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To All Massholes - Bad News If You Shop on Amazon Starting Nov 1st

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Here comes a new era.  All Massholes will have to pay sales tax on all Amazon purchase starting November 1st.  There goes the 6.25% advantage shopping for Lego on Amazon.  Thank you Deval.  Attached below is your public service announcement.




err I have been paying taxing on amazon so its no big deal to me :) 


err I have been paying taxing on amazon so its no big deal to me :)


Seriouly, are any of your posts useful?  Why do you bother when 95% of your posts are just negative and asking people to show reciepts or posting in a thread here that has nothing at all to do with you.

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Bright side: at least your tax is 6.25; my county rate is ~8% ....i don't do much shopping on Amazon. The tax savings on ebay plus the (usually) better packing from diligent sellers means guys like us get most of my money.


Bright side: at least your tax is 6.25; my county rate is ~8% ....i don't do much shopping on Amazon. The tax savings on ebay plus the (usually) better packing from diligent sellers guys like us get most of my money.


We'll just have to adapt.  Tax consideration is always a part of this game.  The law was written in the fine print a retailer have to collect sales taxes when your sale is over a certain dollar amount .  That means the smaller online retailers are still exempt.  In my eyes, I'm losing 3 DS or 3 TB or 12 HD off my collection a year from the tax savings.


Seriouly, are any of your posts useful?  Why do you bother when 95% of your posts are just negative and asking people to show reciepts or posting in a thread here that has nothing at all to do with you.


Whats your deal? 

I only asked because toysarus price match policy does not include frys .. so I was curious how he was able to price match .. you need to relax kid 

And yes its useful because if toysarus is price matching other competitors not listed on their online price match policy it would help everyone else get better deals


Whats your deal? 

I only asked because toysarus price match policy does not include frys .. so I was curious how he was able to price match .. you need to relax kid 

And yes its useful because if toysarus is price matching other competitors not listed on their online price match policy it would help everyone else get better deals


My TRU price matched Fry's.  It all depends on the MOD.  Wait, what does this have to do with massholes?


Whats your deal? 

I only asked because toysarus price match policy does not include frys .. so I was curious how he was able to price match .. you need to relax kid 

And yes its useful because if toysarus is price matching other competitors not listed on their online price match policy it would help everyone else get better deals


Well, quite a few of your posts are rather questionable and/or negative.  I see where he is coming from.  There was no need for you to post in this thread at all honestly.  Just saying  :whistle:


The whole, show a receipt or it isn't real thing can get overdone.  If that member got that deal, awesome, good score.  If not, no one is really hurt by it.


Whats your deal? 

I only asked because toysarus price match policy does not include frys .. so I was curious how he was able to price match .. you need to relax kid 

And yes its useful because if toysarus is price matching other competitors not listed on their online price match policy it would help everyone else get better deals




Last I heard was congress working on a bill that will manadate that all eligible online transactions are taxable, so it will not be only a state thing. I think the vote on the bill was expected sometime in December.


Last I heard was congress working on a bill that will manadate that all eligible online transactions are taxable, so it will not be only a state thing. I think the vote on the bill was expected sometime in December.


what is gonna be really rough about that is if you are an Ebay seller, this becomes an insane amount of work unless Ebay decides to do it for you (which hopefully they would)


what is gonna be really rough about that is if you are an Ebay seller, this becomes an insane amount of work unless Ebay decides to do it for you (which hopefully they would)

eBay is biggest online retailer fighting the bill. Amazon is ok with it as they are experimenting with a same-day delivery model that will require them to add more hubs and centers so they might be classified as a brick & mortar store.

In reference to paying the sales taxes, the latest survey in the state of Michigan -where I live- over 99% of residents don't pay it and the state doesn't really peruse it.


I wonder if they are just going to do it for all states that they weren't collecting tax in previously. I heard on the news here the other day that they're doing tax in Wisconsin starting the 1St too.


Well aware......stocking up all month!  The party is over.   Still no tax at yo yo and ee


That's surprising since yoyo.com is owned by soap.com (AKA Quidsi Retail LLCwhich is owned by Amazon.


I said this once before, but an interesting argument that I heard was to abolish sales tax in general.  It would be the only way for companies to really compete with online options.


Well some states rely very heavily on sales tax.  Tennessee for example, has no state income tax, but has an 8% sales tax to make up for it.  I don't really mind paying sales tax when you look at Europe with the crazy 15% VAT applied to everything.


eBay is biggest online retailer fighting the bill. Amazon is ok with it as they are experimenting with a same-day delivery model that will require them to add more hubs and centers so they might be classified as a brick & mortar store.

In reference to paying the sales taxes, the latest survey in the state of Michigan -where I live- over 99% of residents don't pay it and the state doesn't really peruse it.


Yeah, from my understanding, Amazon is okay with it because they would love to open distribution centers in states such as California to offer better service, but were also loathe to because then they would have to charge sales tax to customers who lived there.  Now, they can do so anyway and blame it on the government!

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