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Complaint Thread


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was changing yesterday, bricks, then grey dots, back to bricks.

As I stated yesterday, the new forum version will be launching in the near future so there will be some changes and improvements. The characters worked for awhile, but I think there was and is not enough of them moving forward. I would like to do something a little more rank based. People never knew what these names meant and I want to make it a little clear as to what the new ranks indicate. The bricks are temporary until the new forum software is implemented, then we will see what options we have.
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As I stated yesterday, the new forum version will be launching in the near future so there will be some changes and improvements. The characters worked for awhile, but I think there was and is not enough of them moving forward. I would like to do something a little more rank based. People never knew what these names meant and I want to make it a little clear as to what the new ranks indicate. The bricks are temporary until the new forum software is implemented, then we will see what options we have.

Thanks for the clarification, Ed. I hadn't read what you posted yesterday. I appreciate all the hard work you and Jeff put into the site. This really is the best site to come to on the Internet. I love it and know that many others do as well. Keep up the awesome work.

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As I stated yesterday, the new forum version will be launching in the near future so there will be some changes and improvements. The characters worked for awhile, but I think there was and is not enough of them moving forward. I would like to do something a little more rank based. People never knew what these names meant and I want to make it a little clear as to what the new ranks indicate. The bricks are temporary until the new forum software is implemented, then we will see what options we have.

the big surprise is I actually noticed it.  I'm one not to notice changes.  Funny thing is while I did notice the bricks and dots I never noticed the characters were gone LOL

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Not my complaint

My complaint is going into a sandwich shop (Jersey Mike's) ordering a hit steak Sandwich with lettuce and mayo and they don't write it down. I get it after 10 minutes and they didn't put any condiments or sides on it. It's just steak and cheese I take it back and they fix it. Two bites in and I discover it's got onions on it (which I asked not be on).

At that point they are going to have to remake it. I ain't got time for that so I left with a free sandwich for next time.

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When buying a new lego set on ebay and the person selling it didn't even bother to remove the clearance tag on it.  No need to rub it in my face.

Offer them $5.



I don't know if this seller deserves to make money with leaving the price tag on (fruitcake?)

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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByBrickpicker Forum1426888235.961732.jpg

Not my complaint

My complaint is going into a sandwich shop (Jersey Mike's) ordering a hit steak Sandwich with lettuce and mayo and they don't write it down. I get it after 10 minutes and they didn't put any condiments or sides on it. It's just steak and cheese I take it back and they fix it. Two bites in and I discover it's got onions on it (which I asked not be on).

At that point they are going to have to remake it. I ain't got time for that so I left with a free sandwich for next time.


My complaint about Jersey Mike's is they won't toast their subs.

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Being followed out of Walmart (all the way to my car) by undercover security.

I think I may have had something like that happen to me before or maybe it was just somebody being a creepy stalker. Actually both sound like the same thing. What a way to make your customers feel 'safe'. :mda:


I have better stated then what I would have done. I agree with all of this. So much so that I refuse to shop at walamrt unless for business, investment stuff. I refuse to buy anything personal thier.

I just feel uncomfortable in their. It's weird I don't want to be in their. Target I lollygage at times.

Walamrt hires the most trashy rude people ever too.

Most of the staff hired at my Walmart usually is average people so only a couple have been rude who I can recall making a point with staying away from. They keep switching around though so there seems to be a new employee every other day. The best ones I still talk to are actually the old farts like this one guy who could be a Duck Dynasty stand-in. Haha. The store condition itself could use a thorough cleaning with some better reorganization.


You must be new to planet Earth.

Ha. Remember Kmart used to be a good store some long time ago before falling to the wayside and I'm sure Toys R Us will end up sharing the same fate down the road. Walmart isn't that bad just yet but it does seem to be getting there and that is one of the problems caused when competition goes away. The 'big dog' starts getting lax in terms of what made it a good store to begin with.
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Want to look into the future of America look no further than Sprawlmart. If you are not willing to buy your neighbors products or services at a cost that allows them to live a decent middle class life, then how will they afford to buy your goods and services that affords you the same. You may as well fire yourself right now. In the tech industry we have a thing called H1B and it lets those wonderful "job creating companies" drive down wages by claiming they can't find a local to do the job, when really what they mean is they can't find a local with the skills who will work for peanuts.  So you know what happens Fortran coder can't find a job, so they take C coders job, who takes Matlab coders job, who takes high school math teachers job, who takes retail persons job, who takes fast food dude's job, who is now unemployed. And then we get the jobs numbers for the month in and they are great, except all these praised newly created jobs pay min wage with no benefits. So who's the biggest employer in america now its Welfare company, and they offer great benefits so who would ever want to leave. I wonder what will happen to interest rates once the Fed stops buying most treasuries, oh I guess social security fund will still buy, cause if we circle the debt wagons enough maybe we will all be safe.  Without debt and dollar reserve currency of the world propping this place up its sunk, and guess how long the average life span of a reserve currency is.  But hey this stuff probably won't implode during my lifetime and China's pollution hasn't quite made it to my shore yet, so I will just let the future generation deal with the problems I and my parents and their parents created, because it's easier that way. 

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Wonderful post.


I always try to buy goods and services from local shops. Shops owned by families. Yes, they ask more money. But their service and aftersales is much better than the multinational stores. Also you will support your local economy.


What I also have noticed... the higher priced lego sets I have sold mostly went to people with own companies. They request to ship it to the company address. People working for the nationwide multinational stores simply cannot afford this. They are happy to reach the end of the month. Hence, the big companies lately hire young students to do the jobs cause they are cheap. They know nothing about what they are selling. 

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Wonderful post.


I always try to buy goods and services from local shops. Shops owned by families. Yes, they ask more money. But their service and aftersales is much better than the multinational stores. Also you will support your local economy.


What I also have noticed... the higher priced lego sets I have sold mostly went to people with own companies. They request to ship it to the company address. People working for the nationwide multinational stores simply cannot afford this. They are happy to reach the end of the month. Hence, the big companies lately hire young students to do the jobs cause they are cheap. They know nothing about what they are selling.

You guys know how to run an economy and take care of your fellow citizens. Wish it was more like that here! I am glad to hear not everyone thinks only of cheapest price, but also concern for their neighbors, whether you know them or not. It is such a rare thing to even find a family owned shop here anymore, though this was not the case just 20 years ago when I was a child. I even remember some of my first experiences buying lego in a local owned store. There is so much more joy and wonder in it than going into a huge big box store, the employees are happier, more knowledgable and the experience just does not even compare. We have really lost something here these last few decades and I am so happy to know it still exists somewhere. And not surprised it exists in one of the strongest, and most equitable economies in the world.
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