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Will Lego relaunch Harry Potter with the 2017 re-release of the movies in 3d?

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Maybe Im reading too much into it, but the fact that there are so many HP polybags floating around makes me feel like maybe they are serving as a bridge to HP Round 2. Well, at least I can hope!

Guest eightbrick

I hope they do... I missed the majority of the HP boat.  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


Same. From a business perspective, I can imagine Lego going either way with this. Here's to hoping!


That would be HP round 3.

My original post said they did it twice, but I wasn't confident enough that they had., so I edited it to be vague enough to cover both possibilities.


Lego does not have the License for Harry Potter anymore.

I suspected as much, but, again, I wasn't confident in stating it definitively. I'm also glad we got you here.


He ties with the mack brothers, its a three way tie.

I thought about that but then I thought the MBros were more like Managers of the Year. But I think you're right 3-way tie and a handful of honorable mentions, which in this league is nothing to sneeze at!


I can't see them picking up the license again just because the movies might be reissued in 3D. If you look at the history, replaying movies in the cinemas, whilst profitable for the companies, really doesn't bring in big, big dollars (say an extra 30 odd million if lucky though some surpass this, and yes, it is big dollars)

I can't see Lego forking over the money for the license again unless there is a brand new Harry Potter movie coming out.


Harry Potter was a 2 year License, I am pretty sure Lego would be happy to keep making the Exclusive 10217 Diagon Alley and the 4842 Castle, and Lego is paying Millions for the rights to make these sets. Now Lego has a 3 year License with Marvel, so the Batman Arkham Ayslum Exclusive should be around for a while. Now the Lord Of the Rings Tower of Orthanc is a tough one, the Last Hobbit movie comes out December 2014, so does the License end then or keep on for another year, But when the License is up so are the Exclusive's. but in any case everybody has plenty of time to get the Batman Arkham and the Tower of Orthanc. and don't miss the Boat on the Tower Bridge, Haunted House and the SSDS.


If you do have Harry Potter sets, I wouldnt sell them now. Lego produced the only worthwhile toys for the franchise, and when those kids who grew up watching the movies become adults, don't be surprised if the sets are selling for 1980s Star Wars figure kinds of prices. I've still got my eyes out for a good price on a 4842, that set could reach astronomical numbers in 15 years.


Just remember the first two times LEGO had a Harry Potter line they were more than two years apart.  It's not like LEGO can't relicense the line again.  It was a money maker the first two times... LEGO knows how to pick  :picknose: a winner.


Yes but they were releasing new movies each time.

I would honestly be shocked, and by shocked I mean flabbergasted! if Harry Potter doesn't have any more movies, books, or anything like that.  It is far too good of a line to ride into the sunset.  I really hope Lego Harry Potter will be back.  It would be a shame if it doesn't...


If the franchise doesn't return with new material, Lego could probably re-acquire the license on the cheap, but there'd be no demand for it.

Anyway it is surprising there hasn't been a cartoon spin-off or anything.

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