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Welcome oneknightr!  Are you a lurker, or did you just join?

Hi! I joined maybe about a month ago and have been perusing these boards every time I have a few minutes to spare at the office. Alpinemaps comment was funny. I have two kids so I definitely could relate. Hoping I can be a contributing member going forward, but I'm a small investor compared to a lot of members here.

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A surprisingly large number of the reality tv shows are either partially scripted, or if a "scene" could be better they ask people to repeat it (sometimes improving on it) so they can get a better shot.  Reality TV is anything but...  I enjoy some of the commercials/promo vids for Face Off, that's about as much of that style of show I can tolerate. 


Reality TV happened because the studios did not want to pay real actors.  They can pick people up off the street, pay them a pittance, and people will watch it because like a train wreck you just can't look away.  The writer's strike didn't help either.


I wish reality TV would die a nasty death but it looks like it's hear to stay as long as people keep watching it.  I used to watch Food Network all the time for actual cooking tips... now it's all reality shows, and the instrucitonal shows went to the "new" Cooking Channel, which incidentally is only on the more expensive cable tiers.  I cut out cable TV and I really don't miss it.


Though I am probably not enough of one to really call myself a nerd, it is funny that a lot of the people that beat those kids up are now doing the same things.


I was a nerdy before it was cool...  I guess I'm a hipster nerd.


I still think it's very strange seeing the crazy Game of Thrones fandom.  I randomly picked up A Game of Thrones in a Borders in the 90's because I was looking for a new fantasy book to read.  I kept telling people about how good it was, even my nerd friends, but they dismissed it.  Now everyone's a fan.



So I am sitting here parting out the new Lego Movie Benny's spaceship 70816 a $100 MSRP set that can easily be had for less and it has amazingly detailed printed elements including a possible unique (not limited) license plate, see pic, and there are more. While my $300 UCS, according to the gold seal on the box, Sandcrawler has stickers that were made on an etch a sketch.



I'm pretty annoyed by this as well.  I don't understand why the smaller Cuusoo sets like the DeLorean and Ecto 1 get nice printed parts, which are all one-offs, while sets like Orthanc and Sandcrawler get a sticker sheet.  In my opinion, once you get to a certain price point, those parts need to be printed.

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I could understand that large-quantity sets (smaller sets usually) get printed bricks if the setup of actually printing bricks is a considerable portion of the overall cost. The setup of printing a sticker sheet is got to be small in comparison. Sets with a smaller quantity then loose, because the cost per printed brick is higher.


Of course, the counter argument is that these are usually the more expensive sets, and most buyers would, if given the chance, probably pay $5/5

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When you open up a box of cereal and the side of the bag tears, and then when you're finished with the bag you contemplate about eating the bottom of the bag cereal, but then there's no milk so you use Sunny D then realize all the spoons are in the dishwasher, but dirty, and TheOrcKing comes in with Orc Oats and you're happy but then realize you still haven't got any milk while you're getting beaten up by a robber who wants your wallet.

Don't open the cereal bag incorrectly. Get LEGO Eggo waffles.

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When you open up a box of cereal and the side of the bag tears, and then when you're finished with the bag you contemplate about eating the bottom of the bag cereal, but then there's no milk so you use Sunny D then realize all the spoons are in the dishwasher, but dirty, and TheOrcKing comes in with Orc Oats and you're happy but then realize you still haven't got any milk while you're getting beaten up by a robber who wants your wallet.

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This thread should be re-titled: "hxckid88's group therapy session" :D :D :D


On topic: Darn Amazon Prime and their rotating video selections.  They should have all movies in a franchise free on Prime or not at all.  Example: they only have Evil Dead 2 and about 50% of James Bond movies under Prime.

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The good 50% or the bad 50%?


This thread should be re-titled: "hxckid88's group therapy session" :D :D :D


On topic: Darn Amazon Prime and their rotating video selections.  They should have all movies in a franchise free on Prime or not at all.  Example: they only have Evil Dead 2 and about 50% of James Bond movies under Prime.

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