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I'll second the NBA comment and say isn't it lame how only five teams matter year after year. When they get called out on it suddenly things change. I call shenanigans. A month ago only five teams had a record above 500 espn started talking to about it and now all the bad times r doing OK.. And by all I mean all.

I don't agree. The cavs still suck....


Edit: I just checked the standings again for the East and all the teams still pretty much suck except for Indiana and Miami. The West will always have a ton of teams above 500 trying to make the playoffs. Sadly the Eastern teams don't even have to be above 500 to make the playoffs...

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Why do people effing bid on stuff then send you an effing email saying its too expensive 'can we cancel the transaction'.


Now do I behave like a A-hole and force them to pay up and threaten non-payment strikes etc... 


I feel like banning the whole of Italy from my auctions!! 


:angry:   :mad:  :banghead:



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Why do people effing bid on stuff then send you an effing email saying its too expensive 'can we cancel the transaction'.


Now do I behave like a A-hole and force them to pay up and threaten non-payment strikes etc... 


I feel like banning the whole of Italy from my auctions!! 


:angry:   :mad:  :banghead:



It is very likely that forcing them to pay would end poorly for you.

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Why do people effing bid on stuff then send you an effing email saying its too expensive 'can we cancel the transaction'.


Now do I behave like a A-hole and force them to pay up and threaten non-payment strikes etc... 


I feel like banning the whole of Italy from my auctions!! 


:angry:   :mad:  :banghead:



Just cancel, block, and move on.  Hopefully the 2nd higest bidder still wants the item when the cancellation is completed

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Why do people effing bid on stuff then send you an effing email saying its too expensive 'can we cancel the transaction'.

Now do I behave like a A-hole and force them to pay up and threaten non-payment strikes etc...

I feel like banning the whole of Italy from my auctions!!



Italy is blocked on my account. Too high of fraud risk. Id recommend blocking them

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I have had some good transactions to there but it is only country from which I have had a charge back.


I have done a Second chance offer to a UK bidder and have raised a cancellation case. Oddly, they have have already left positive feedback.


Still makes me want to :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

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Guest TabbyBoy

Italy is blocked on my account. Too high of fraud risk. Id recommend blocking them


I have blocked South Korea as they are just too demanding (anal?) and want 100% refunds (not even partial) even if the seals aren't dead straight.  Crooks appear to be mostly buyers these days as they know they have us over a barrel.

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This is getting kind of sick. Many of you go and clean out stores without thinking twice about what you're doing, but when you're on the outside looking in, you complain. Enough is never enough, and when you have it all, you still want more. Instead of thinking of others, you only think about yourselves. It seems like you get the thought in your heads that only resellers are buying LEGO or looking for the next deal, and 'if I don't buy all of them, another reseller will!'. Exercise some restraint and leave some for others. You don't need everything. Some non-resellers are actually looking to purchase a set when a sale arises.

I'm all for getting a deal on LEGO, but at the same time, I know I'm not the only person who should benefit.

Sounds like you don't appreciate capitalism, first come first serve. It's not about disrespect, it's about business. And for many people here, it's how they feed their families. No laws are broken by buying out the last lego set at TRU...

Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker

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I didn't want to post this in the respective threads because it's not my intention to call out or offend anyone. There have been a lot of posts in the "Daily Deals" thread that basically just brag about cleaning out stock and tell the reader how many of each set the poster picked up. I'd like to not have to wade through multiple postings of that sort of thing. It kind of belongs in the "What set did you buy today" thread.

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Here is my complain: just went to toysrus to pick up my in store pickup from last week sale. All my lego set has a white sticker on it with my name and order number instead on the clear plastic bag I used to get. I tried to peel off one of those stickers and part of the lego packaging sticked to it. Guess I will have to return them? The boxes are in perfect condition.

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Here is my complain: just went to toysrus to pick up my in store pickup from last week sale. All my lego set has a white sticker on it with my name and order number instead on the clear plastic bag I used to get. I tried to peel off one of those stickers and part of the lego packaging sticked to it. Guess I will have to return them? The boxes are in perfect condition.

In the future use a blow dryer. It works wonders! I used it on all the stupid walmart stickers they stuck on my pickup orders.

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Here is my complain: just went to toysrus to pick up my in store pickup from last week sale. All my lego set has a white sticker on it with my name and order number instead on the clear plastic bag I used to get. I tried to peel off one of those stickers and part of the lego packaging sticked to it. Guess I will have to return them? The boxes are in perfect condition.

Use a hair dryer to heat the sticker, they come off much easier.

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Guest TabbyBoy

I didn't want to post this in the respective threads because it's not my intention to call out or offend anyone. There have been a lot of posts in the "Daily Deals" thread that basically just brag about cleaning out stock and tell the reader how many of each set the poster picked up. I'd like to not have to wade through multiple postings of that sort of thing. It kind of belongs in the "What set did you buy today" thread.

I'm inclined to agree. I couldn't care less now what sets are bought by BP members. What's the point of saying what's been bought if we don't know what the cost was, where it came from and if there's any left? A shrewd investor will clear the shelves anyway and not say a word as there's no point mentioning something that's now sold out. Please let's only mention if there's scope for fellow BP members to benefit.

I believe that the UK's biggest hoarder of 41999s who made it public is in agony now after paying well over the odds for something that has passed its peak. I'll pay

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Guest betsy805

was in Value Village getting kids books and stumbled upon a big bag of lego...about 6 or 7 pounds worth.  Flipped it over to see the price of $80!!!  Are you kidding me Value Village?!

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This is a complaint to myself. I finally tried to tidy up the lego I acquired during Xmas sale. While I was piling up the boxes, I noticed the boxes from toysrus had an envelope at the bottom stuck inside the bottom flap. I opened it and saw the buy $40 and get $10 gift card coupon!!!!!! (For use in Nov and Dec last year). Kind of mad at myself for letting those coupons go to waste and how much I could have saved.

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People that are using my email as their own to subscribe to stupid/Facebook/porn sites and giving it to companies such as banks and supermarkets.


And of course, the stupid sites that do not provide email verification.


Damn you Massimo Russo, Maxwell Hays Rouse-Howell and whoever that dutch guy is!

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