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Well after that bad bit of news from the other day, now there looks to be something better on the horizon. Sort of. Here is a new find of a polybag for the theme to go with the summer wave coming out later. Now before you say anything, I know what you're thinking with it looks a lot like Robin's Redbird Cycle. Then consider this a cheap way of obtaining Worriz in his new hot duds. They're smoking! :)

via The Brick Fan


Is that golden chi or orange chi?


I'm not in Chima stuff but I feel a high investing potential in this big baby.

Yeah not a chima fan at all but that mammoth caught my eye immediately. I gotta have it!!!


LOL.......OH sweet Jesus!!!


We lost another bro in the Chima zone...


I'm dying ova here!!! ..... Fresh outta likes today....... I owe you at least 2 for this one!!!!


Funny how the LEGO logo looks perfectly fine compared to the rest of the photo.

It's similar to the images you find in the instructions you can download from the Lego site where the pictures are a pixelated blur yet the logo and some font is perfectly pristine. Speaking of which, they should really make the images compressed at a higher quality in those downloadable instructions. They strain my eyes for starters. I understand doing that will make the file larger in size but I rather have the download take a few minutes longer instead of spending a half hour trying to decipher what color or piece is being used in the image.

Jang's reviews are fair and straigtforward.  He apparently also an experienced MOC-er. Have you seen his LEGO shopping mall MOC ? :shocked:


He posted several new 2014 Chima videos:




And the newly redesigned speedorz for 2014:



But with any luck these new ones probably won't be released in the US :(

This is becoming a habit of them lately. My Target still has plenty of the first wave Speedorz from last year plus the buildable figures while Walmart actually does have the new ones in that weird box thingy which are flimsy and thin.

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