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This may be the biggest lot I've ever seen on my local CL.



I can't afford it, but if anyone is interested I can try to talk to the guy or something, or maybe take a look at it in person. This could be an opportunity to get a seriously nice collection before it goes to ebay.

Why not just say "Bricklink Store Starter Kit for sale!"?

Also, I call bs on wanting the spare room back. I bet all my LEGO 1x2 money tiles this was the wife getting fed up with that noise.


Why not just say "Bricklink Store Starter Kit for sale!"?

Also, I call bs on wanting the spare room back. I bet all my LEGO 1x2 money tiles this was the wife getting fed up with that noise.


Agreed, I wouldn't doubt a spouse or significant other had influence on this decision.


I believe him about the obsessive-compulsive part of it, though. This collection might be the most organized I've ever seen for one of it's size. I tend to keep my opened sets in totes and baggies and label them by set number, but this is a different method entirely.


This lot is pretty boring. I certainly wouldn't be shelling out anywhere near $7k for it. I would guess there isn't a complete set in there and at 10lb a pound that seems like a terrible price for a bricklink'er to pay.


This lot is pretty boring. I certainly wouldn't be shelling out anywhere near $7k for it. I would guess there isn't a complete set in there and at 10lb a pound that seems like a terrible price for a bricklink'er to pay.


I'm pretty sure the price isn't "set in stone". Also, I'm not sure how you are assuming there isn't a single complete set in there just by viewing those few pictures. There's alot in those tubs that we can't see.


I don't see a single instruction manual... And that drawer "full of minifigures" is only half full, and those don't look like Star Wars or Harry Potter figs to me. This looks like a $4/lb lot all day long. Too many primary colors.


I don't see a single instruction manual... And that drawer "full of minifigures" is only half full, and those don't look like Star Wars or Harry Potter figs to me. This looks like a $4/lb lot all day long. Too many primary colors.


True about the minifigs...if that's all he has, that's indeed pretty weak as those look primarily like the more generic city/castle/pirates figs from the 1990's....With a collection of that size though, he's gotta have instruction manuals somewhere in there....


I would be very surprised if someone just picked that up for 7.5k. It didn't look like it was worth that, even by the pictures. While the lotwas nicely sorted, K didn't see anything that would indicate it merited that kind of tag.

My condolences if some poor sod actually pulled the trigger on it without talking him down a few grand.


Im thinking someone pulled up with a large truck and 2 or 3 grand in hand, said "let's do this", showed the owner a bunch of Franklins, and the guy went for it, just to be over it quickly. I don't see how else this could have sold that fast.

Guest eightbrick

Ha, 7.5k is nothing. I remember about a year ago, this guy on Kijiji (canadian CL) was under the impression people would pay 11k for his 600 set-ish collection, because he calculated the sets were worth that much by eBay, I think (they were mostly used, though). He had some neat sets in there, but I think most people would rather keep like a third of their yearly income. Plus he was in the middle of nowhere. The ad was taken down after a couple months, Im assuming because all the offers he was getting were closer to 1k LOL.


The people on CL, especially in my area, seem to think that they can sell stuff, used stuff, for close to or at the price they paid for it, like they've never heard of the term depreciated value.


No matter where you sell your stuff, there's no way to just "cash out" and dump all your sets/investments/mass parts/etc quickly without expecting to take a huge cut or loss, unless by some dumb luck some other investor with a huge amount of capital descends down upon you like a veritable LEGO Angel and cleans you out.


The people on CL, especially in my area, seem to think that they can sell stuff, used stuff, for close to or at the price they paid for it, like they've never heard of the term depreciated value.


No matter where you sell your stuff, there's no way to just "cash out" and dump all your sets/investments/mass parts/etc quickly without expecting to take a huge cut or loss, unless by some dumb luck some other investor with a huge amount of capital descends down upon you like a veritable LEGO Angel and cleans you out.


Even though I consider this market competitive, I don't think your angel descended upon this guy in this particular case. I'm thinking he probably did line up a buyer, but he sold the collection for far less than the original asking price. You could tell he was willing to negotiate by the verbiage he used, and in the last part of the description, if I remember correctly, he said something about wanting the stuff gone today or tomorrow. That's usually a tell-tale sign that a heavy discount is possible, which is part of the reason why I stated that if any of you were interested I would have been willing to go view the collection and negotiate.


There are a couple second-hand toy stores here that sell legos by the pound, and sell minifigures behind a glass case for various prices depending upon popularity. Because I'm a "picker" or whatever, I view their prices as pretty detestable, but the one time I did go in to see what they had initially, there was a good helping of children going through their bins and parents helping kids select minifigs for 5 bucks a pop or something.


There's a good chance one of those toy store owners, or one of the other big investors swallowed this one up on the cheap by throwing a couple thousand cold hard cash in this guys face and helping him rid his problem quickly.


The people on CL, especially in my area, seem to think that they can sell stuff, used stuff, for close to or at the price they paid for it, like they've never heard of the term depreciated value.


No matter where you sell your stuff, there's no way to just "cash out" and dump all your sets/investments/mass parts/etc quickly without expecting to take a huge cut or loss, unless by some dumb luck some other investor with a huge amount of capital descends down upon you like a veritable LEGO Angel and cleans you out.


There is a guy on my local CL that has relisted the same sets for nine months now at $300, when he first listed them I sent him an offer and noted that I could go purchase them in local stores for about $220. He told me I was mistaken.


None of them have sold, none are EOL and he is still asking $300. Maybe some years from now he might get his price, but none are 'must have' collector sets! lol


I was just looking into a different collection for $7000. The guy says he's firm. He's looking for a "collector" and don't budge on the price. Nor does he want to separate  He says he was going to open a bricklink store and he has a bunch of loose, a bunch of current sets. Good stuff but he said he came up with the price by adding up the receipts for everything he bought. So he's asking one person to drop $7000 on retail prices... stupid stupid stupid... and stupid. 

Posted (edited)

With the internet, people are just not falling for those "dumb sales" as much anymore. Not sure why the sellers are still trying so hard to pass obviously bad deals along.


I'd also like to bring attention to a CL mass sale in my area.


This guy wants fourteen (14) THOUSAND dollars for the following, per his listing:


8098 Clone Turbo Tank
4482 AT-TE (RARE)
7754 Home One Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
8038 The Battle of Endor
8018 Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
8036 Separatist Shuttle
8089 Hoth Wampa Cave
7133 Bounty Hunter Pursuit (ULTRA RARE)
8092 Luke's Land speeder
8093 Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
8085 Freeco Speeder
8083 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack
7115 Gungan Patrol (RARE)
7869 Battle of Geonosis
8095 General Grievous Starfighter
6212 X-Wing Fighter
7161 Gungan Sub (RARE)
8016 Hyena Droid Bomber
7931 Jedi T-6 Shuttle
8017 Darth Vader's TIE Fighter (RARE)
7929 The Battle of Naboo
8084 Snowtrooper Battle Pack
7656 General Grievous Starfighter
7749 Echo Base
8097 Slave 1
8096 Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle
7915 Imperial V-Wing Starfighter
7930 Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship
8128 Cad Bane's Speeder
8014 Clone Walker Battle Pack
8019 Republic Attack Shuttle
7200 Final Duel 1 (RARE)
7251 Darth Vader Transformation (RARE)
7110 Landspeeder (ULTRA RARE)
7914 Mandalorian Battle Pack
7104 Desert Skiff (RARE)
7141 Naboo Fighter (RARE)
8015 Assassin Droids Battle Pack
7111 Droid Fighter (RARE)
30050 Republic Attack Shuttle
4501 Mos Eisley Cantina (ULTRA RARE)
Mos Espa Podrace 7171 7101 7111 (all together still in shrink wrap)
7258 Wookie Attack (ULTRA RARE)


I know he's got some gold in there, but he -will not- under any circumstances separate them out. Obviously he doesn't want people picking the goods and leaving the trash.


This is the second time he's listed this. He previously had them lumped together with a ton of Star Wars action figures at a price of $20,000. Now he's got two separate auctions, the action figures for $8,000, and these for $14,000.


He says it's going towards his education, and by the looks he needs one if he thinks people down here have that kind of money to toss about.

Edited by LowestFormOfWit

Yeah, he says he's open to offers, but somehow I don't think that translates into "I'm open to selling this for a fraction of my asking price" which is what it would have to translate to for this to make any sense to anyone.


Yeah, he says he's open to offers, but somehow I don't think that translates into "I'm open to selling this for a fraction of my asking price" which is what it would have to translate to for this to make any sense to anyone.

Have you crunched the numbers? What is the average sale price of that lot?

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