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The amount of snow required to shut down the city that I live is about 7 feet or 84 inches. And all that snow would have to fall in a couples days. Even then, we would probably only get two days off of school.

'84 was a big one for us. It was early and took about three days to plow residential streets. I can't remember but it wasn't so much the amount of snow (36" or so) but that it drifted and ended up 4-5' deep and packed on the streets. I remember my dad having to tunnel out of our front door as it drifted to the roof line. It's the only time they dispatched the military vehicles to help ambulances and fire trucks as well.

97 was a touch smaller but it was in late March so it fell on top of a winters worth of snow. We also ended up with an epic flood that lasted weeks. Our city is protected by a floodway though and they spend over $600 million making it bigger and raising bridges after. That should give my city away... No other city in NA has a floodway like ours. :)

That reminds me, I hate sand bagging. What a crappy job.

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:queen:  Chin up! We'll get through another round!


  • Slow-moving parents of young children despise faster-moving parents of small children who get there first.
  • Fast-moving parents of small children despise adult collectors who buy the last box on the shelf when they SHOULD leave it "for the children!"
  • Collectors despise the collector/casual investor who buys TWO of a set (shocking! Just shocking! Even if they are the LAST TWO!!) and don't leave any for the purist collector.
  • Collector/Casual Investors despise the Mid-Level Investor/Collector who don't leave any for them.
  • Mid-Level Investor/Collectors despise the High-Level Investor/Reseller (often those counting on Lego for a significant amount or all of their income) who don't leave any for them.



  •  High-Level Investor/Resellers despise the Super Secret Banhammer Police and the Old Lady associate at the LEGO store that stares at them during checkout.

Awesome post by the way. I only stumbled upon this thread today a year + late. 

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... when you want to search the BP forums for a set that you know almost everybody just names by its 2-letter abbreviation, but the search requires at least 3 letters... Ever tried to search for AA, TH, HH, PS, PC, PR, DO, ...? Not even "XX " (with a space) works.

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... when you want to search the BP forums for a set that you know almost everybody just names by its 2-letter abbreviation, but the search requires at least 3 letters... Ever tried to search for AA, TH, HH, PS, PC, PR, DO, ...? Not even "XX " (with a space) works.

Or you could learn the numbers like, for example, 10230. :D

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Having posts deleted without explanation.....

I've had three deleted tonight. Ironically two moderators posted about a taboo subject onllas a joke. I mentioned it's a Better investment then the red five.... Mine gets deleted while the mods posts remain. Double standards as always. I just accept it for what it is at this point.

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I've had three deleted tonight. Ironically two moderators posted about a taboo subject onllas a joke. I mentioned it's a Better investment then the red five.... Mine gets deleted while the mods posts remain. Double standards as always. I just accept it for what it is at this point.

Why don't you site mail the mod and ask why?

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Having posts deleted without explanation.....



I've had three deleted tonight. Ironically two moderators posted about a taboo subject onllas a joke. I mentioned it's a Better investment then the red five.... Mine gets deleted while the mods posts remain. Double standards as always. I just accept it for what it is at this point.


I would suggest not posting dumb stuff that has little to do with Lego investing and your posts probably won't get deleted.  It's amazing how it's always the same group of people that we're deleting posts from.  If folks want to talk about politics, guns, porn, ripping off companies, do it on the appropriate forums.


You guys should see the complaint thread the Mods have.

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First, Ed and Jeff allow use to use their web site and in turn, we have a great community and virtual place to "hang out".


Second, Huskers is being honest. 


Third, this is a family friendly web site   There are niche web sites that are happy to have your posts about adult-themed Lego objects and other non-Lego interests such as firearms and politics (to name a few). 


Furthermore, the BP mods are volunteers that were selected to help keep the forum a fun and informative place for everyone.  I also honestly think the BP mods are far more more lenient and forgiving than other Lego-related forums.  Those mods can be extremely strict.


So please stop the nonsense by using common sense before posting.  Before clicking "submit", think about your post.  If you think it has even a 10% chance of being removed, don't submit it.  It saves everyone time and frustration.  Additionally, remember to be "CIVIL".  Search for Ed Mack's post of you need a reminder.  Jeff made searching very easy on the forums.


Finally, please contact the mod who removed or edited your post before making public statements.  The BP forum software sends emails when your content is removed with the mod's username.


Thanks and happy Weds.



I would suggest not posting dumb stuff that has little to do with Lego investing and your posts probably won't get deleted.  It's amazing how it's always the same group of people that we're deleting posts from.  If folks want to talk about politics, guns, porn, ripping off companies, do it on the appropriate forums.


You guys should see the complaint thread the Mods have.

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Why don't you site mail the mod and ask why?

cause I honestly think you all have better things to do. I just accept it and move on. And believe it or it I and I think most here really do appreciate what all of you do. I just think at times there is a double standard on the who and what gets posted. Have I posted inappropriate things, yupp. Have I in the past few monthes.... I don't believe so. But it's lame when one person gets a post deleted among the others that say the same thing. Then you start to think it's a personal issue. Wasn't worried about wasn't even going to mention it. But as above, another poster did so I chimed in. Not mad, not that anyone would or should care Just pointing out a what is perceived as a double standard.
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Once again can't print labels at all through paypal and ebay so I have to go through usps. I just LOVE typing in all these addresses.

This happens to me about 1 out of 10 times, system not available red error message.  It seems to me like paypal is slow to update after I empty my account and then pay for the shipping with credit card but is there some other reason?  Usually if I try a couple more times on eBay and then back to paypal it works itself out but it is a waste of time and extremely annoying.

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Co-worker who is notoriously incompetent and avoids work like nobody's business gets paid the most. This checks out. ;)

Those are the type of people who get promoted. Have you seen the movie Office Space?? "Now we had a chance to meet this young man, and boy that's just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him."

Edited by oneknightr
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