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10237 - Tower of Orthanc

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I'm not a huge LotR fan. I have modified a few rooms more to my liking. For example I turned the bomb lab into something more akin to a socereors study complete with telescope from the Research Institute. I also added more to the dungeon. It's a fun set to modify and play with. I'm glad they designed it the way the did. I kind of wish the modulars were open backed similarly.

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I ordered one of these a week ago from LEGO Shop at Home but it hasn't shipped yet, the whole not having a back (similar to a dollhouse) is kind of a turnoff for me.  Is it really not that bad in person?  I figured I could at least hold on to it but my original intention was to build it since it's so iconic

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I ordered one of these a week ago from LEGO Shop at Home but it hasn't shipped yet, the whole not having a back (similar to a dollhouse) is kind of a turnoff for me.  Is it really not that bad in person?  I figured I could at least hold on to it but my original intention was to build it since it's so iconic


At the right angle you can't even tell it has an open back! It does not hinder the display value at all imo.

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I ordered one of these a week ago from LEGO Shop at Home but it hasn't shipped yet, the whole not having a back (similar to a dollhouse) is kind of a turnoff for me.  Is it really not that bad in person?  I figured I could at least hold on to it but my original intention was to build it since it's so iconic

Picture from eurobricks:






So I would say the lack of the back is not a problem if the tower is less than one foot from a wall.

Edited by biniou
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2 Popped back in stock on TRU.ca this morning.


LEGO Shop at Home now expected ship date of Feb 6th.


Edit: also back in stock at WM.ca, Canada must have got a shipment! before today you couldn't find this anywhere online north of the border. Now WM just needs to put it at $209 again >:D

Edited by Sandwraithx157
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2 Popped back in stock on TRU.ca this morning.


LEGO Shop at Home now expected ship date of Feb 6th.


Edit: also back in stock at WM.ca, Canada must have got a shipment! before today you couldn't find this anywhere online north of the border. Now WM just needs to put it at $209 again > :D


I would flirt with the Wal-Mart banhammer to try and get a boatload more at $209 CAD.

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So far no production in 2015.  I will make a guess that the LOTR license for production ended in 2014. The last remaining stock is being cleared.  "lights are flashing" are you paying attention?

I have to agree with you here. I have ordered about 10 over the last month or so and every one has a 2014 date on it. I haven't seen anyone report a 2015 date as of yet although I know it is still early in the year. My guess is that the license expired at the end of 2014 and what we are seeing is just remaining inventory. I don't know if it would make sense to keep the license through 2015 for a single set.

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So far no production in 2015.  I will make a guess that the LOTR license for production ended in 2014. The last remaining stock is being cleared.  "lights are flashing" are you paying attention?


We are in the 3rd week of 2015 and the last labels seen have week 50 for 2014. Not seeing the logic here since we are basically talking about 5 weeks since no new seals. Not saying it isn't going, just doesn't seem like a good indictor in this case.

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So far no production in 2015. I will make a guess that the LOTR license for production ended in 2014. The last remaining stock is being cleared. "lights are flashing" are you paying attention?

I don't understand why it is assumed here that Lego licenses are made on a calendar year basis. Such a date is arbitrary, plus corporate lawyers don't want to spend their holidays hashing out a new contract before the old one expires on January 1.

If Lego is selling Lord of the Rings sets in 2015, you can bet that they still have a license in 2015. I would also bet that the bulk of the licensing fee is based on a percentage of sales, which makes the end-date less important. (These are just my thoughts having worked as a corporate lawyer.)

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I don't understand why it is assumed here that Lego licenses are made on a calendar year basis. Such a date is arbitrary, plus corporate lawyers don't want to spend their holidays hashing out a new contract before the old one expires on January 1.

If Lego is selling Lord of the Rings sets in 2015, you can bet that they still have a license in 2015. I would also bet that the bulk of the licensing fee is based on a percentage of sales, which makes the end-date less important. (These are just my thoughts having worked as a corporate lawyer.)


Licenses certainly have an end date, and it is not unreasonable to assume that end date may coincide with the release of the final movie, which would also fall right around 50R4.  We also know the 50R4 run was a fix for production issues.  I have seen sets in stores and received them from LEGO Shop at Home this month and all were 50R4. Now the question remains, are the new sets LEGO Shop at Home is getting just stock from other regions, or has there been another run?  guess we will have to wait and see.


I will say that lotr/hobbit is getting squeezed out at local stores (LEGO and TRU).  currently ToO has been moved to a large overflow shelf near the creator sets, at local lego stores.  This line is certainly done, just a question of how long ToO may stick around on its own, if at all.

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Whether it is going to retire soon or not, this is one set that I REALLY don't want to miss out on. I have a couple already and plan on getting more. As the only UCS style set of the LOTR line, i'm sure it will be a huge hit.

Agreed! This set along with Helm's Deep are the 2 folks with still be asking about in 10 years from now about this line.

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I would also say that the UG, though small, will do great.


I see ToO being like HH. It will linger even after the rest of the sets are done.



UG is not "UCS" but is the most iconic of all, and a great set build wise.  It will do well and could likely beat ToO in return percentage.

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For the people who built this set, is it a fun and impressive build? The reason I ask, I'm not a LOTR fan, nor my daughter,but when I was in a LEGO store two weeks ago the Queen(GF), said that looks like a nice set.  She's not a huge LOTR or LEGO fan ( I know, terrible. She does buy my Daughter and myself lego though.) that's where I'm torn, do I buy this set or not..  


I thought maybe when I build my HH, I can put this tower somewhere near it, or incorporate it somehow. 


UGGH, choices.. I already spent a small fortune this year on LEGO, and we aren't even out of JAN..lol  I know FEB will be the same ( UCS Hellcarrier, and other sets.)..


Again, is this a fun set to build, and does it look nice when built?



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