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Found out today my Pit Lily blew out her ACL yesterday while we were at the beach. I was hoping for a sprained foot or similar. Poor girl. So some more of my Lego must go to cover the $2000+ it's going to cost to fix her up.

I had the same thing happen to one of my dogs' years ago. She wasn't quite as spry after the surgery but still the happy girl I fell in love with at the rescue center. Anyway I hope your friend the very best.
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I hate craigslist people who haggle via several emails just to get an additional $5 off even after I've agreed to lower my asking price by $10. I waited until he relented and then I ignored his emails afterwards trying to set up a meet.


I've been buying way more than I've been selling over the past two months. I'm running out of space!

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Found out today my Pit Lily blew out her ACL yesterday while we were at the beach. I was hoping for a sprained foot or similar. Poor girl. So some more of my Lego must go to cover the $2000+ it's going to cost to fix her up.

Bummer deal! Poor Lily. Sorry to hear about this CC. Breaks your heart to see them hurt.

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So I am in (horrible) Des Moines, IA on business today and I swing by McDonald's to get a couple of cheeseburgers.


As usual, I ask for no onions- and kindly, please, add mayonnaise.


I notice on the screen that this adds THIRTY CENTS PER SANDWICH to my cost.


Am I to believe they can produce an entire cheeseburger- bun, patty, cheese, pickles, ketchup, etc.- for just one dollar, but a dollop of mayo costs THIRTY CENTS more?


I do not work in the mayonnaise industry, or know anything about it really, but I have to believe they increase their profit margin on that mayonnaise by 900% by charging me thirty cents more.


As an MCD's regular, I have never seen this.




Is there no trade-in value for the onions I am NOT requesting? Wouldn't the onions off-set the price of the mayo by something- even fifteen cents?


Rarely am I disappointed in McDonald's. But I have to say, I left that drive-through with a heavy heart today.

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Is there no trade-in value for the onions I am NOT requesting? Wouldn't the onions off-set the price of the mayo by something- even fifteen cents?


Thanks for my laugh of the day. Years and years ago I worked at Burger King as a student. Only cheese and bacon cost extra. ;)

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My high-school job was Chick-fil-a... and regardless of "how we are doing", when my kids are teenagers, I want them to have the same experience I had- grinding out a 36-hour work week in fast food and receiving a $114 paycheck in the process.


It really, truly is a great way to teach them the value of a hard-earned buck.  

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lol enjoying this thread greatly.


My employer allows a hundred bucks a day for food allowance when travelling... on a four-day trip I spend maybe two of them getting a steak or such at the hotel bar, and the other two just grabbing BK or MCD's and a 7-Eleven six-pack to take back to the hotel. I don't care if a Whopper value meal only costs six bucks... pair it with a six-pack of original Budweiser, and that fourteen dolllars goes a very long way.

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My high-school job was Chick-fil-a... and regardless of "how we are doing", when my kids are teenagers, I want them to have the same experience I had- grinding out a 36-hour work week in fast food and receiving a $114 paycheck in the process.


It really, truly is a great way to teach them the value of a hard-earned buck.

The only fast food i eat (gave the rest up). Good old chik fil a.

Something about hearing my pleasure after every order. I can peg any ex employee. That saying sticks around with them into there next jobs

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Raven I am with you... my Wife doesn't let me MCD or BK-bomb our house, it is my "on the road" guilty pleasure, but Chick-fil-a is ALWAYS welcome. It's an incredibly run company. And Chick-fil-a sauce itself, I suspect, came from the Kitchen of God, or some other higher deity.

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lol enjoying this thread greatly.


My employer allows a hundred bucks a day for food allowance when travelling... on a four-day trip I spend maybe two of them getting a steak or such at the hotel bar, and the other two just grabbing BK or MCD's and a 7-Eleven six-pack to take back to the hotel. I don't care if a Whopper value meal only costs six bucks... pair it with a six-pack of original Budweiser, and that fourteen dolllars goes a very long way.

Flat $100? Do you get to keep the extra? My allowance varies by city ($46 to $136 so far).
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Raven I am with you... my Wife doesn't let me MCD or BK-bomb our house, it is my "on the road" guilty pleasure, but Chick-fil-a is ALWAYS welcome. It's an incredibly run company. And Chick-fil-a sauce itself, I suspect, came from the Kitchen of God, or some other higher deity.

Agreed. Has to be the most efficient and consistently run fast food out there.

It was a big deal here when s truett cathy passed recently. Public memorial had 4k in attendance.

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Mini... my company is small (very fortunately); the allowance is more a guideline. Larger companies in my industry run on very tight guidelines.


But they know there's a HUGE difference between lodging/food in a town like Des Moines, IA and lodging/food in San Fran, Chicago, etc.


There's no extra pay for lack of food allowance not spent. Either way, I top out the bill with sweet, sweet booze, which is, to quote Homer Simpson...


"The cause of- and solution to- all of life's problems".

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