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Kmart.com Sale includes 9472 - $50.99 and 9474 $110.49 + FS + 10% off

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Kmart.com has a few items on sale, to include Helm's Deep and Attack on Weathertop

Currently, 9472 is available for shipping, but 9474 is only available for local pickup.

Free shipping over $79 for Shop Your Way Members and code - KMART10PSAVINGS gets you 10% off.

Total, with tax, I was able to get 9472 for $48.33 and 9474 for $104. Not the best deal in the world, but since these are EOL, definitely worth picking up.

Good Luck!

- Ed

Guest ph4tb0i

got a helm's deep for pickup. Thx!


Is there a fee for the shop your way membership? free shipping for free sounds too good to be true

No, it is free. Definitely worth it. I have received over $100 in gift cards just for being a member when I make purchases.


For someone who has neither Helm's Deep nor Weathertop, which of the following do you think is a better investment (investment horizon of 1-4 years)? Thanks. * 3 Helm's Deep or * 6 Weathertop Or would you go with a combination of both (e.***., 2 Helm's Deep and 2 Weathertop)?

Guest eightbrick

Here is my prediction for the value of each in 3 years: Helm's Deep: $200-$360 range, spending 110, so double or triple your money. Weathertop: $90-$150 range, spending 50, so about the same double/triple but I would personally go with the HD, as the value for them is better and the set is overall attractive and iconic. So... maybe stretch it to 3 HD 1W... good luck


For someone who has neither Helm's Deep nor Weathertop, which of the following do you think is a better investment (investment horizon of 1-4 years)? Thanks.

* 3 Helm's Deep or

* 6 Weathertop

Or would you go with a combination of both (e.***., 2 Helm's Deep and 2 Weathertop)?

I haven't been investing long enough to give a truly informed opinion, but most around here seem to believe the larger sets typically yield better returns.


For someone who has neither Helm's Deep nor Weathertop, which of the following do you think is a better investment (investment horizon of 1-4 years)? Thanks.

* 3 Helm's Deep or

* 6 Weathertop

Or would you go with a combination of both (e.***., 2 Helm's Deep and 2 Weathertop)?

Personally I'd go 3 HD and 1 W It depends on how you like to sell. The one think weathertop has going for it are the ringwraiths. If another set with them is released then this set will go down. It was way overpriced to begin with.

Helms deep is well, helms deep. Great set, plus Haldir will not be made again and doubtful for King Theoden too.

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