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KlearGear.com or Steer Clear!!


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I could not believe what this raggedy company was able to get away with from a Paypal purchase!





Customer gets a refund, but then fined 3,500 and a negative credit score due to merchandise that was never shipped.  This crap is just nuts.



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What a ridiculously asinine clusterfluff.... They fine the lady $3,500 because they did not deliver on their original agreement three years ago and she called them out on it? Isn't there some law against that crap? And then what the heck is about the two grand it would cost to take down her review? Freakin' stupid.

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If this story really is as presented, I'm hoping there's a smart, ambitious lawyer out there paying attention to this excellent case to take all the way to the Supreme Court.


Meanwhile, Kleargear.com is on my no-fly list of retailers and since I didn't sign their dumbarse agreement I'm thinking I'll just let EVERYONE know to stay away from them. Social media here I come. 

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This has stupid written all over it.....from the consumer, to the company, to the review site.   There must be multiple misunderstandings all the way up the stupidity tree.  I doubt any of the story is correct/as told.  And what the he'll is clear gear?


Edit...wish I didn't look....drinking bird, and pencil slingshot might be in my future. 

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Guest eightbrick

Good thing I haven't bought anything. Now I can say wow what a stupid company. Oh well, I'm glad it backfired - the ignorant freedom of speech restrictions they put in place are casting a way worse light on them then a single review would have.

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Its amazing that South Park did a show about this, "The Human CentIPAD", and it is actually becoming a reality. If you don't read the agreement, they are for some reason allowed to put the dumbest crap ever in it and do what they want about it. Fining and bringing lawsuits against people not equipped to defend themselves.


How long will it be until someone has the literature allowing them to "sew the butthole of one user to the mouth of the next"?


This is just like the Patent trolls. Sickens me.

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