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Minifigure Identification & Valuation Thread



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2.Seems to be torso and legs from Quirrell hp011, wrong hat and is that a gold head?  http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?M=hp011#T=S&O={"ss":"US","cond":"N"}

9 minutes ago, dah_hunter said:


And i totaly didnt check, number 4 is a fake.


I've found many fakes in my bulk. It's a bummer.

Edited by MarleyMoose
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Can anybody help me out with these Minifig pieces? I think the kid that owned them liked to mix and match so I have no clue. 1e4dd2ad6400dee6c548e8cba77d2f6f.jpg

#8 Samwise Gamgee - Set 9472

#2 Firefighter - set 7945, 7046 or 7240

#18 Heroic Knight & #19 Roman Emperor - 2013 minifig series

#3 Lego castle 70404

#4 Lego Sir Stackabrick Lego Movie 2014

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Guest betsy805
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1 hour ago, jbacunn said:

Thanks for the responses. This kid was tough on minifigures. I just wonder what happened to all the heads. emoji848.png

I bought a decent sized lot with a gallon bag of minifigs and then a quart bag of heads.. TBH it's weird.

PS: yes, there is a bunch of Kreo garbage mixed in


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6 hours ago, brickcrazyhouse said:

#19: Roman Emperor (CMF Series 9): http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?M=col133#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"500"}

Just saw that #19 was already mentioned. #20 is Legolas - likely from LOTR (but potentially from a Dimensions fun pack): http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=970c00pb163&in=M

Edited by Phil B
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#7 is Mr Good and Evil (CMF #9): http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?M=col142#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"500"}

#9 is tricky, likely one of these castle-related minifigs, look at the ones with the black hips: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?itemType=P&itemNo=970c09&in=M&v=1&oV=Y&srt=2&srtAsc=A

#12 is Bad Cop from TLM, one of these two minifigs: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=973pb1734c01&in=M

#13 is the Pharaoh from CMF #2: http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?M=col032#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"500"}

If I counted correctly, this completes all 20 minifigs :)

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10 minutes ago, scatmanjack said:



Trying to ID this Lion Knight.  I have many castle sets from this era, but all are still sealed.   Thinking it came from 1)Polybag or 2)Brickmaster Book? Don't think the LEGO store ever offered a cape in the Build-a-Figure display...


Close as I could find. The one in the  picture is probably a mix of minifigure parts.


I'll keep looking though.


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Trying to ID this Lion Knight.  I have many castle sets from this era, but all are still sealed.   Thinking it came from 1)Polybag or 2)Brickmaster Book? Don't think the LEGO store ever offered a cape in the Build-a-Figure display...


I'd say he is this guy with a different face and different pants: http://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas482 . Is that possible?

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14 minutes ago, scatmanjack said:



Trying to ID this Lion Knight.  I have many castle sets from this era, but all are still sealed.   Thinking it came from 1)Polybag or 2)Brickmaster Book? Don't think the LEGO store ever offered a cape in the Build-a-Figure display...


Correct King from 9349
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23 minutes ago, uaford said:

Anybody recognize these or their associated sets off the top of your head?  That would be awesome...thanks.



It looks like some Fantasy era kings/dwarves/trolls. 

The large troll in the back is from a few sets, but for an example of that guy and the smaller green heads (troll warriors) you can look at Troll Warship. The only thing is the heads are on the wrong bodies. 

This will show you all the minifigs from that era, and you can see what sets they were in. Knights on 1st page, dwarves on second, troll warriors on bottom of 2nd page, and large trolls on the 3rd page. 

Edited by Sharkbait
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