

This was my first major attempt at holiday selling.

What a great experience. Learned a lot.

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75082 Tie Prototype For $83 plus $38 for Priority Express shipping.

75082 Tie Prototype for $80 plus shipping

75083 AT-DP for $100 plus shipping


Got them all in this morning. I believe that puts the LL in QFLL

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