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That's one of the reasons I use laptops instead of computers. They're much easier to move around when you need to clean your workspace.


I have both.  The desktop is really just a server to store movies to play on the home theater.  My wife's laptop just died so it's been used more lately as a general family computer.  Was worried that the hard drive died but luckily it didn't, haven't done a backup in a while.  Guess what I'm doing tonight ;)

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I wear contacts. When I want to wear glasses its a disaster. I get nauseous when I wear glasses (which didn't make me feel any better when I was going through a cycle being nauseous 24/7)

Ouch. That's not fun. :( I did try using contacts once but unfortunately my eyes are too sensitive to both the lenses and fluid rinse. I can get dry eye rather easily with majority of my time spent at a computer screen so I need to moisturize my eyes quite a bit with some drops. Refresh liquigel seems to work best for the most part. Course I guess it should when the optometrist was the one who recommended it.
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I wear contacts. When I want to wear glasses its a disaster. I get nauseous when I wear glasses (which didn't make me feel any better when I was going through a cycle being nauseous 24/7)

When I was in high school the retarded school optometrist forced glasses on me and I only got headaches from it. Why was he retarded? Because one of my eyes is short sighted and the other is long sighted. They cancel out each other in practice, but both of the lenses were for short-sightedness. He thought I was just a whiny kid not wanting glasses when I told him I see perfectly fine.

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Ouch. That's not fun. :( I did try using contacts once but unfortunately my eyes are too sensitive to both the lenses and fluid rinse. I can get dry eye rather easily with majority of my time spent at a computer screen so I need to moisturize my eyes quite a bit with some drops. Refresh liquigel seems to work best for the most part. Course I guess it should when the optometrist was the one who recommended it.


I got contacts in high school and my doctor gave me dailies so I wouldn't have to worry about taking care of them. Once I hit college I became a poor college student and use the dailies until they dry out too much, rip, or I feel the need to change them. I should know better but the price of them adds up. With my occupation it may just be easier to have contacts instead. Don't want to worry about glasses getting knocked off into someones open abdomen. 

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Not so much a complaint as a frustration that there is nothing I can do to help a friend who was flying across the country in order to visit her ill mother one last time, and bring her children to say goodbye to their Grandmother, only to get a call when she's an hour away, waiting for a connecting flight telling her she's too late.

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Why are you sending unsolicited PMs proposing trades anyway? If someone want to trade they will post in the trade section. If you are looking for something then post in that section. Apologies if I'm reading your post incorrectly.

Just trying to respond to others Bricktrader listings, and even if someone sent me an unsolicited trade proposal it does not take me but a second to say no thank you, so I don't consider that improper, though it is not my habit to do such.  We all have different views about what is and is not proper but I hope we all assume no one is doing anything with bad intentions.  For example I don't think it proper to offer others, be it here or ebay or craigslist, less than half the value of their lego items with the intent of selling them at a significant profit for oneself and a loss to the original seller. Though I see others bragging about this all the time I do not assume it is being done to harm the original seller, though I am sure many of these seller could really use the extra money that we are gleaming off them. Thanks for understanding and being considerate though the first sentence initially struck me as confrontational I do not think that is how it was meant.

Edited by junkrigger
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complaint about my past self for buying Lone Ranger Silver Mine 79110, when I could have bought well anything seems better at this point. It has some good parts and is the first western theme in like forever, and the Train and stagecoach and even colby city seem to be doing okay, can't understand why there are still so many mines out there.  I think I am not a good picker and should just stick with the Emazers style investing.  Oh and like it needs said again but nonpaying buyers who take your listings off the market over the weekend.

Edited by junkrigger
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When I was in the U.S. I ordered a couple of LEGOS via Amazon and Ebay.


Almost in any Amazon lot there have been Sets/transport-boxes and lego boxes... that I had to send back because somehow they don't seem to care that much about how it is transported.


One guy sold me something via ebay "new item, will be send well-packaged".

Guess what? Might be the item is new, but to me a thin layer of paper around a lego box is NOT what I would call "well-packaged".

Okay he wrote on the paper "fragile" so UPS should have known! (haha) but I guess you all know how it arrived.

It looked like some of the UPS dudes was in need of a nap in the back of the transporter and used it as pillow while his buddy was driving the car through bumpy canyons.


I still wanted to keep the set so I asked for a partial refund and we came to an agreement that seemed fair enough.

Which leads me to the next annoying thing: PayPal (PayPig)

I still don't have my money... and the seller asks me almost daily if I have it yet...

Guess I will wait just another week for the money to arrive and call PayPig if it doesn't.


Reading some of the posts here I was puzzled as I thought this is rather about stuff somewhat LEGO playing/building/collecting/buying/selling/reselling/stepping on it related... but a lot of people seem to be in need to share whatever misfortune came upon them in the anonymity of the internet. Good for you... makes me a little sad though that you don't have real people to talk to in real life.


(I mean my girlfriend can only listen to sooo much of me complaining about LEGO and related stuff ^^ so this is nice to complain some more haha... besides most of you guys have the same struggles ;-) )

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complaint about my past self for buying Lone Ranger Silver Mine 79110, when I could have bought well anything seems better at this point. It has some good parts and is the first western theme in like forever, and the Train and stagecoach and even colby city seem to be doing okay, can't understand why there are still so many mines out there. I think I am not a good picker and should just stick with the Emazers style investing. Oh and like it needs said again but nonpaying buyers who take your listings off the market over the weekend.

79110 has been retired for what... 5 6 months... As with everything on the boards these days complain post two years. Then it will be a valid point.
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79110 has been retired for what... 5 6 months... As with everything on the boards these days complain post two years. Then it will be a valid point.

Yes but I don't see Walmart of TRU selling out of these anytime soon, but yeah good point, I am gonna wait on this one, at least I only bought 4, but could have put the money to better work elsewhere.

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79110 has been retired for what... 5 6 months... As with everything on the boards these days complain post two years. Then it will be a valid point.


While I'd normally agree, really, the complaint is that these are still available in the wild.  For some reason, all the TRUs near me have them, and have tons of them, with no sign of discounting them anytime soon.

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