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10220 - Volkswagen T1 Camper Van


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This thread sure did cool off.  I used to get updates all the time everyday.  Now........nothing.  I'll start it up......It will be 4 years this year since this set was released.  Is it going away this year?  Let the flurry of responses begin........ :smoke:

That's a very good question. My answer: I have no clue.

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Since I see the most hoarded set 'grand emporium' already giving substantial returns, I will be definetly one of the hoarders. Can't go wrong this one, especially because it's a licensed VW set. Very popular in Europe.


I recall a ship of a very good brand which was held impossible it would ever sink.

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I recall a ship of a very good brand which was held impossible it would ever sink.

Well.. If you have them at 75-80 euro and you sell for 125 after EOL, then it will have substantial returns. How can it sink.. They go for 90 at this moment, as if people are not willing to pay retail after EOL.

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I have 5 and I wouldn't buy another even if I knew for a fact it was retiring today. This is like the DS but worse. Not only is it lasting for-fing-ever, it's affordable and every wanna be lego investor can and HAS BEEN hoarding the holy hell out of this thing.

I only have one and was debating on getting another.  I wonder is Ed or Jeff could run an analysis of how many are stockpiled like they did with the GE.  Even though the GE was heavily hoarded I'm still glad I have my two. 

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I only have one and was debating on getting another.  I wonder is Ed or Jeff could run an analysis of how many are stockpiled like they did with the GE.  Even though the GE was heavily hoarded I'm still glad I have my two. 

my personal opinion,


although this set may be hoarded by many (probably more than GE) but its recognition and appeal is , at the very least 100X, more.  its entry price makes it very charming :)


this set would do very well after retirement. as always the bigger question is when will it retire...... most logical thinking was last year when mini-cooper was announced this was perceived gone. during that short period of shortage price reached till 180+. but TLG played rough and brought it back .....

will they retire the very/most popular set ... Remains to be seen....

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I had 7 and wanted out late last year.

I put them on ebay and sold one slightly above retail one at retail and the others I think at $10 below retail with free shipping.

I know it is widely available but if you cannot even sell the thing below cost during November & December is it that great of long term hold?

They went but it took a good amount of time to sell them.

Saying that I just bought some arctic supply planes and if you look at their sales they are non existent on ebay.

However it is somewhat less hoarded.


I went to a Hordeaholics Anonymous Class and decided to leave the car dealership on this one.

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I had 7 and wanted out late last year.

I put them on ebay and sold one slightly above retail one at retail and the others I think at $10 below retail with free shipping.

I know it is widely available but if you cannot even sell the thing below cost during November & December is it that great of long term hold?

They went but it took a good amount of time to sell them.

Saying that I just bought some arctic supply planes and if you look at their sales they are non existent on ebay.

However it is somewhat less hoarded.


I went to a Hordeaholics Anonymous Class and decided to leave the car dealership on this one.

classic price elasticity problem .... basic economics 101-102


sir cost on these are about 50% off MSRP at various point in time.


i believe people snagged tons with DC2(or something like that) + mini VW camper + something else.  so it was like $50 off of 119 set ....  so you will have tough time selling at MSRP when people (with cost of $50 are selling @ $90) :) ... (just saying... i am not sure the exact reason why the price didn't inflate ) ...

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The number of people that died on the Titanic is peanuts compared to the number of lives lost when the Death Star exploded.


Not to mention WWI. How many people were killed by Sopwith Camels? Or the Volkswagon line. We all know who made those cars. Heard they also killed people here and there. Or Taj Mahal. Built by slave labor. Or sets from SW Ep 1. Name a bigger national tragedy than The Phantom Menace. Go ahead. Try.

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classic price elasticity problem .... basic economics 101-102


sir cost on these are about 50% off MSRP at various point in time.


i believe people snagged tons with DC2(or something like that) + mini VW camper + something else.  so it was like $50 off of 119 set ....  so you will have tough time selling at MSRP when people (with cost of $50 are selling @ $90) :) ... (just saying... i am not sure the exact reason why the price didn't inflate ) ...


How did you know how I got mine? lol

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