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What Lego set did you buy today?

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My kids and I went to TRU and got the JEK-14 starfighter mini build for free for each of them. (only at TRU brick and mortars from 12pm to 2pm on May 4th) Cool little build. I guess technically this should be in the "What LEGO set did you get free today" thread but I don't think there is one.

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My son, daughter, and I attended the May the 4th event at TRU today. I thought the JEK-14 was a cool little build. We each built one, so we left with 3 and an instruction book for each. They are also giving away a free Lego collector book that has details of the Yoda Chronicles and overviews of the 2013 line-up of Star Wars Lego. The JEK-14 starfighter is bigger than I thought it would be when I saw the promotion pictures. We arrived about 12:45 PM after my son's soccer game was finished. It wasn't crowded at all and we had the whole table to ourselves. A few other families showed up as we were finishing our builds.

Did the same with my son, although the TRU we went to was pretty busy. The tables they had set up were full 15 min before noon. It was a bit of a scramble to get the pieces once they put them out on the table - you had parents grabbing the pieces themselves, etc. I had my son go one box at a time and get the ones needed for the set (he is 4). He was pretty excited, and it was an easy build. Also agree that it was bigger than I expected, thought it would be like the planet sets.

Managed to get out of there without buying anything either, haha.

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Just bought a B-Wing. Very happy, as it is the most expensive and largest set I have ever bought, so YAY! for that! Supposed to be shipped on May 16th. TLG has been trolling us. When I first got on at around 1 this afternoon, it was OOS. I refreshed the page 20 minutes later it was out of stock, expected shipping date of May 16th but you could order. Then back to OOS then back and back and back. :P What kind of tricks are they playing on us?

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Well, that imperial flagship I bought off of craigslist.....another scam. At least I was smart enough to pay with paypal this time. Seller sent a small lego game instead. I strongly doubt he could have made a mistake of this size. If paypal doesn't do anything, I guess I can do a credit card chargeback too.

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Found a lone Weathertop sitting on a shelf at Target. No sign for it and no clearance sticker so I scanned it and it showed $41.98, so of course I got it. With the Red Card it brought it down to $39.88. This wasn't a set I planned on getting but I knew it was a good deal. It was probably a return that just got put back on the shelf.

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Well, that imperial flagship I bought off of craigslist.....another scam. At least I was smart enough to pay with paypal this time. Seller sent a small lego game instead. I strongly doubt he could have made a mistake of this size. If paypal doesn't do anything, I guess I can do a credit card chargeback too.

Not smart. If they find it in the seller's favor and you do a chargeback, your account gets locked down until you pay the chargeback amount. Smart thing to do was avoid the problem in the first place.

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Grabbed the following with the Target 20% plus 5% (red card) sale: Uruk-Hai Army Orc Forge X2 Mines of Moria Epic Dragon Battle Gandalf Arrives Would have grabbed Helm's Deep but their supply was dusted by the time I got onto Brickpicker and saw the thread. Damn you investors! Stealing from the children! ;-)

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Grabbed the following with the Target 20% plus 5% (red card) sale:

Uruk-Hai Army

Orc Forge X2

Mines of Moria

Epic Dragon Battle

Gandalf Arrives

Would have grabbed Helm's Deep but their supply was dusted by the time I got onto Brickpicker and saw the thread. Damn you investors! Stealing from the children! ;-)

You probably already know this, but if you can find a helms deep and a nice manager, they might price match at the brick & mortar.

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You probably already know this, but if you can find a helms deep and a nice manager, they might price match at the brick & mortar.

Thanks, I'm going to attempt to do this tomorrow if I have time after work.

Also, glad to see you decided to stick around.

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