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not at my walmart, may be they will add those later, 'cause they rearranged the isles after the summer sale.  But yes, the new walmart not far from me has exactly those yellow things with arrows.


Neither of the two Walmarts near me has a setup fancy like that although one does have a similar plastic display banner overhead but no arrows. Perhaps much later then as in next year if ever. On a side note, does it bother anyone else they stick Mega Bloks, Kre-o, and K'nek in with the Lego? It's annoying; I start with Lego and then some random Kre-o sets are stuck right in there, then more Lego, then Mega Bloks, and then back to Lego. :wacko:



On a side note, does it bother anyone else they stick Mega Bloks, Kre-o, and K'nek in with the Lego?


Yep.  For some reason in my "home" walmart they keep Friends in different isle, with barbie stuff, and now after rearranging they also moved Creator and Duplo to different isle, so kreo and megablocks are between those and the main Lego isle.  I guess they try to promote those other brands in such way.




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