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I left my house at 7.00AM and came back home at 9.00PM. I traveled by train and walked 10/15 miles.

I'm a little tired but I've found a 4842 HP Hogwarts Castle at -10% RRP in a store.

Not bad. :)

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I left my house at 7.00AM and came back home at 9.00PM. I traveled by train and walked 10/15 miles.

I'm a little tired but I've found a 4842 HP Hogwarts Castle at -10% RRP in a store.

Not bad. :)

Now THAT is dedication! Well done!

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I left my house at 7.00AM and came back home at 9.00PM. I traveled by train and walked 10/15 miles.

I'm a little tired but I've found a 4842 HP Hogwarts Castle at -10% RRP in a store.

Not bad. :)


Well done Biniou!


Just out of curiousity, was it in a little toyshop?


Just picked up 2x 31026 (Bike Shop & Cafe) from Toys R Us along with a dozen or so  (30302) Spiderman Gliders and a 42020 (Twin-rotor Helicopter) to build :D.  All retail prices. 


Went back and got the 2 Robie Houses at retail. Makes 7 for me now and brought up the average to about $145 ea. Grabbed a 6864 at retail and then went and cleared out 5 Below of 38 Mirkwood Elf Guards.

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HD for $100 at TRU after triple codes. Went to check out the new stuff and found 2 of them. The other one had broken seals though. The also had a ghost train for 99, which would be 60 after coupons, but I'm not sure about that one...

May I ask whats the triple codes you use at TRU?

Sent from my SM-N900T using Brickpicker mobile app



Just out of curiousity, was it in a little toyshop?

Half size of an average Toys'r us shop.

I founded some POTC Queen anne's revenge and Dino HQ in the same kind of shop.

I think the biggest toy shops kick the old sets because they do not care about 1 ou 2 remaining sets. Plus they have more customers so less chances to still have old sets. They also can afford to put a discount on the sets they want to get rid off so even less chances to find good deals (unless you go there 2 times every week).

About the smallest shops they can't afford to loose some space with old-fashioned sets and only want the new ones.


The medium sized shops can both afford to keep a small place to older sets and get sets the smallest and biggest shops don't want anymore (same brand / group, of course).


A friend of mine (who works in a toy shop outer town, medium sized) told me the same toy shop in town hadn't enough space so my friend took this shop's older sets. He took a Police Lamborghini set for instance (I let another friend take it because he felt in love with this one :) ).


Used but complete R2D2 for $130 shipped. I have several sealed, but have wanted to build one. Now I can do that, and then resell at a later date once retired. Looking forward to it.

Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker

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Disney Princess

Ariel's Amazing Treasures

Merida's Highland Games

Rapunzel's Trip to the Market x 2 - free with above sets (Target)

The Hobbit

Dol Guldur Ambush - $11.00 x 3 (Walmart)

Legends of Chima

CHI Waterfall - $7 (Walmart)

Whirling Vines - $7 (Walmart)

Considering Walmart is the only place around me to even carry two of the current Hobbit sets, I was surprised to find those Dol Guldur Ambushes on sale at all unadvertised in any way. I suppose it will help make up for missing the big one of Dol Guldur Battle. Anywho, I picked up a couple more Disney Princess sets just to take advantage once more of the free polybag deal they have going on still which I am pretty sure it will end in a couple of days. The sets themselves weren't on sale but who am I to turn down a freebie? :pardon: Those Chima Speedorz continue to linger therefore I have been picking up a couple every once in a while ....so that maybe I won't see them on my next visit. :P

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The wal marts around me are the worst.  The best deal they had was I think the A wing fighter,  the one with ackbar for like 17.

I found a lone A-Wing Fighter stuck somewhere in the clearance aisle recently for that much as well. Also a handful of Forest Ambush sets a whole whopping $0.99 off making them exactly $11. (Oh be still my beating heart. Ha.) I actually wouldn't mind grabbing them all if they were closer to $7 each just for the characters. Anyway, my Walmart tends to be lackluster in its discounts but every now and again, there is what I would consider a mistake in the system thinking about their idea of a typical sale. Ah well, I certainly won't complain. I'm just glad to find anything honestly.
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