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I know that feeling. I have been contemplating hiring a cleaning person as the list of stuff never gets done. I am not sure if I want a stranger coming into my home though.

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Brickpicker mobile app

My wife and I have two young kids and considered getting a cleaning service but just the thought of having a stranger in my house touching my stuff weirds me out.

Edited by oneknightr
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My wife and I have two young kids and considered getting a cleaning service but just the thought of having a stranger in my house touching my stuff weirds me out.



I know that feeling. I have been contemplating hiring a cleaning person as the list of stuff never gets done. I am not sure if I want a stranger coming into my home though.

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Brickpicker mobile app


We thought about it as well, but realized that out of shame, we would probably clean up before the cleaning person came.

Edited by lazuli16
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My wife and I have two young kids and considered getting a cleaning service but just the thought of having a stranger in my house touching my stuff weirds me out.

You meant "touching my Lego stuff"?

Find someone you know who uses cleaning service or person. Or ask for references in Nextdoor. That makes cleaning person to be less of a stranger. Also, if you occasionally hire babysitter,see if they offer cleaning as well

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Two young kids here as well. Cleaninglady would be welcome. But that would not solve our problems perse. I guess the wife and me need a long holiday on a deserted tropical island. Its been too long ago.

That's the harder part to maintain.  I just remind my wife that they are only small once and when we're back to our pre-child ways (i.e. alone) she'll be longing for the days when they were small and the house was a mess.

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You meant "touching my Lego stuff"?

Find someone you know who uses cleaning service or person. Or ask for references in Nextdoor. That makes cleaning person to be less of a stranger. Also, if you occasionally hire babysitter,see if they offer cleaning as well

We just acquired a cleaning lady before Christmas from our neighbour. She was a live in nanny for them but now scaled back to 3x times a week. We get her Thursday's for 1hr before she starts her shift next door. This is perfect because the bathrooms are nice and shiny when we have friends over on the weekend. Feels like a bit of a luxury but I highly recommend getting a cleaner if you find someone you trust.
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Bricklink buyer places an order 11pm Friday night.  Saturday at 10pm they email demanding an invoice.  I send them the invoice within an hour and they begin to haggle me on the shipping.  I should have held my ground but I am anxious to sell this set (Quinjet) so I threw in a $4 discount on shipping.  Closing the deal was more important than $4 but I was annoyed by the buyer.

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It drives me crazy that "sort by price" on Amazon, specifically AWD, is more of just a general direction.  Seriously: SORT BY PRICE DESC.  Whatever code they used to display the results in sort-of-but-not-really-sorted order has to be much more complicated. 

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It drives me crazy that "sort by price" on Amazon, specifically AWD, is more of just a general direction.  Seriously: SORT BY PRICE DESC.  Whatever code they used to display the results in sort-of-but-not-really-sorted order has to be much more complicated.

Try price-based sorting at Walmart.com.

That will make you feel better about amazon...

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Save me from idiots! I just had a complaint that I shipped a vintage set to him in pieces! Some people don't understand the concept of lego!

If you would like to be saved from the idiots, stop selling Lego altogether! That should solve all your problems!

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mixing up 2 sealed cases of Painting Easter Eggs with other cases of stuff. Oops.

Good news is I have more than I thought!

Hey come one, this is the complaint thread. I don't come here to read your "good news"

Losing money at the casino, I have no luck.

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Brickpicker mobile app

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Save me from idiots! I just had a complaint that I shipped a vintage set to him in pieces! Some people don't understand the concept of lego!

If you would like to be saved from the idiots, stop selling Lego altogether! That should solve all your problems!


Some problems may be solved but I wouldn't say all.

Here's a good one. I was talking with a lady one time and somewhere we started talking about banking. I asked "So you use Bank of America?" She replied, "Nope, I have B of A". ....What? :logik:

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Some problems may be solved but I wouldn't say all.

Here's a good one. I was talking with a lady one time and somewhere we started talking about banking. I asked "So you use Bank of America?" She replied, "Nope, I have B of A". ....What? :logik:

I know there were words said by you, but all I saw was Zoey.

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