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Round 2

Grolim = 1

Darth Lego = 1

Quacs = 4

JoshTX = 4

All entries guessed correctly.

Winner: Draw - Quacs & JoshTX


Castlevania - "House of Vertue" (Quacs)


Starfox - "Do a Barrel Roll" (Quacs)


Metroid - "Night Encounter" (JoshTX)


Gunstar Heroes - "War Zone" (JoshTX)


R-Type - "Somewhere" (JoshTX)


Kid Icarus - "Up in the Sky" (Quacs)


Donkey Kong Country - "DKC" (Darth Lego)


Megaman 5 - "Cystal Catacomb" (Quacs)


Worms - "Sea Battleground" (Grolim)


Secret of Mana - "A Wish" (JoshTX)


Wow, those are nice!  Thanks for sharing.  I'm sure I've played half of those but I'm hopeless with names and the only ones I can think of are Altered Beast for the 1st image and Worms for the "Sea Battleground" one.

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Wow, those are nice!  Thanks for sharing.  I'm sure I've played half of those but I'm hopeless with names and the only ones I can think of are Altered Beast for the 1st image and Worms for the "Sea Battleground" one.

They certainly are awe inspiring in my opinion. I wasn't sure anyone would recognize the Worms referance in the "Sea Battleground" image. I mean, they are really tiny afterall. The Altered Beast "Beasts Reunion" is rather realistic in a way especially the twin headed wolf on the side. Well, I can't give you anything other than a thumbs up!


If anyone can guess the others, 'thumbs up's all around!


The DKC is a Donkey Kong game.

I'm guessing Do a Barrel roll is from BF3. That's a wild guess. :)

I hear a Harp above my head is from Zelda, right?

I have to admit those are really beautiful pieces of art!

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I'll guess a couple, I don't want to use them all up before other people get to play -


Eighties Dive = Space Harrier


Dogs and Bullets = Contra


Speleology's Friends = Lemmings

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I'll guess a couple, I don't want to use them all up before other people get to play -


Eighties Dive = Space Harrier


Dogs and Bullets = Contra


Speleology's Friends = Lemmings

Wowie, all three are right on the money! Heh heh, new highscore! :lol:


Ok ok, this is so fun I have to do one more, "A Wish" is from Secret of Mana.

Oh thank you for knowing that one of all! It's one of those odd titles that doesn't get mentioned often and was one of my favorite SNES RPG's.

And you are right; this is pretty fun!

Here's a hint....that's Samus.

Right again. I'm surprised that one didn't get picked out earlier. The image is kind of dark though but I like it.


Only one that I feel like I don't know is "Warm Encounter", I guess that's an old shooter I never got around to playing.

It was a great shoot em' up from the SNES with a cool soundtrack and usage of 'mode 7' graphics to make it seem 3d'ish.


Still have some more to take a stab at fellas, and there is even more after these!

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