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My Walmarts are the same way for the most part. The thing to really look out for is those low traffic/low income area ones where things get shifted into a trailer or the outdoor area for a bit. Those sound like the only ones who MIGHT participate in a clearance this season.

When the newer friends sets came out a few weeks ago, I found a WM in the same predicament as cbaker's. Just stuffed the new sets in and around anything else that was on shelves in the teeny tiny LEGO area.

Although there still is one WM in my area with about 30 barely discounted Mirkwood Spiders (~$22). It would seem that no one wants to invest in those.


At my Walmart, the Friends aisle had a whole shelf packed with Rehearsal Stage and the ones below filled of Mia's Magic Tricks, Emma's Karate Class, Olivia's Newborn Foal, and Olivia's Beach Buggy while the Lego aisle although better organized now then before was still a mess and the only new stuff was some City Police, Ninjago, and a couple for The Hobbit. Oh yeah, I found a Goblin King Battle with oh so obvious packing tape across one side. I didn't even bother to see if there was a discount on it at all between knowing how lacking Walmart is with that and just not being worth it at all. I did scan a few Speedor sets. Tch, only two of them scanned at a discount of 35% off which is just awful compared to the half off all Speedorz at Target last month.

As usual, I ended up relying on Target for anything new of this year to be available. I didn't find a single thing on a decent sale though. (Right, The Crazy Scientist & His Monster for $7 off is such a BIG discount.) From all that disappointment, I just left Target's clearance with a Crater Creeper for $16.98 and that was it far as After Christmas/New Year sales go. Maybe in a couple of weeks there will be something of worth at Target but so far it is confirmed. Walmart 'clearance' this year sucked.


At my Walmart, the Friends aisle had a whole shelf packed with Rehearsal Stage and the ones below filled of Mia's Magic Tricks, Emma's Karate Class, Olivia's Newborn Foal, and Olivia's Beach Buggy while the Lego aisle although better organized now then before was still a mess and the only new stuff was some City Police, Ninjago, and a couple for The Hobbit. Oh yeah, I found a Goblin King Battle with oh so obvious packing tape across one side. I didn't even bother to see if there was a discount on it at all between knowing how lacking Walmart is with that and just not being worth it at all. I did scan a few Speedor sets. Tch, only two of them scanned at a discount of 35% off which is just awful compared to the half off all Speedorz at Target last month.

As usual, I ended up relying on Target for anything new of this year to be available. I didn't find a single thing on a decent sale though. (Right, The Crazy Scientist & His Monster for $7 off is such a BIG discount.) From all that disappointment, I just left Target's clearance with a Crater Creeper for $16.98 and that was it far as After Christmas/New Year sales go. Maybe in a couple of weeks there will be something of worth at Target but so far it is confirmed. Walmart 'clearance' this year sucked.

crater creeper is $13.99 at amazon


crater creeper is $13.99 at amazon

Figures. :resent: Insult to injury, I just remembered Target had signs up stating "30% off all marked sale items" yet everything I looked at or scanned didn't ring up anywhere near that and I probably could have pointed it out like before at the register or customer service if I wanted but my head was elsewhere and I just wanted to get home so I didn't think about it. Ah well, at least they actually had The Lego Movie sets and Minifigures so I left with a complete set of the characters. :pardon: Thank you for pointing out the Amazon sale anyway, krayzie.

My stores are in about the same shape as everyone else's. There is only that Is fully stocked but they don't clearance much. I think the Black Friday 30% off deal and the last minute holiday rush cleared all my stores out. 4 targets I went to yesterday we're also resetting thier shelves and creating dedicated clearance sections, so I'm hoping there are some mark downs today. Clearance is in a sad state when I've purchased more clearance from the lego store than target or Walmart so far this year.


I went around to my 30 mile store radius and the only things I really found were a set of Lex power armor for $13 i opened for myself because i didn't have the minifigs yet, and 13 Genosian cannons for 9.98 each so I bought all of them


I went around to my 30 mile store radius and the only things I really found were a set of Lex power armor for $13 i opened for myself because i didn't have the minifigs yet, and 13 Genosian cannons for 9.98 each so I bought all of them


Are the Genosian cannons worth the effort? I haven't followed any of the Clone Wars stuff, so I'm always leery about stocking on sets I can't personally see the value in.


I checked my Walmarts this morning and nothing else was marked down yet.  They still have well stocked shelves.  Not sure where they'll put the new City sets.


Also, it looks like Target will have another markdown on toys on Thursday 1/16.  This will probably be the last markdown at Target before the toy reset.


I found 2 6868 Hulk at one of my local Walmarts. I was going to pay MSRP but when I checked out they rang up at $35! I went back and scanned few other things that might be marked down and only found LR train for $90.


That price on 6868 is probably left over from the summer clearance on those.  I was finding copies of the set for $35 as late as Black Friday in some stores...other stores were still at $50.


I just happen to go by the local Walmart Superstore at Atlantic and Powerline (Broward County) and they had two 10221 on the clearance rack at $299.  Thought about just picking it up, but the wife would kill me. Its a shame I don't get paid until Friday.

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