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Are fruitcakes running rampant on eBay lately? Selling, buying, listing, feedback, etc...


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"I paid for this item this morning.  Why haven't you shipped my item yet?"

I can already tell that this is a person that I will wish I never sold anything too.  Really?  You EXPECT same day shipping?  Some people are ridiculous.

reciprocate. seller want to get paid immediately i.e. within 30minutes of listing ended. and want to take a whole day to ship? or rather upload tracking information  

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The worst part is that I want to have a snarky come back, but I can't.  I really wish there was a way to cancel the transaction and just refund them.  I think there is close to a zero percent chance that they are satisfied with whatever the outcome is.

yeah if you cancel the order they'll prolly leave negative feedback so the best thing to do is bite your lip and be apologetic and polite, that's what I'd do anyway. I've met my fair share of a-holes on eBay and I've learned the easiest thing to do is be polite and ignore whatever idiotic thing they have to say.

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yeah if you cancel the order they'll prolly leave negative feedback so the best thing to do is bite your lip and be apologetic and polite, that's what I'd do anyway. I've met my fair share of a-holes on eBay and I've learned the easiest thing to do is be polite and ignore whatever idiotic thing they have to say.

Yes...this is what I do too.  Turns out this person was just impatient more so then an a-hole.  My message to them was "Sorry, I have been at work all day but will ship this when I get home"....to which they replied "Thanks, have a great evening."

I think what happens a lot in this day and age is that people forget they are talking to a person.  The person probably works, has kids, goes to school, etc (I do all of these).  Until you respond with a "human" response, they think they are talking to Amazon or some other huge corporation.  Anyways...still think there is 92% chance I end up eating something on this transaction.  :)

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Yes...this is what I do too.  Turns out this person was just impatient more so then an a-hole.  My message to them was "Sorry, I have been at work all day but will ship this when I get home"....to which they replied "Thanks, have a great evening."

I think what happens a lot in this day and age is that people forget they are talking to a person.  The person probably works, has kids, goes to school, etc (I do all of these).  Until you respond with a "human" response, they think they are talking to Amazon or some other huge corporation.  Anyways...still think there is 92% chance I end up eating something on this transaction.  :)


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we've got your back :good:


To put a nice little bow on this story, I printed shipping last night and before I got to bed already received positive feedback "Thanks for the swift shipping."  Seems like I can create a Saturday Night Live character based on this person "Mr. I-Have-No-Concept-of-Time". 

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Wow... so... people do pay that much to buy boxes?

Zero feedbackers bidding? This is not going to end well. If I saw that title on my cell phone I would think it was the actual set as well. Always assume your buyers are not going to look at the pics or read the description (because most of them won't).

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Hi guys, I'm reading the seller guide in eBay and it says: "Insertion fees are free for your first 20 listings per calendar month" does this mean that I can put 20 products per month without paying the insertion fee? And if yes, it is for fixed price and auction? Thank you very much. ;)

Yeah, they are always having promo's too.  Off the top of my head these are for auctions, but they sometimes have free insertion fees for Buy it Now.   Sometimes they will depend on the category they are in.  If you go to your selling page, it should have all the info at the bottom, sort of like a grid that shows how many have been used and how many are available of each type.

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Yeah, they are always having promo's too.  Off the top of my head these are for auctions, but they sometimes have free insertion fees for Buy it Now.   Sometimes they will depend on the category they are in.  If you go to your selling page, it should have all the info at the bottom, sort of like a grid that shows how many have been used and how many are available of each type.

Thank you very much "El Guapo". ;)

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Yeah, they are always having promo's too.  Off the top of my head these are for auctions, but they sometimes have free insertion fees for Buy it Now.   Sometimes they will depend on the category they are in.  If you go to your selling page, it should have all the info at the bottom, sort of like a grid that shows how many have been used and how many are available of each type.

I'm positive they recently changed it to 20 free BINs each month for many categories (of which Lego falls into one of them).

I'll try to find that reference later...

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I'm positive they recently changed it to 20 free BINs each month for many categories (of which Lego falls into one of them).


I'll try to find that reference later...

They may have.  I went to a store format a few months ago because I'm kind of a big deal. People know me. I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany

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Buyer reached out to me regarding a large, fairly expensive set ($500+).  He wants to know how I will pack it to make sure it arrives safely.  We go back and forth (he asked several follow-up questions) and he seems satisfied with my answers.  Then, he asks if I can offer it at a discount, about 10% of my listing price and more around market value.  At first I hold firm, but then I tell him I might reconsider.  He submits the offer.  I noticed his feedback is >1k and at 100% but comments are private.

Should I be concerned with a buyer with private feedback?  Is this typically a red flag?

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Buyer reached out to me regarding a large, fairly expensive set ($500+).  He wants to know how I will pack it to make sure it arrives safely.  We go back and forth (he asked several follow-up questions) and he seems satisfied with my answers.  Then, he asks if I can offer it at a discount, about 10% of my listing price and more around market value.  At first I hold firm, but then I tell him I might reconsider.  He submits the offer.  I noticed his feedback is >1k and at 100% but comments are private.

Should I be concerned with a buyer with private feedback?  Is this typically a red flag?

I wouldn't be too concerned.  Some folks are just weird that way.  I haven't heard of any specific scams related to folks with private feedback.

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I wouldn't be too concerned.  Some folks are just weird that way.  I haven't heard of any specific scams related to folks with private feedback.

Thanks.  My gut tells me they are legit but I haven't been selling on eBay very long so I could be naive.  I originally made them an offer via email that was only $10-15 more than what they wanted to pay.  They gave me the 'ole "this is the highest I can go, I'm already stretching myself" line..

I guess if it was a scam, they would have accepted the email offer immediately.

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So last week I sold a used 7675 AT-TE on ebay to a buyer with 0 feedback for $80 plus shipping. It was BIN so payment was immediate. Shipped it out, checked the tracking yesterday and it showed delivered several days ago. So I get home late last night and there is a package on my porch. First thought it was a bricklink order, but then saw the name and recognized it as the AT-TE buyer. Open it up and nothing looks disturbed other than it was obviously my original shipping and that it had be opened. No note from the buyer, no messages recieved about a return. I have no returns accepted on used items. I realize if they really want to return something they can, but I would think they would send some kind of message. I'm going to have to contact the buyer to see whats up, but what are my options? Charge a restock fee since I need to open everything up and reverify the parts? I didnt say anything in the listing about a restock, but I also said no returns. Any other ideas?

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