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I hate the people who try to cut in front of you while exiting a parking garage after a sporting event. Some idiot tried to cross through the parking spaces to cut in front of me and 15-20 other cars... I was ready to let him hit my car as he kept driving forward like I was going to allow him in front of me after waiting for so long to get out of the parking lot.

I gotta go with Krayzie on this.  Living in LA for a while, commuting to school every morning.  Who DOESN'T know there is a line to get on the freeway, oh.....except that person in the nice Lexus who is too important to wait like the rest of us, bypassing ALL 30 cars in line to accidentally nudge the nose of her car right into the FWY on-ramp entrance.  "oh theres a liiiiiine behind me? oopsie"


Then some white little car cuts me off at the Chevron, who gets out to pump gas? Leonardo DiCaprio!  who is too cool for the traffic rule apparently.


Then Black Friday here in Ohio last year.  Waiting outside, freezing a bit in front of Kohls to buy things wifey wanted (asleep and warm in her bed).  Wait for an hour in a long line and when it opens, all of a sudden little leaches come out of their warm cars to bumrush the entrance and cut in line.  People booing and hissing, rightfully so.  I mean come on, dont give me that "oooooh I didnt know there was a line heeeeeeere, ooopsie" Cartman attitude.  Since day one in school kids learn about lines and order.


My wife is from Europe, where Legos are born apparently.  And as civilized as you think it'd be, those people push, shove and cut in line like its the last chopper out of Saigon.  I had enough one day of some guy pushing my wife aside and elbowed the bro sharply in teh chest and apologized in my other language feigning sincerity, he got the point.


To round out my weekend, my favorite calibre rifle ammo is being banned from import, thanks government.  Grrrrr.  

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The question of is X set a good investment in daily thread really annoys me. But I get it not everyone can make decisions on their own and most people. In life are followers and not leaders. So it's only natural these questions happen. Still annoy me. But....

There is no excuse and it makes me crazy only because it happens all the time now. X set is on sale. Guys guys guys submit your price match to amazon. Guyssss ....

Amazon does not have item and hasn't forever. I can think of five occasions this has happened on past month.

The only thing that makes me Not scream at a wall is the fact that these people are my supposed competition on the reselling market. If you can't see that an item is not sold by Amazon or you think cause it's on amazon from a third party seller that that somehow translates to amazon price matching then how will you ever navigate ebay. I'll be submitting my price matches to your ebay store in the near future.:)

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The question of is X set a good investment in daily thread really annoys me. But I get it not everyone can make decisions on their own and most people. In life are followers and not leaders. So it's only natural these questions happen. Still annoy me. But....

There is no excuse and it makes me crazy only because it happens all the time now. X set is on sale. Guys guys guys submit your price match to amazon. Guyssss ....

Amazon does not have item and hasn't forever. I can think of five occasions this has happened on past month.

The only thing that makes me Not scream at a wall is the fact that these people are my supposed competition on the reselling market. If you can't see that an item is not sold by Amazon or you think cause it's on amazon from a third party seller that that somehow translates to amazon price matching then how will you ever navigate ebay. I'll be submitting my price matches to your ebay store in the near future.:)

My complaint is that you can't like a post more than once.

Sent from my iPod touch using Brickpicker

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I just bought some star wars figures off of bricklink, which I received over the weekend.  While the figures have all been available in sets in the past, the ones I received had all the halmarks of being made in China, the biggest one being no black mark on the neck.  Turns out the seller took these figures off of magnets.  I had no idea they were available as magnets and thought they had come from actual Lego sets.


Do you think I'm being petty if I ask for a refund, or should I just chalk this up to experience and move on?  I feel like if the figures were removed from magnets where they are glued on, the seller is being less than honest by not giving that information.

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I just bought some star wars figures off of bricklink, which I received over the weekend.  While the figures have all been available in sets in the past, the ones I received had all the halmarks of being made in China, the biggest one being no black mark on the neck.  Turns out the seller took these figures off of magnets.  I had no idea they were available as magnets and thought they had come from actual Lego sets.


Do you think I'm being petty if I ask for a refund, or should I just chalk this up to experience and move on?  I feel like if the figures were removed from magnets where they are glued on, the seller is being less than honest by not giving that information.


I'd ask for a refund... that is plain dishonest IMO.

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Lately I've had a string of non-paying buyers on bricklink.  They all have < 10 feedback, but it's always good with notes saying they paid quickly.  However, they don't respond to messages and don't pay.


It's really irritating on EBay too.  I get frustrated when I'm quick flipping a polybag or something and somebody doesn't pay.  The window for flipping those is usually only a couple weeks and if you have a non-payer, it's usually too late by the time you settle the EBay claim.

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I hate when you are withon like a buck or 2 from free shipping. Happens to me all the time on amazon. Always not lego related. My cart is like 33.49 right now. It's like I have to force my self to do work find some random item to get free shipping. This usually goes on for a day or so to I think of something I '' need''

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