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What Lego set did you buy today?

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Quite a funny experience this morning.

I went food shopping with the Mrs. this morning to Tesco. I picked up a scanner and while she was putting the lottery on i asked her to meet me in the Toy aisle.

As i was walking alone towards the aisle i heard a little voice behind me " Daddy, i love Lego. Lets go and see the toys". I looked around straight away and there he was - Timmy.

Quickly speeding up i reached the Lego section, a quick look about and there i saw them. Those Microfighter Vulture droids marked on the shelf at £7 but scanning at £2. Getting out my scanner i double checked the item - Bingo £2, within 10 seconds i whip 2 rows of them into my trolley ( 14 in total ) 

Then i hear him, little Timmy " Daddy, look Lego Age of Ultrons". Little Timmy's Father says " Timmy that is too expensive, you need to look at something cheaper than that. Then his parent starts to show him the other toys. " No, no , no, I want Lego he screams "

Straight away my Mrs arrives, looks in my trolley and gives me that look. Then i explain the situation to her about little Timmy screaming behind us. Reluctantly i pick one of Microfighters out of the trolley and ask her to go and offer it to Little Timmy's father and mention that it's normally £10 but it scans at £2. She gives it to little Timmy's father and he says " Timmy do you like Lego Star Wars?". A loud scream follows " i  want Age of Ultron !!! "  and he gives it back to us.


Moral of the story is ???




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Vet Clinic at my Loge Lego store.  9.98 and double points I will take it since it is on the ebay for $28.00.

No chickens though so I proceeded to come home and sign on to SAH and get the Scooby package for $107 so I can get another damn chicken and not pay shipping. 


Edited by legoray01
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1 hour ago, jaisonline said:


Moral of the story is the kid even knows to stay away from SW Micros even for £2. I'm on his side. Sounds like a smart brat :)

Star Wars Microfighters at 50% off has been just about the best performing lego investment i've made in the last 2 years.

buying and selling over 60 $5 Tie interceptors and Millennium Falcons and selling them for $26 (interceptors) and $36-40 (MF's) with  first class shipping $2.60 anywhere in the US helped make Feb 2016 my 3rd best money making month in the last 2 years.

even the microfighter x -wings which i paid $7 for and sold for $26 were a great investment.

Edited by cladner
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Haha!! Sorry, not trying to keep secrets!! Opened a new ocardo account via TCB received £20 off first order + £6 cashback. Ecto1, found on Google symths were selling for £30 at some point, all sold out as usual, showed the page to a friendly check out girl at TRU, she was happy to price match!! Shuttles were via Very, again opened new account via TCB to received £14 back. Used a Amazon gift card for the Mansion using the £7 promo deal they was doing a few weeks back! And breath....

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1 hour ago, cladner said:

Star Wars Microfighters at 50% off has been just about the best performing lego investment i've made in the last 2 years.

buying and selling over 60 $5 Tie interceptors and Millennium Falcons and selling them for $26 (interceptors) and $36-40 (MF's) with  first class shipping $2.60 anywhere in the US helped make Feb 2016 my 3rd best money making month in the last 2 years.

even the microfighter x -wings which i paid $7 for and sold for $26 were a great investment.

Very nice.

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Haha!! Sorry, not trying to keep secrets!! Opened a new ocardo account via TCB received £20 off first order + £6 cashback. Ecto1, found on Google symths were selling for £30 at some point, all sold out as usual, showed the page to a friendly check out girl at TRU, she was happy to price match!! Shuttles were via Very, again opened new account via TCB to received £14 back. Used a Amazon gift card for the Mansion using the £7 promo deal they was doing a few weeks back! And breathe....

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