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Retiring Soon - open speculation

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I wish I could catch it!

Does one of these not look like the others?


The latest instock may have been a new run, but if so it was a small one.  it poofed very quickly in the US, though in EU it has a ship date of Sept 7th.  Its also possible that stock was just re-routed or found in a warehouse some where.  Will have to wait for seal codes to know for sure.  But these days Sold Out does not mean much.  I am not putting a fork in anything thats "Sold Out", till around feb or march.  After most retailers do inventory and the Holiday production push has died down.  

But look at the bright side, your money is safer in LEGO than in the stock market...

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I wish I would have requested my employer 10 years ago to invest my pension premium into Lego instead of the stock market. I really do not want to see what a hit my portfolio took today. 

It probably wasn't that bad.  Most of the market bounced back...

Great chance to buy today if you had the right timing.  (I did not....but wish I did.)

Edited by pickleboy
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A correction was well overdue. Curiously, it didn´t happen because of the real problems in Greece which have had measurable costs but has now occurred because of the possibility of problems in China that no one knows to what extent will affect us if at all.

In Lego terms, it is similar to the correction to 7965 when rumours of a remake surfaced - now we have to see what happens when the remake hits the market - maybe it will sink further, maybe it will recover....

A correction was well overdue - it didn´t happen because of the real problems in Greece which have had measurable costs but has now occurred because of the possibility of problems in China that no one knows to what extent will affect us if at all.

In Lego terms, it is similar to the correction to 7965 when rumours of a remake surfaced - now we have to see what happens when the remake hits the market - maybe it will sink further, maybe it will recover....

Edited by valenciaeric
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A smart investor makes money on equities regardless which way the market is heading. Smart money has cashed out and will be back once this correction (or crisis, hard to tell what it will be) is over. 

I read the Telegraph article. I call it a piece to distract people from the equity rout. I doubt it will affect our market (the article that is). In order to invest in Lego, you need to have an interest in it, and most traders laugh at the prospect of investing in toys.

I wouldn't say investing all your money in Lego is a wise thing either. If the shiet really hits the fan you need hard currency (or a good stash of food and a firearm lol) as you can't eat lego. 

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I wouldn't say investing all your money in Lego is a wise thing either. If the shiet really hits the fan you need hard currency (or a good stash of food and a firearm lol) as you can't eat lego. 

You haven't been here too long, so you're not aware that there are a couple of people here that disagree with your idea that you can't eat Lego.

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