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What Lego set did you buy today?

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I just saw some of these on clearance at one of my Shopkos for $47.99, what a steal.

The box wasn't in the greatest condition.  One of the corners smashed and there was a crease along the front.  It was marked at $47.97.  I took it to the scanner and it came up at $10.  For that price I couldn't care less what the box condition was.

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Guest betsy805

craigslist deal 10129 rebel snowspeeder with box, 4502 x wing fighter with box, 4504 millenium falcon, and 7262 tie fighter/y wing.  All for $450.  

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I don't know if it will come in, but online Target down here in Australia had Diagon Alley appear as in stock. Only able to add one to my cart (then went to sold out). It was 20% of retail, so picked it up for $103.20 AUD. I am waiting for a notification to say "whoops, that is not available," but we'll see. Good score if it does get shipped.

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Chima 70005 Laval's Royal Fighter (x2) for $20 a piece - But stupid store put big sticker marking the 50% 0ff

chima 70105 for $7.50 - Stupid store, sticker is on it but it is on plastic so it can come off.  Figure at 50% off I can't go wrong

City 60012 4x4 & diving Boat (x2) .  14.99 each

Chima 70001 Crawley's Claw ripper (x2) 9.00 each

city 60017 Flatbed Truck (X5) 13.29 each


Not Star wars or Hobbit  but I don't think I can go wrong with City sets between 25 and 30% off and Chima at 40 to 50% off is worth a shot as well.

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