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So I am in (horrible) Des Moines, IA on business today and I swing by McDonald's to get a couple of cheeseburgers.

As usual, I ask for no onions- and kindly, please, add mayonnaise.

I notice on the screen that this adds THIRTY CENTS PER SANDWICH to my cost.

Am I to believe they can produce an entire cheeseburger- bun, patty, cheese, pickles, ketchup, etc.- for just one dollar, but a dollop of mayo costs THIRTY CENTS more?

I do not work in the mayonnaise industry, or know anything about it really, but I have to believe they increase their profit margin on that mayonnaise by 900% by charging me thirty cents more.

As an MCD's regular, I have never seen this.


Is there no trade-in value for the onions I am NOT requesting? Wouldn't the onions off-set the price of the mayo by something- even fifteen cents?

Rarely am I disappointed in McDonald's. But I have to say, I left that drive-through with a heavy heart today.

Pm and I'll get your diet in order sir so you can hang around on here forums a bit longer.
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lol enjoying this thread greatly.

My employer allows a hundred bucks a day for food allowance when travelling... on a four-day trip I spend maybe two of them getting a steak or such at the hotel bar, and the other two just grabbing BK or MCD's and a 7-Eleven six-pack to take back to the hotel. I don't care if a Whopper value meal only costs six bucks... pair it with a six-pack of original Budweiser, and that fourteen dolllars goes a very long way.

Great now I have to fix your poor beer choices too.

Sierra Nevada torpedo ipa

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Let's have some straight-talk. Not all mayo is the same.


If you are hoarding 11-cent packets from Carl's Jr. or Jack-in-the-Box, you better flip your investment now before Mayo season is over. At current selling rates of 17-19 cents per packet, rates and returns are solid.


The real money is in your more exclusive and larger Mayo's, such as Costco's three-gallon Kraft bucket. As a long-term hold, this set will play VERY will to the high-dollar mayonnaise collector. Don't sleep on acquiring this set- once the three-galloner is gone, it is gone. You will kick yourself later if you miss out.


HCX - based on the time you have for the gym, and attention you are giving to your diet, I am assuming you do not have children. Am I right or wrong? I suspect I am right... and I use to be just like you  my friend. Carefully counting out creatine, and glutamine and taurine, and measuring whey-milkshakes, protein bars, and cans of tuna.on a nearly religious schedule.


Kids or no?

Edited by Cross
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Let's have some straight-talk. Not all mayo is the same.

If you are hoarding 11-cent packets from Carl's Jr. or Jack-in-the-Box, you better flip your investment now before Mayo season is over. At current selling rates of 17-19 cents per packet, rates and returns are solid.

The real money is in your more exclusive and larger Mayo's, such as Costco's three-gallon Kraft bucket. As a long-term hold, this set will play VERY will to the high-dollar mayonnaise collector. Don't sleep on acquiring this set- once the three-galloner is gone, it is gone. You will kick yourself later if you miss out.

HCX - based on the time you have for the gym, and attention you are giving to your diet, I am assuming you do not have children. Am I right or wrong? I suspect I am right... and I use to be just like you my friend. Carefully counting out creatine, and glultamine and taurine, and measuring whey-milkshakes, protein bars, and cans of tuna.on a nearly religious schedule.

Kids or no?

Stop spying on me that's creepy....

I have no kids, I'm 26. I care about investing, lifting heavy things, pro wrestling and enjoying pooping more as I just got the marvel encyclopedia. :)

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Profiling is more accurate.


You may or may not have kids one day. Enjoy your free time and energy for the gym, diet, etc. because once kids entire the picture ALL that time and energy are completely gone. Completely.


They will be replaced by the overwhelming desire for sleep, and the need to be left the F alone on occasion. Thank me later for this free lesson and accurate advice.

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HOLY 90s BATMAN!! I didn't realize pro wrestling was even a thing anymore.

Why would it not be? I'm the biggest wrestling nerd ever.

Profiling is more accurate.

You may or may not have kids one day. Enjoy your free time and energy for the gym, diet, etc. because once kids entire the picture ALL that time and energy are completely gone. Completely.

They will be replaced by the overwhelming desire for sleep, and the need to be left the F alone on occasion. Thank me later for this free lesson and accurate advice.

My two best friends have kids. The one has adapted just fine. Hey Holleman. :) The other is straight up miserable and has a 3rd on the way.

If I have kids and they interfered with my gym time, well I'm sure I can sell a kid for more then a lego set.

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Profiling is more accurate.

You may or may not have kids one day. Enjoy your free time and energy for the gym, diet, etc. because once kids entire the picture ALL that time and energy are completely gone. Completely.

They will be replaced by the overwhelming desire for sleep, and the need to be left the F alone on occasion. Thank me later for this free lesson and accurate advice.

^ This! 100%... And lovin' every minute so far!
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My high-school job was Chick-fil-a... and regardless of "how we are doing", when my kids are teenagers, I want them to have the same experience I had- grinding out a 36-hour work week in fast food and receiving a $114 paycheck in the process.

It really, truly is a great way to teach them the value of a hard-earned buck.

My high school job was Target. Took me 20 years to get out of there. They were kind enough to pay for my college, 4 cars, and the better part of my house though. Not to mention providing merchandise for a flea market booth and later an ebay store. And shipping supplies. I really miss the shipping supplies.

After all the fast food talk, I'm craving IN-******-Out. Too bad there isn't one within 2000 miles of me.

Edited by Migration
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It's 3am.  I wake up, and I hear my sprinklers going off.  They're only supposed to run a few minutes around 10pm.  And, oh, it's been raining, and I forgot to turn them off all together.


So, I trek outside and take a look - somehow, the timer got switch from 5 minutes to 5.9 hours.


I only water M, W, and F.  Last meter read was on December 1 (and all was normal).  Worst case scenario, this has been happening for 6 waterings.  Better case is that the gardener fused with it last weekend, and it's been happening since Monday.  Either way though, I'm hoping I'm not going to be out a bunch of money with the next water bill.

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It's 3am.  I wake up, and I hear my sprinklers going off.  They're only supposed to run a few minutes around 10pm.  And, oh, it's been raining, and I forgot to turn them off all together.


So, I trek outside and take a look - somehow, the timer got switch from 5 minutes to 5.9 hours.


I only water M, W, and F.  Last meter read was on December 1 (and all was normal).  Worst case scenario, this has been happening for 6 waterings.  Better case is that the gardener fused with it last weekend, and it's been happening since Monday.  Either way though, I'm hoping I'm not going to be out a bunch of money with the next water bill.

holy sh*** hear ya broda...


did you have a power outage by any chance recently. i had similar issue when there was a power outage and all settings were gone. it reverted to i don't know what. but in my case it was watering 3 times a day everyday.

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Fellas fellas - all this fast food talk is no bueno. Stuff'll kill you faster than a fat stack of 10188 DS falling on you. 


Eat clean most of the time. Sweat it out regularly. Exercise is a great way to escape the kids. I have a 'if you're not working out you're getting the hell out rule'.


Oh, wait - I forgot this was a complaint thread. 


I need to complain about the complaint thread going off the rails. 


Carry on.  



Edit: better complaint. 

Edited by dubzero
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