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Are fruitcakes running rampant on eBay lately? Selling, buying, listing, feedback, etc...


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It struck me this AM that this thread has really made me a better eBay seller.  Reading the snafus that others run into has given me Invaluable insight to what works, and more importantly, what doesn't work when dealing with buyers and shipping Lego.  

Here's a hearty thank you to all who contribute. 

This should probably be filed under a "Fruitcakes are running my shipping company" thread - on a recent package, the Post Office neglected to scan one of my packages when it was picked up. For whatever reason, USPS also didn't scan the package anywhere along the route until it reached the buyer's home state over a week later. Meanwhile, my buyer was rightfully concerned I never shipped the package out since no scan was made.  For over a week, the tracking read the package hadn't even been received by the Post Office.  After a reassuring e-mail and another 5 day wait, the package magically appeared.  Crisis averted (hopefully)...


Hence the reason I created this thread from my own eBay seller and buyer experiences. The fruitcakes are insane.

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My lessons learned about shipping to eBay fruitcakes is to always go above and beyond even if it costs me extra cash.

Always knew the "ins" and "outs" of postage carriers. Signature tracking, insurance, key differences between postage method options between carriers and even how they compare internally (e.g. UPS Ground vs USPS Priority and USPS international priority vs international priority express vs global express).

I also try my best to ensure things are scanned when dropping off packages or getting them picked up.

The million dollar question is are there more fruitcake buyers or fruitcake sellers on ebay?

It's all relative. Morons, grifters, thieves, etc... will always outnumber the good folk

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3 hours ago, jimio said:

The problem with ebay is that there are people trying to scam and or intentionally falsify the quality of items. The perception of good condition will vary wildly from person to person. A seller (a sale person) may be over optimistic of quality while buyer who is begrudgingly parting with cash will always be more pessimistic.  Also the fact that you can not actually see the item before you buy means that you are left sellers honesty and attention to details to give the buyer a true reflection of the quality of what is actually being purchased.

One solution for ebay would be to create a list of elite buyers and sellers, a gentleman lives and dies by his word as it where, but given that people can be dishonest the promotion and or demotion of individuals from such a list would be outrageously difficult to manage for any one organization.

Hence the only true solution is to buy new sealed never used items. The quality is indisputable. If you needs to buy a used item for lack of cash or lack of supply you are taking a risk...

Yes I have been burnt.

This is where taking good pictures of the item you're selling comes in. I take as many good pictures as I can of what I'm selling, so it's perfectly clear what condition the item is in. I keep my written descriptions brief and to the point, and let the pictures do the talking. Problems can arise when the seller starts writing OOT flowery descriptions and start using words like 'mint' and 'perfect'. You're just asking for an 'item not as described' case being opened against you. I rarely describe the condition of the box in a listing, unless it's to draw attention to a particular flaw. If you're buying from a seller who hasn't provided good photos, then you're just taking an unnecessary risk.

I'm always amazed when I see how many sellers use just use one or two crappy images of a set, then try hype up the item in the text. Given how quick and easy it is to take good photos of an item, there's really no excuse for not doing it. I also see people buying from sellers with bad feedback and then they wonder why they run into problems. Crazy stuff.

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In response to several posts over last few pages. Slap a 20% restocking fee and buyer pays shipping. My slightly damaged boxes look pretty good all of the sudden. I think with big ticket items this will be more common (demanding partial refund). I have never lost a SNAD case, and 9 out if 10 complaints I never hear of again when I explain return policy (listed for all sales)

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Maybe the thread should be "Are the rude people..."

Bought "12 lbs Lego Friends" for my kids on eBay.  Seller included the manuals and the boxes in the total weight.  No way to tell in photos since it was all in bulk.

I notice that the shipping weight on box is 12 lbs 0 oz, so that cued me that something was up.

Start going through everything and building with my kids and discover less than 8 lbs of Lego bricks.  Less than 2 lbs of instructions/manuals.  Then discover 1/2 lb of mega bloks.  You do the math 8+2+0.5 does NOT equal 12.

I am very kind in my communication.  Seller is not.  Essentially it is my fault for not asking questions.  It is my fault for making assumptions that it is all Lego.  It is my fault that it does not equal 12 lbs.

After what feels like 15 e-mails back and forth, he offered $25 off.  I said no, $40.  

Never have filed a SNAD and have never had one filed against me.  Somehow this seems like the right time...

Oh and he's a reseller, told me this was pulled from a large auction he won.  Might need to brush up on customer service skills...


Edited by trstnkn
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Not sure if this is the right thread but bought a used set on eBay with "Instructions also included" comment in the description.  Got it delivered today and inside is a postit saying "very sorry but i can find the instructions.  You can download a pdf".  Honestly if I'd have known I wouldn't have bid on the item.  

Is it reasonable for me to open a SNAD?  I wouldn't say its SNAD and dont want to go OTT but wouldn't have bid if i'd have known (dont ask - i have some OCDC complex when it comes to instructions).
Does mailing the seller as to what happened to them mean I not longer can open a SNAD?  Just wish they'd have told me before posting it so I could have avoided all this.

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Agreed - I should have clarified.  But he said shipping weight would be 15lbs.  Legos were 12 lbs.  Think the SNAD would be a slam dunk because there are not 12 lbs of Legos + Lego materials (actually <10lbs).  Also, there are mega bloks included.

I would have chalked it up to lessons learned if it was actually 12 lbs of bricks + Lego boxes/manuals.

If I'm not thinking correctly and should take the $25 and run, let me know.  He would be out $30 or so in shipping costs both ways.



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9 minutes ago, Lego_Yoda said:

Not sure if this is the right thread but bought a used set on eBay with "Instructions also included" comment in the description.  Got it delivered today and inside is a postit saying "very sorry but i can find the instructions.  You can download a pdf".  Honestly if I'd have known I wouldn't have bid on the item.  

Is it reasonable for me to open a SNAD?  I wouldn't say its SNAD and dont want to go OTT but wouldn't have bid if i'd have known (dont ask - i have some OCDC complex when it comes to instructions).
Does mailing the seller as to what happened to them mean I not longer can open a SNAD?  Just wish they'd have told me before posting it so I could have avoided all this.

You can look up how much it would cost to get the instruction book(s) from BrickLink, and then ask the seller for a discount to that amount. If he doesn't want to do this, do a SNAD. In the end he said instructions were included so this fits SNAD perfectly, note or no note.

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3 minutes ago, Phil B said:

You can look up how much it would cost to get the instruction book(s) from BrickLink, and then ask the seller for a discount to that amount. If he doesn't want to do this, do a SNAD. In the end he said instructions were included so this fits SNAD perfectly, note or no note.

Thanks for the that.  
I did check before and there is one seller who's selling them and the price is almost what i paid for the set (I'd already looked into the instruction cost of these which is why i'd avoided a similar listing earlier in the week with no instructions).  I mean their price is outrageous but when you're the only person in the US and Europe selling them you are the King!
Will be as tactical as i can be. Given their "download a pdf" comment I'd assume they're going to write me off as one of these eBay fruitcakes :).  Not sure who arbitrates SNAD but it wouldn't surprise me if they just sent me an mp3 of Arnie from kindergarten cop saying "stop whining!"

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From what set are you missing the instructions?

1 minute ago, Lego_Yoda said:

Thanks for the that.  
I did check before and there is one seller who's selling them and the price is almost what i paid for the set (I'd already looked into the instruction cost of these which is why i'd avoided a similar listing earlier in the week with no instructions).  I mean their price is outrageous but when you're the only person in the US and Europe selling them you are the King!
Will be as tactical as i can be. Given their "download a pdf" comment I'd assume they're going to write me off as one of these eBay fruitcakes :).  Not sure who arbitrates SNAD but it wouldn't surprise me if they just sent me an mp3 of Arnie from kindergarten cop saying "stop whining!"


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15 minutes ago, Lego_Yoda said:

Not sure if this is the right thread but bought a used set on eBay with "Instructions also included" comment in the description.  Got it delivered today and inside is a postit saying "very sorry but i can find the instructions.  You can download a pdf".  Honestly if I'd have known I wouldn't have bid on the item.  

Is it reasonable for me to open a SNAD?  I wouldn't say its SNAD and dont want to go OTT but wouldn't have bid if i'd have known (dont ask - i have some OCDC complex when it comes to instructions).
Does mailing the seller as to what happened to them mean I not longer can open a SNAD?  Just wish they'd have told me before posting it so I could have avoided all this.

depends on lot of things but mostly:

a. how desperately you need

b. what is the cost of instruction if you have to buy it separately.

c. can you get the same item+instruction for the price you paid.

then comes your dealing with the seller. at least you have to give him points for saying sorry i can't find the instruction but have to take 2X that off for not letting you know before.

i would say send him email/messaging system and find out what the story is. tell him you were expecting instruction and it was listed in the listing. how does he want to resolve the situation. wait and see if you get proper response. "MOST" of the time sellers once they realize their mistake they would work with you to resolve these situation.

i try not to go SNAD/A-Z route as long as possible. because personally as a seller i don't want them myself.


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32 minutes ago, trstnkn said:

Agreed - I should have clarified.  But he said shipping weight would be 15lbs.  Legos were 12 lbs.  Think the SNAD would be a slam dunk because there are not 12 lbs of Legos + Lego materials (actually <10lbs).  Also, there are mega bloks included.

I would have chalked it up to lessons learned if it was actually 12 lbs of bricks + Lego boxes/manuals.

If I'm not thinking correctly and should take the $25 and run, let me know.  He would be out $30 or so in shipping costs both ways.



It is fine to try to hold out for 40 if you think that is what is fair but you do not get to insist on any partial refund once you file a snad...The seller will likely respond return for full refund including all shipping fees so if you still want to keep the items you should take whatever the seller offered..Ebay will not force him to the partial refund you think is fair or any partial refund but will force him to accept the return for full refund and pay shipping both ways..IMO if you want to keep the items you should take whatever he offered and should not insist on keeping the items and getting refunded some of the purchase price. If you think it is worth the trouble of returning and want him to pay both ways and do not want the items due to this discrepancy then open the snad claim.

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One of my first sales (a few months ago) I was tested by a scammer. I was selling multiple items in different listings and the buyer messaged wanting both. They also wanted it shipped to Boston though their acct listed them in Canada. It would be cheaper for them and they would be there a month later to visit their friends and pick it up. I checked and lots of good feedback over years on the acct. I informed them I would only ship to the address listed in eBay and they said ok. So I created a listing with both and a little cheaper shipping. They purchased and eBay showed the Boston address, so I shipped. The item tracks through usps and is delivered. A few weeks later I get the message below, which seemed about right. I just kindly stated I did my part and the package arrived at the correct destination and I never heard from them again. They seemed fishy from the beginning and I want to thank them for getting me to read the rules carefully and learning a lot about how to CYA. It looks like they tried a couple ploys since I was a rookie seller, but I managed to keep my $. Just wanted to share my experience. 598d1203612a5a96ab86a3eaf121d7f8.jpg

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42 minutes ago, Lego_Yoda said:

Not sure if this is the right thread but bought a used set on eBay with "Instructions also included" comment in the description.  Got it delivered today and inside is a postit saying "very sorry but i can find the instructions.  You can download a pdf".  Honestly if I'd have known I wouldn't have bid on the item.  

Is it reasonable for me to open a SNAD?  I wouldn't say its SNAD and dont want to go OTT but wouldn't have bid if i'd have known (dont ask - i have some OCDC complex when it comes to instructions).
Does mailing the seller as to what happened to them mean I not longer can open a SNAD?  Just wish they'd have told me before posting it so I could have avoided all this.

I agree with Phil B, this is a good case of SNAD, and would open one if you can't resolve it with the person.

Ebay even lists not receiving any part of a set as a case of SNAD.

The people at ebay were very helpful to me when I received a Winter Village set that was claimed as box in good condition. When I received it, it looked like it has been sitting under a leaky pipe and the cardboard had been peeling up the box was so water damaged. (the instructions and stickers were water damaged) The seller claimed he was being completely reasonable, the product was fine, and has had many other happy ebay-ers that week. Talked to the claims dept, and they refunded me my money right then and told me to keep the set as a gift.

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2 minutes ago, newbie77 said:

depends on lot of things but mostly:

a. how desperately you need

b. what is the cost of instruction if you have to buy it separately.

c. can you get the same item+instruction for the price you paid.

then comes your dealing with the seller. at least you have to give him points for saying sorry i can't find the instruction but have to take 2X that off for not letting you know before.

i would say send him email/messaging system and find out what the story is. tell him you were expecting instruction and it was listed in the listing. how does he want to resolve the situation. wait and see if you get proper response. "MOST" of the time sellers once they realize their mistake they would work with you to resolve these situation.

i try not to go SNAD/A-Z route as long as possible. because personally as a seller i don't want them myself.


Some good advice here/questions to ask myself here (and definitely worth highlighting to everyone eBay buyer before going full throttle on the SNAD).  Cheers.
I'll drop the seller a message (its the AT-OT with drop ship btw and the instructions seem to be like gold on their own).    I'm also keen to avoid the SNAD route as it just sounds like we couldn't come to an amicable outcome.
They might even turn up a quick look and if the seller doesn't know its something i'm keen on so might not feel the need to mention it (and i might find a 10179 in toys r us that someone found hiding away in the warehouse).

This is another reason why i should stop buying used sets to save a few $$$.  Out of the 6 I've bought lately only 1 has actually been complete. :(

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4 minutes ago, Lego_Yoda said:

Some good advice here/questions to ask myself here (and definitely worth highlighting to everyone eBay buyer before going full throttle on the SNAD).  Cheers.
I'll drop the seller a message (its the AT-OT with drop ship btw and the instructions seem to be like gold on their own).    I'm also keen to avoid the SNAD route as it just sounds like we couldn't come to an amicable outcome.
They might even turn up a quick look and if the seller doesn't know its something i'm keen on so might not feel the need to mention it (and i might find a 10179 in toys r us that someone found hiding away in the warehouse).

This is another reason why i should stop buying used sets to save a few $$$.  Out of the 6 I've bought lately only 1 has actually been complete. :(

my 0.02 rather than used opened look for listings without boxes but sealed. there are folks like me who have OCD regard to box and when they don't like the box they rip it off and sell item without box for good 10%-20% below the item with boxes. ;)

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55 minutes ago, Lego_Yoda said:

Not sure if this is the right thread but bought a used set on eBay with "Instructions also included" comment in the description.  Got it delivered today and inside is a postit saying "very sorry but i can find the instructions.  You can download a pdf".  Honestly if I'd have known I wouldn't have bid on the item.  

Is it reasonable for me to open a SNAD?  I wouldn't say its SNAD and dont want to go OTT but wouldn't have bid if i'd have known (dont ask - i have some OCDC complex when it comes to instructions).
Does mailing the seller as to what happened to them mean I not longer can open a SNAD?  Just wish they'd have told me before posting it so I could have avoided all this.

In my opinion, this would qualify for a SNAD case.  The seller has essentially admitted as much with their note.  "Very sorry but I can't find the instructions" is all the proof you need to win the case.  I personally wouldn't accept the set without the instructions.  Give the seller a chance to make it right (making sure not to threaten SNAD), and if he/she doesn't produce the instructions or offer a refund for the missing instructions, then you open the SNAD.

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5 minutes ago, newbie77 said:

my 0.02 rather than used opened look for listings without boxes but sealed. there are folks like me who have OCD regard to box and when they don't like the box they rip it off and sell item without box for good 10%-20% below the item with boxes. ;)


1 minute ago, Quacs said:

In my opinion, this would qualify for a SNAD case.  The seller has essentially admitted as much with their note.  "Very sorry but I can't find the instructions" is all the proof you need to win the case.  I personally wouldn't accept the set without the instructions.  Give the seller a chance to make it right (making sure not to threaten SNAD), and if he/she doesn't produce the instructions or offer a refund for the missing instructions, then you open the SNAD.

thanks guys.  very helpful here,  Ahh... the first world problems that plague my life.  Basically this is the most devastating thing that's happened to me in 2016 so putting it all in perspective its been quite a good year so far.

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3 hours ago, trstnkn said:

Maybe the thread should be "Are the rude people..."

Bought "12 lbs Lego Friends" for my kids on eBay.  Seller included the manuals and the boxes in the total weight.  No way to tell in photos since it was all in bulk.

I notice that the shipping weight on box is 12 lbs 0 oz, so that cued me that something was up.

Start going through everything and building with my kids and discover less than 8 lbs of Lego bricks.  Less than 2 lbs of instructions/manuals.  Then discover 1/2 lb of mega bloks.  You do the math 8+2+0.5 does NOT equal 12.

I am very kind in my communication.  Seller is not.  Essentially it is my fault for not asking questions.  It is my fault for making assumptions that it is all Lego.  It is my fault that it does not equal 12 lbs.

After what feels like 15 e-mails back and forth, he offered $25 off.  I said no, $40.  

Never have filed a SNAD and have never had one filed against me.  Somehow this seems like the right time...

Oh and he's a reseller, told me this was pulled from a large auction he won.  Might need to brush up on customer service skills...



1 hour ago, trstnkn said:

Agreed - I should have clarified.  But he said shipping weight would be 15lbs.  Legos were 12 lbs.  Think the SNAD would be a slam dunk because there are not 12 lbs of Legos + Lego materials (actually <10lbs).  Also, there are mega bloks included.

I would have chalked it up to lessons learned if it was actually 12 lbs of bricks + Lego boxes/manuals.

If I'm not thinking correctly and should take the $25 and run, let me know.  He would be out $30 or so in shipping costs both ways.



was the listing that detailed to mentioned specifically:

a. Lego bulk = 12lbs

b. shipping weight = 15lbs

if it was that detailed then there must be a disclaimer "some other bricks may be in the lot" or something like that ... to notate that lot cannot be gurantee to be 100% at the best case 80% lego

as long as both are mentioned in that fashion then you might have a case. but if not then as long as label said 12lb and listing said 12lb bulk lego hardly anything to go by. is it worth the time?

one can gripe that instruction was 10lb and only 2 lb lego but that's the nature of the beast. bulk lot and especially bulk auction lots (from .......)

its usually easier to make a case on sealed set .. but opened bulk lot very very hard. i have been through that.

i think $25 should have been fair refund. even by your admission(thought) discrepancy is about 4lb of lego. 4lbX$6/lb=$24...

all in all same question i wrote should be what you need to answer before going throught SNAD/A-Z/chargeback. "sooner or later what goes around comes back". think what would you do if you were in that situation and try to get out of the situation as fast as possible.


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43 minutes ago, Lego_Yoda said:


thanks guys.  very helpful here,  Ahh... the first world problems that plague my life.  Basically this is the most devastating thing that's happened to me in 2016 so putting it all in perspective its been quite a good year so far.

Well that was a mountain out of a molehill.  Messaged the seller and they have already been found.  Now I'm off to Toys R Us to see if my luck holds out. See you guys later!

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Hahahahhahha what a BS. This made my day.

"Investor Bundle". 

"If you understand the nature of investing in Lego and know your sets you will realise the potential returns of these new, sealed and retired sets." 

Who is in guys? Come on, you are all investors, aren't you?

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3 minutes ago, inversion said:


Hahahahhahha what a BS. This made my day.

"Investor Bundle". 

"If you understand the nature of investing in Lego and know your sets you will realise the potential returns of these new, sealed and retired sets." 

Who is in guys? Come on, you are all investors, aren't you?

Heck yeah! So..... Poof...it's gone, I bought it. ;) 

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