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Only 70 something left on Amazon.  These things sell fast.  I think anyone who stocked up on it is about to be very happy.  

pardon my ignorance. How do you tell the inventory level at Amazon?


pardon my ignorance. How do you tell the inventory level at Amazon?

add to cart, change quantity to 999. click update. see what amazon automatically changes the max amount you can buy to.

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add to cart, change quantity to 999. click update. see what amazon automatically changes the max amount you can buy to.

thank you. However, amazon automatically restrict the quantity to one piece only. So I can't use your method.


Nonetheless, I just pop over to Walmart and Target, both are sold out. Only toys r us are in stock but only in store and at $169 instead.


I think this may be great for flipping this Christmas.


How much would an Architecture Studio fetch with a beat up box?  Mine arrived from Amazon.com and it appeared to be drop-kicked. I've already ordered a replacement, but debating holding onto this one for a month or so to see what happens, before returning.


How are you getting 50% off these sets???


Reusable 40% off B&****** coupon (in store) + 10% off membership + $10 gift card rebate per $75 spent (free $10 card when you buy a $75 card). 


Studio = $150 - $60 (40% off) - $9 (10% off) - $10 (free $10 gift card) = roughly $75 after tax.

Mindstorms = $350 - $140 (40% off) - $21 (10% off) - $30 (free $10 gift card x 3) = roughly $175 after tax.


Coupon expired today, but this was a fantastic way to get lots of other big sets for half off too.  CHI Temple, Epic Dragon Battle, Helms Deep...


It *is* a great set, and for now while it's relatively available, stop stashing these away as investments and open it up and start playing.  No Lego set that I've owned as an adult has given me as much creative freeform inspiration.  I attribute it to both the monochromatic color palette and the concept itself which unpretentiously says "buy this, and build awesome things from your own creativity. 


The included book has about 7 project ideas, but I encourage folks to check out the following resource: 30 challenges for you to try based on the Lego Architecture Studio set.  I've completed 20 challenges so far, so there's a lot of ideas to inspire you!




I've got to stop reading these forums. Ordered one from Amazon US even though trans-atlantic shipping and import duties make it relatively expensive. But you convinced me. Besides, this set not having been sold in Europe might make it an even better investment over here (although I don't intend to keep it sealed in box).


And welcome to the site!


Does the fact that it says sols out on LEGO Shop at Home mean that they are gone already??

Sometimes it does, and sometimes is does not. Some sets are Sold Out for a long time on LEGO Shop at Home and then they come back for sale, while others stay Sold Out and then they EOL.


I went on the B&****** website today to see if the store near the TRU I was going to (to take advantage of the deals there) had any Architecture Studios in stock, or if there were any in stock near me, and I couldn't find it on the website.  Search under "studio" in the LEGO section, and you get a Friends set.  Search "architecture", and you get all of the sets but this one.  They were on there just a few days ago - thoughts?


Tried to use the kid's club 30% off coupon again today, didn't work this time.  Cashier said this is an adult toy, not kids toy.

Since this is the last box they had in store, bought it anyway at MSRP minus 10% off with BN membership to offset the sales tax.


I was just scrolling thru Targets Lego selection and I came across this. I know Architdcture Studio is out of stock, but was Target really charging this for a $149.99 set? Disturbing.

Target has the Quinjet for $84.99, the original Minecraft for $48.99, and Captain America's Avenging Cycle for $27.99. I have absolutely no idea why they keep the listings for items they clearly sold out of both in store and online but to charge exorbitant prices is ludicrous.

Target has the Quinjet for $84.99, the original Minecraft for $48.99, and Captain America's Avenging Cycle for $27.99. I have absolutely no idea why they keep the listings for items they clearly sold out of both in store and online but to charge exorbitant prices is ludicrous.

BEWARE Target is invading the secondary market space lol

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