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Undertaker lost.

I've never seen rage like im seeing in any format of any topic on the Internet.

He hasn't lost in 21years for those who don't get it.


It was the only sacred thing left in wrestling. He should never have lost. Im surprised people haven't rioted yet.

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Dude like I said I've never seen rage on the Internet like this. Even non wrestling *** fans should watch last minute if match to view 75000 people go to dead silence. It'd even the number one trend in the Web now. I've never seen or had a Wtf moment like that in my life.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest brickcrazyhouse

every time a canadian thread is started and uses .CA at the end, I read it as california.  I just got all excited about the sail barge being half off, then noticed where all the responses were from. someday I'll learn 

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every time a canadian thread is started and uses .CA at the end, I read it as california.  I just got all excited about the sail barge being half off, then noticed where all the responses were from. someday I'll learn 

Following by people from L.A. that do not seem to get that LA is Louisiana.

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Regrets such as doing only 50 reps on bench per day when you could have been doing 100 reps per day.

in a strange way... Yes. I wish I got real Into fitness and such earlier in life and took leaps of faith to try to be a pro wrestler. It's really just the monanity thst I feel my life has become the past few months. I'm just board.
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Goddang DirectTV is being a pain in the ass again. It's been years since the last time something like this happened with not being able to receive a portion of the channels I am paying for but this is still frickin' asinine especially considering when I literally just paid the darn bill. :mad:

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